Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 115 Lost?

Chapter 115 Lost?

"It's not good... it's the scent, it's the scent from our body that stimulated them." The old man shouted suddenly, his expression was full of fear and deep anger, because he faintly sensed that he seemed to be plotted by someone.

Peng! !In an instant, a turbulent wave surged up on him, and the turbulent wave completely submerged him and another old elder. When the turbulent wave disappeared, two figures in a state of embarrassment, soaked all over their bodies, were revealed.

"Damn it, we were too careless."

When the scent on his body dissipated and he sensed that the riot in the rear had gradually returned to calm, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the old man with the wind attribute suddenly changed his expression slightly, as if thinking of something, and immediately said with fierce eyes: "Damn it, could it be that we fell into that kid's way."

After the words fell, there was a bang, and an astonishing murderous aura emanated from him.

Because a large group of them came here, and now the only survivors are only the two of them. When they think of this, they are going to go crazy.

This is a large group of spiritual transformations...

"This is impossible... Black mosquitoes are an ancient species. Ordinary people will never know their existence, and it is even more impossible to understand their habits."

The old man of the water attribute shook his head lightly and muttered, because even he only knew some information about this black mosquito from the secret books in the palace.

This Lost Forest is really mysterious. Only in this outer area, there are such ancient black mosquitoes. What is there in the even more mysterious inner area?
Are there any primordial relics with pure bloodlines?

This thought flashed through their minds, and they became even more afraid of Mizong Forest.

"I didn't expect that the lives of the two of you are really big!" Suddenly, a voice full of ridicule rang from their ears.

"Who?" The two of them changed their expressions in an instant, and their hearts were filled with horror, because although they were distracted, the other party was able to approach them unknowingly, which... they had to be shocked.

"Haven't you been looking for me?" The laughing voice repeated.

Immediately, not long after them, a burst of blue light gushed out from the ground, and the blue light turned into water, instantly condensing a slender body.

This person was Wentian, and the corners of his mouth were lifted up, outlining a mocking arc, looking at the two royal family elders who were soaking wet and with disheveled hair, his eyes were full of amusement.

"It's you kid!" The old man of the wind attribute opened his mouth and roared, his eyes flashed coldly for a moment, and murderous intent shot out from his body.

But the old man with the water attribute seemed much calmer, but his eyes also contracted, showing deep fear, and said with a hint of disbelief: "You designed all of this?"

When he asked this question, even he himself felt incredible, because it would be impossible for someone else to do it.

But the young man in front of him is really too weird, he doesn't look like a human monk at all, he is full of all kinds of mysteries.

"What do you think?" Wentian sneered.

"What? It's really you, kid... You're looking for death, I'm going to tear you apart...!" The wind-attribute old man suddenly became furious, his hair stood on end, like a tiger caught in a rage.

boom!A monstrous aura rose from him, and the howling wind seemed to roll up the entire Lost Forest. With a violent aura, it blasted towards Wentian with the force of a storm.


Wentian snorted coldly, he sprang forward, retreated instead of advancing, waved his hands, and clapped his palms instantly.

"Thousand-Layered Wave Palm!"

Unleashed with all his strength, the waves surged to the sky, submerged in the opponent's storm with overwhelming momentum.

There was a bang, the storm and the waves met, and the wind and clouds suddenly swept away, forming a tornado, sweeping the waves and rushing in all directions.

With a sound of "bang", Wentian's figure flew upside down like a cannonball, and hit a huge rock. With a click, the huge rock was instantly torn apart and turned into countless small stones.

He looked horrified, as if he hadn't expected the opponent's blow to be so powerful.

"Cough cough!" He coughed lightly, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, don't you know a lot of secret techniques? Feel free to use it for the old man!" Seeing his own blow, the old man with wind attribute showed cruelty on his face and licked his chapped lips.

"Second brother, don't get discouraged lightly. This kid is very weird. The two of us should be more cautious." Old Taoist Su with the water attribute came, his eyes full of dignity.

However, the old man with the wind attribute heard the words, but he didn't think so and said in his heart: "Don't worry too much, brother. Last time, I was just careless. A kid in the spirit transformation realm can still fly in the hands of our two brothers?"

There was disdain on his face.


Seeing this, the old man of water attribute sighed softly in his heart, as if he knew his second brother's character was like this, but at this moment, his cultivation base exploded, exuding a powerful aura.

Sensing the powerful aura on the two of them, Wentian panicked, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes, and roared loudly: "You are shameless, you two are so old, you have no shame to bully me, and you have the ability to fight me alone , See if I don’t destroy you.”

Unwilling to growl, he flickered quickly and began to flee backward.

"Sharp-toothed boy, watch this old man tear you to pieces!" Hearing his words, the wind-attributed Elder Su's face turned blue and red, and his heart was full of anger, wishing to tear Wentian to pieces .

"Boy, you have to run away!" His astonishing roar sounded from behind.

Wentian looked flustered, turned around and yelled at him: "I don't die, if I hadn't seen your age, I would definitely make you lie on the ground with a sword like last time."

He roared in his mouth, with an extremely arrogant expression on his face, as if it was true as he said, as long as he drew his sword, he would be able to crush those two elders in the Vientiane Realm.

"Rampant!" the old man shouted angrily, his body was wrapped in a storm, his speed was extremely fast, and he was about to catch up with Wentian.

"It seems that the secret technique that this kid used in the palace before has hurt his foundation, and I'm afraid he hasn't recovered yet, otherwise, he wouldn't have such a demeanor." The water-attribute old man thought to himself, his eyes suddenly Mickey, flashed all the light.

Immediately, he shouted decisively: "Second brother, attack with all your strength and take it down with one blow."

Boom boom boom!At the sound of the words, the energy in his body rose violently, and his aura seemed to soar into the sky, causing a booming sound in the void, and a thick water column suddenly rushed up, carrying the momentum of thousands of troops, straight to the sky.

At the same time, the wind-attribute old man shouted angrily: "Wind Blade Slash!"

The storm suddenly contracted, and began to compress continuously. A five-foot-long wind blade was held in his hand, making a buzzing sound, as if it was powerful enough to cut through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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