Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 122 The Difference of Menger

Chapter 122 The Difference of Menger
At this moment, what shocked them was not Lin Yefeng's early recovery of his legs, but Lin Yefeng's powerful omnipotent power.

Although there is only one step away between the Late Transformation Spirit Stage and the Vientiane Realm, many of them have already stayed at this step for several years, which shows how difficult this step is.

Therefore, looking at Lin Yefeng's domineering figure, fiery colors flashed in their eyes.

"One day, we will reach the realm of all things." Some monks clenched their fists tightly, full of fighting spirit in their hearts, as if the fear in their hearts before had completely disappeared due to the storm of Lin Yefeng.

When the whole sky returned to calm again, Lin Yefeng stood in the air with an extremely gloomy expression on his face.

He originally thought that this place was just an illusion, or in a certain formation, so he wanted to use his omnipotent power to break through this illusory space.

However he was disappointed.

"What the hell is going on? Wentian never said that this would happen!" In an instant, his heart suddenly became extremely heavy.

"Ho Ho Ho!!" Just as he lost his mind, from the bottom of the cliff and the deep sea behind, there were earth-shattering animal roars, and at this moment, powerful auras burst forth suddenly.

"Not good! There is something rushing up from below."

"Ah...that's a monster, the monster of everything."

"Run away..."

In an instant, many people started to flee in all directions.

Of course, these people are all at the Spirit Transformation Realm. After all, only when they reach the Spirit Transformation Realm can they fly in the air.

As for those who couldn't fly, their faces were extremely pale, their bodies trembled, and their eyes were at a loss as if they were terrified.

"Come back, don't rush!" Lin Yefeng yelled, but he still took a step slowly. In the blink of an eye, many of them rushed to the distance and disappeared instantly, as if they broke into another world.

Ho Ho Ho... The roar of the beast shocked the sky, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of huge beast shadows suddenly rushed out from the cliff and the depths of the boundless sea.

Looking at these huge beast shadows, everyone's expressions were terrified, and the hairs all over their bodies couldn't help standing on end.

"Bastard, get off!" Lin Yefeng's furious roar sounded in the void.

boom!With a wave of his hand, a tornado gushed out instantly, rushing towards one of the monsters.

However, even though he possessed the power of all phenomena, he was still powerless against ten tens of myriad phenomena demons. people, launched a violent attack.

"Not good! Everyone, hurry up, or you will die." Someone shouted in shock.

Everyone came back to their senses, a look of madness flashed in their eyes, and when their cultivation base rose violently, they even burst out the strongest learning.

Boom boom boom! !The whole world seemed to be completely boiling, and there were bursts of thunderous rumbles.

"Bang... ah..." The screams continued, and in the blink of an eye, the whole world was stained with blood, and there was a depressing atmosphere.

"Meng'er be careful!" Suddenly, Shi Zhong exclaimed.


I saw, in front of Meng'er, a ferocious monster raised its giant claws and slammed down on her petite body, as if it wanted to pat her into a meat paste.

Facing the monsters in the Vientiane Realm, Meng'er seemed to have fallen into an illusion, her eyes were lost, and she stood there motionless, as if she didn't notice the danger coming.

Seeing that Meng'er was about to be hit by the giant claws, everyone's expressions changed drastically at this moment, especially Zhou Bo, Shi Zhong and others, flying towards Meng'er as if they were in a frenzy.

However, at this critical moment, a slender figure came from afar with a chirping sound.

Immediately, he stood in front of the dazed Meng'er, raised a finger, and lightly touched the forehead of the huge monster.

When he pointed it out, there was no monstrous power or mighty sound at all, but under his seemingly ordinary finger, the giant beast showed a look of fear, like a slender figure appearing in front of it , is the real beast.

"Peng!" The finger hit the giant beast's eyebrows, and immediately there was a sound of Peng, and I saw that giant beast with a huge body that exuded a myriad of monsters suddenly exploded at this moment, and a mysterious creature was faintly visible between the giant beast's eyebrows. , instantly turned into nothingness.

Everyone who saw this scene gasped involuntarily.

The demon of all phenomena was easily wiped out with a single finger, what kind of cultivation level does this person have, and how sacred is he?There was a buzzing in everyone's mind, and their eyes were terrifying.

In the sight of everyone, I saw this slender figure slowly turning around.

This person is tall and slender, with smooth and shiny black hair fluttering in the wind. Although his delicate face still has a touch of childishness, it gives people a sense of calmness and maturity, especially in his eyes. His light flashes from time to time, like a ghostly power, which can attract everyone's attention, just like his smile and frown, can make countless girls go crazy.

He is Lin Wentian!

"'s Master Wentian!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

"What? The young master is here too?"

Immediately, everyone looked ecstatic, and the panic in their hearts seemed to be dissipated at this moment. It can be seen that, unconsciously, Wentian's position in their hearts has surpassed that of Lin Yefeng.

"Ask God!"

Lin Yefeng, whose whole body was cultivated violently, launched a frenzied attack with several Vientiane monsters, his expression was overjoyed, as if he was blessed with strength, the attack in his hands became even more violent.

But when everyone was pleasantly surprised, Wentian's expression suddenly became solemn, because he noticed that Meng'er at this moment, as if she had lost her soul, became disoriented, and her pupils lost color.

Suddenly, at this moment, a burst of white light burst out from Meng'er's body. This white light was full of sacred and mysterious atmosphere, as if there was an illusion that made people feel small, as if Meng'er was a saint in the sky, representing with sacred.

With the emergence of this white light, a strange mark appeared on Meng'er's forehead, causing her whole body to float slowly, as if being supported by a mysterious force.

Seeing this astonishing scene, Wentian's heart was filled with turmoil, and his eyes were incomparably horrified.

"Is it because of her?"

As if thinking of something, Wentian's face suddenly darkened, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the she he was talking about was the woman lurking in Meng'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

Often when he thinks that there is a strange woman lurking in Meng'er's sea of ​​consciousness, he will feel a lot of pressure in his heart, what's more, he dare not mention this matter to anyone, let alone Meng'er.


At the same time, when the holy light bloomed on Meng'er's body and a strange mark flashed on her forehead, in the distant void, a huge lion-shaped monster with two heads was flying in the air with a box behind it... ………

(End of this chapter)

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