Chapter 116
"Go!" he shouted loudly, the huge and fierce wind blade slashed towards Wentian angrily, as if he wanted to cut him in two.

There was a loud bang, and in an instant, the sand and stones in the forest were flying all over the sky, the wind was strong in the air, and the water waves were churning, as if the forest was plunged into a violent storm.

Tens of miles away from here, some monks were looking for elixir in the forest, but when they heard the loud noise and sensed the berserk aura, their expressions were full of shock, and they couldn't help feeling a bad premonition in their hearts.

"What's going on? Could it be that a monster from the Vientiane Realm came out from the depths?" Someone asked with a pale face, and his soul couldn't help trembling.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time!" Some people's eyes were firm, and there was an instant decision in their hearts. In the blink of an eye, the afterglow under their feet flickered, and they began to leave quickly.

Although the Lost Forest is mysterious, in this outer forest, after years of detection, some monks have begun to vaguely figure out some ways, and not long after, many people have rushed out of the forest.

Immediately, they were even more relieved, and there was a throbbing in their eyes.

"I heard that the royal family dispatched two elders from the Vientiane Realm to lead a group of people from the Spirit Transformation Realm into the Lost Forest to hunt down Lin Yefeng and others. Do you think this matter has something to do with them?" A monk remembered and asked .

Um?When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed slightly, and they all looked thoughtfully at the forest where the spiritual mist was thick.

Lost in the forest.

The powerful blow of the two elders of the royal family exploded with shocking power, and immediately, the land within a radius of three miles became unsightly, full of potholes.

However, after the aftermath of the storm passed, there was no trace of Wentian under the broken ground.

"What's going on? Where's the person?" The old man with the wind attribute said in a deep voice, his face looked extremely gloomy, as if water could drip.

"What a cunning boy, but you still can't escape!" With a chirp, before the old man came back to his senses, the figure of the water-attribute old man burst into blue light, with slight ripples, and disappeared from the original place in an instant.

"Hmph..." A storm rolled over, and that old man disappeared instantly.

The two kept skimming through the forest for an unknown amount of time, until they came to a lake before they suddenly stopped. Looking at the lake in front of them, the eyes of the water-attribute old man flashed with doubt.

"Brother, did that damned kid escape to the bottom of this lake?" The wind-attributed Su Lao's eyes were extremely dark and full of murderous intent.

"This kid is indeed lurking at the bottom of this lake, but this kid is extremely cunning. I'm afraid that he will set up an ambush at the bottom of this lake and let us fall into a trap." The old man murmured, his eyes a little hesitant.

"It's just a bereaved dog. The eldest brother is too ambitious for others and destroys his own prestige. If so, then let the younger brother go down alone and capture that little beast!" The wind attribute old man wanted to rush into the lake.

However, at this moment, his elder brother suddenly spoke up and stopped him: "Wait, this kid's Yuanli is of water attribute, if you go down rashly, I'm afraid it will be bad for you, let elder brother come."

While speaking, his figure flashed, and he appeared above the lake in an instant. In an instant, a myriad of aura rose from him, and he pressed down hard on the lake with both hands.

boom! !Following his press, the entire lake suddenly shook, and the water in the lake churned and began to surge rapidly.

"Boy, let's see where you are going to escape this time!" Seeing this scene, the face of the wind-attributed Elder Su showed a grim look, as if he could already see Wentian's frightened and terrified expression.

"Hey... who doesn't have eyes, dares to disturb this king's sleep, can't forgive, never forgive..."

Suddenly, in the churning lake, there was a domineering and violent roar of a beast.

At the same time, a huge vortex suddenly gushed out from the center of the entire lake, and in this vortex, there seemed to be some terrifying monsters rushing out rapidly, emitting a terrifying and powerful aura.

"Not good, it's the demon of Vientiane, and it's still in the late Vientiane period." The water attribute old man who thought he was full of confidence suddenly changed his expression, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Run away!" Like lightning, before his younger brother came back to his senses, he flickered and fled away quickly.

"What... a monster in the Vientiane Realm? Damn it, why is there a Vientiane monster here!" The old man with the wind attribute didn't react slowly, and he only came back to his senses in an instant. His soul trembled, and his body trembled. With a sound, a storm was rolled up and rushed to the distance.

However, in this split second, a huge head emerged from the depths of the lake.

This is a tortoise-shaped skull, which is the size of a room, especially the two pupils that are wide open and full of anger, making people shudder and creepy.

"Roar..." This ferocious creature only showed a head, then opened its huge head, roaring out a terrifying roar.

As soon as the roar came out, it seemed to stimulate some monsters in the depths, and then there were bursts of terrifying beast roars, and the entire Mizong Forest seemed to be completely boiling.

"You two bastards, don't even try to escape!" It uttered human words, its expression full of domineering, faintly resembling a king.

From this point, it can be seen that this is definitely a monster of Vientiane, and after feeling the amazing aura of this monster, one can immediately conclude that the strength of this monster is definitely above the late Vientiane stage .

It was also for this reason that the two elders chose to flee instead of fighting.

"Damn it, why did this happen..." The two royal family elders let out an astonishing roar as they ran away, feeling extremely regretful in their hearts.

If they had known that at the bottom of this lake, there was a sleeping Vientiane monster, even if they were killed, they would not have taken action, but it was already too late.

"It's all about that goddamned kid. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be here!"

"Huh? Did that kid lure us here on purpose?"

"This is impossible……"

Thinking of this thought, the two of them felt a turmoil in their hearts, and their expressions were deeply shocked.


"If you disturb this king's deep sleep, you will die!"

However, just when the two of them had a lot of thoughts in their minds, the giant monster in the lake raised its head to the sky and roared.

Immediately, a vortex appeared in the mouth, a powerful force full of icy breath began to condense rapidly, forming a ball of energy in an instant.


As it roared again, a beam of light burst out from its mouth, cutting through the void like a meteor.

"Not good!" Sensing the monstrous attack from behind, the two of them were terrified to the extreme, and they panicked and let out heart-piercing roars.


The beam of light passed by, and their roars stopped abruptly, but the entire sky was completely frozen by a monstrous force of ice, and there was an aura that was so cold that it made one's soul freeze in a radius of tens of miles.

(End of this chapter)

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