Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 168 Dao Palace Appears

Chapter 168 Dao Palace Appears

During this time, no matter where the monks were, they all felt a surge of air, and the appearance of this breath immediately made them feel as small as ants.

Everyone was shocked and their eyes were filled with horror.

However, when they came back to their senses, they showed even more excited and excited expressions.

"Daozi inheritance, such a monstrous aura, must have been born in that Taoist palace."

"Let's go! Even if you can't get the Taoist inheritance, you have to get other treasures in the Taoist Palace."


In an instant, all the cultivation bases of the people rose violently and rushed away at the fastest speed.

This inexplicable aura, not to mention human monks, even some monsters felt it one after another. I saw them all showing fearful expressions, crawling on the ground, as if meeting a king among their own kind.

"Has it finally appeared?" The strange man with a pair of tentacles suddenly raised his head and muttered, his eyes flashed with excitement.

At the same time, Wentian's expression suddenly changed, and his body stopped immediately, standing in the void.

"Is the Taoist inheritance? In that case, the money, gold and silver will definitely go, as well as that person." He said with a cold expression.

In the past, Lin Wentian had already made a vow in his heart that he would never give up on revenge, because until now, he still often thinks of Shangguan Chong's disdainful look at him at that time, and the other party's arrogant look. laughter.

Thinking of this, anger grew in his heart.

There was a flash of madness in his eyes, and immediately, he sprinted towards the direction of the torrential weather.

At this moment, as long as the people who were still alive in the trial site, they all acted excitedly.

However, at this moment, at the place where Fang Hao, Feng Yunlin and the others were before, there was a huge earth-shattering rumbling sound erupting from the entire earth, and there was even a burst of mountain shaking and ground shaking. Break out from the ground.

"Sure enough it's here!" Feng Yunlin said, with a strong look of joy in his eyes, as for the two people beside him, Feng Yuntian and Jue Wuxin, their faces were also agitated.

The boy in black was also here, with the corners of his mouth raised, forming an inexplicable smile.

Boom, the earth is booming, like landslides and ground cracks, and like the destruction of heaven and myriad worlds, a monsoon of weather is produced. Under this breath, it is as if any creature is the existence of that ant.

Immediately, under the horrified and shocked eyes of the crowd, the earth shattered inch by inch, and then, an ancient palace several times larger than the entire capital slowly sprang out from the ground.

Immediately, the entire sky seemed to be gloomy, as if the birth of this ancient palace had caused the entire trial world to be under inexplicable pressure, as if the sky was about to collapse.

The palace is very old, as if it has existed in the world since ancient times, especially in some palace walls, it seems that the patterns of ancient beasts are vivid, as if they have actually appeared here.

"Bang!" There was a loud bang.

Immediately, the ancient palace rising from the ground settled down.

However, at this moment, a sound of vicissitudes that seemed to come from a different time and space, suddenly sounded: "The Taoist palace is now, and the Taoist inheritance is opened."

"Om!" Although the voice of vicissitudes was not very loud, for some reason, his voice could resound in the minds of all the testers.

"Wow! The Taoist inheritance is finally about to appear!"

"I don't know who will get the position of Daoist in the end?" Some monks said in amazement.

Of course, the strength of these monks is only at the Yuanyuan Realm. In fact, they have already known in their hearts that their chances of getting the position of Taoist will be extremely slim.

Therefore, they dare not expect extravagantly at all, and they only hope that they can be satisfied with all they can get in the Dao Palace. After all, in the Dao Palace, there are not only the inheritance of Daozi, but also some other precious treasures, such as kung fu. Laws, weapons, etc.

"Let's go!" Immediately, excitement flashed in everyone's eyes, and the speed of the Mercedes-Benz increased a lot.

At the entrance of a valley, here, a young man's eyes were full of murderous intent, and there was a strong sense of unwillingness deep in his pupils.

When he heard the vicissitudes of life, his face changed for a while, and finally his face became ferocious, and he said coldly: "My dear brother, I will let you live for two more days for the time being. After I get the position of Daozi, don't say anything. If it's you, even the Qian family will be trampled under my feet."

Immediately, his figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

"The Qian family is my rich family. No matter who it is, I will not let him destroy this family." Fatty's firm voice sounded from a certain corner of the valley.

The next moment, he set his sights on the bead in his hand.


"What? This is the Dao Palace rumored to be so majestic?" When some people came to the Dao Palace, they gasped.

"Such a large palace, could it be that there is an imperial kingdom inside?" Someone even asked in horror, with deep disbelief in his words.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

However, when these people lost their minds, many monks rushed past them and rushed into the Dao Palace with extreme speed.

"Huh?" Everyone came back to their senses immediately, cursed themselves even more, and immediately burst into a groan, their energy surged, and they rushed into the palace like scrambling, as if they were afraid that they would be one step too late, and they would get nothing.

The Taoist Palace was only half an hour in the world, and hundreds of people rushed into it. An hour later, a man in white appeared in the void.

He is Shangguan Chong.

Looking at the majestic and majestic Taoist Palace in front of him, his eyes flashed brightly: "The position of Taoist is none other than my Shangguan Chong. I want to make Shangguan's family the first in Chiyue."

In the next moment, there was a flash of residual light on his body, and he also rushed into the palace.

However, not long after, slight ripples appeared in the void, and the figure of Wentian appeared. In an instant, his brows frowned, as if he had faintly sensed something.

"Is it the Dao Palace?"

A strange light flashed in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, and immediately, his figure flickered, and he disappeared instantly.


At the moment when he rushed into the Dao Palace, there was a series of astonishing animal roars, and in an instant, shock appeared on his face, and his whole body was like a bolt from the blue.

"This is?"

In his line of sight, there appeared a piece of land full of barbaric atmosphere. On the land, there were many ancient trees, strange rocks stood up, and there was a monstrous roar, as if returning to the ancient times.

"Ah..." Just as he was in a daze, there were screams in front of him.

In an instant, he quickly came back to his senses and turned his gaze away, but this look made his whole soul tremble.

"Ancient remnants, Vajra Giant Ape, ancient remnants, Wind Ripper Demon Eagle?"


When he saw the two huge beasts not far away, he couldn't help but gasp.

(End of this chapter)

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