Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 121 Weird Valley

Chapter 121 Weird Valley
"Ahem!" Wentian coughed up blood, his eyes burst into shock.

Immediately, a ruthless light flashed in his eyes and he said: "You two damned fellows, when I, Lin Wentian, become stronger, I will definitely beat you up."

A moment of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and immediately, his figure flickered, and he left from where he was.

He didn't want to look at it at all, the final result of the fight between the two monsters, for him, what he wants most now is to get away from these two terrifying monsters as soon as possible.

He wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth, his body was extremely flexible, and he moved quickly through the forest, often in some mysterious places, he chose to go around, as if there were some terrifying beasts lurking in those places.

This is also why he can do this. If it were other people, they would not be able to be like him at all, as if they knew everything about this place.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, his body cultivation suddenly stopped, looking at the valley in front of him surrounded by spiritual mist, his eyes flashed.

"Based on time, Third Uncle and the others should have entered by now." He murmured.

He took a deep breath, his eyes were firm, his figure flickered, and he rushed into the valley decisively.

If people saw this scene, their jaws would drop in shock, not because of anything, but because they stepped into this valley, which was already within the inner circle of the Lost Forest, and ordinary people could not even imagine what kind of crisis there was.


When Lin Yefeng and the others stepped into this valley, their expressions were filled with surprise and suspicion, because what appeared in front of them was a cliff as deep as ten feet deep.

I thought it was a valley, but I didn't expect that after entering, it would turn into a cliff. This strange scene made their minds extremely shocked, and their eyes were full of horror.

"My God! What the hell is going on here?"

"Could it be that the valley we vaguely saw before is actually fake, just an illusion?"

Someone exclaimed, with a look of deep fear.

Not only him, but most of the people here were buzzing in their heads, as if they hadn't fully reacted yet, and were stunned for a while.

As the leader of this group of people, Lin Yefeng, at this time, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain. Obviously, even if he believed in Wentian in his heart, seeing the scene in front of him, his heart began to waver.

After all, any decision he makes is not only related to him alone, but to the life and death of a group of people. Every step he takes must be careful.

"There is no way to go here. If we go one step further, I am afraid we will fall into the abyss. We should leave this ghost place quickly." Someone screamed.

As soon as these words came out, many people suddenly turned around and looked at the road they walked in before. However, when they turned around, their expressions suddenly changed, and their minds went blank.

"Ah... what's going on here?"

In the eyes of everyone, the road they walked before suddenly disappeared strangely, but there was an extra sea, and the place where they stood was a high peak.

There is an abyss in front, and there is a boundless sea in the back, and a huge phantom looms in the sea, as if some peerless sea beast is hidden in it.

"It's impossible. Could it be that we've fallen into an illusion?" Someone roared wildly, with a look of madness, as if he couldn't accept this matter for a while.


"No! It's true, I can feel the pain."

Someone slapped himself suddenly, and then his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hey! Look, there seems to be something glowing under the abyss!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed again.

Um?When everyone heard the words, they all looked at the same place, but this look made their faces pale for a while, and their bodies couldn't help trembling instinctively.

"That's the pupil of a monster!" Someone exclaimed, and immediately everyone's legs moved back involuntarily.

"Ah..." A scream sounded.

Then, there was a "poof" sound of falling into the water, and immediately, in the terrified eyes of the crowd, the monk who fell into the sea was instantly swallowed by a shadow in the sea.

In the blink of an eye, a splash of blood gushed out of the sea.

"Don't..." Someone yelled heart-piercingly, his eyes were blood red, as if he had fallen into madness, if someone else forcibly pulled him, he might have rushed into the sea.

At this moment, everyone's complexions turned pale, their hearts were extremely shocked, and they felt a wave of coolness behind their backs.

"Everyone, calm down, stand where you are, and don't move around." Just when everyone was terrified, Lin Yefeng's voice suddenly exploded in everyone's minds.

In an instant, everyone heard his words, and their hearts were a little more settled, but their eyes still showed panic.

Lin Yefeng looked solemn, his brows were tightly frowned, and suddenly, he slapped the wheelchair vigorously.

With a bang, with his slap, the wheelchair he had been sitting in for ten years was instantly torn apart, while the person's figure had already flashed, and instantly rose up, standing in the void.

His eyes are as sharp as a blade, and his body naturally exudes a murderous aura. Although his figure is thin, but here, a violent wind force is spinning around him, making him reveal a domineering momentum. Like a king in a storm.

The power of Vientiane, the power he suddenly erupted, is indeed the power of Vientiane, and it is much stronger than some Vientiane early stage, and it may have reached the edge of the peak in the early stage.

After all, in the secret room before Wentian, his aura of heaven and earth was ten times that of the outside world, plus his original talent was extraordinary, so it is not surprising that he has such a cultivation level.

However, this scene fell in the eyes of everyone, but it was too unimaginable, and some people even exclaimed with horror.

"What? The third master has broken through to the Vientiane Realm?"

"Ah... his legs... his legs..."

In an instant, everyone's complexion changed again and again. Looking at the king-like Lin Yefeng, their minds buzzed and their brains went into chaos. Some even thought that what they saw was just an illusion.

"No... this is an illusion, this is definitely an illusion."

Among these people, only Zhou Bo and Ye Tian looked much calmer, as if they had known it for a long time.

Compared with everyone's horrified expressions, the three Lin Hu brothers felt ecstasy in their hearts, and secretly said happily: "The Vientiane Realm, it really is so."

Just when everyone's hearts were shaking, Lin Yefeng opened his eyes wide.

Boom, a more powerful aura rose from his body, causing his black hair to dance wildly, full of domineering intent.

Immediately, under the shocked eyes of everyone, he waved his hands wildly, and suddenly pressed against the void.

boom! !With this press of his, the violent storm in the air immediately exploded with an incomparably ferocious storm force, as if it was about to sweep up the entire void.

Feeling this monstrous power, the expressions of the people below changed drastically, even those dark guards whose cultivation base had reached the late stage of spirit transformation also set off turbulent waves in their hearts.

("Wanlongwudi" and "Lingtian Bajian" recommend two books, you can go and see if they suit your taste. ^o^)

(End of this chapter)

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