Chapter 169

As long as the two words of "relict species" are mentioned, they are all monsters with amazing strength. The blood flowing in the body of these ancient relict monsters is amazing. .

Rumor has it that the ancient ferocious beasts were born with the treasure of life, because their bodies had noble blood, and they were bred into a fine bone.

However, it is also because of these fine bones that the later people gradually became stronger.

Because even if some ferocious beasts die, the bones in their bodies will remain. After some human monks get them, they will be able to study the secrets in their bones and practice shocking treasures.

Therefore, when talking about the ancient remnants, some people felt both fear and excitement in their hearts. They never thought that Wentian would encounter two ancient relics just after entering the Dao Palace.

"Although it's only at the peak of Spirit Transformation, it's probably much stronger than those in the early stage of Vientiane." Sensing the aura emanating from these two ancient relics, Wentian's heart instantly became heavy.

"Help me!" Suddenly, help came from the front.


The giant vajra ape, a remnant of ancient times, uttered shocking beast roars, and those thick arms, as if they had the power to break mountains and crack the ground, frantically slapped his chest, which was as strong as god iron, and there came a thunderous roar. like noise.

Long! !It slapped out violently with a single palm, and there was a loud bang. The whole earth shook and shattered inch by inch. The towering ancient trees were destroyed in an instant, beyond recognition.

With a "poof", some monks had no time to dodge, and were smashed into blood by it at that moment, leaving no bones.

When some monks saw this scene, their whole souls trembled suddenly, and boundless fear surged in their hearts.


A huge phantom appeared in the sky, and on the other end was a species of Relic Wind Ripper, which was spreading its huge wings that seemed to cover the sky and the sun, hovering in the air.

In an instant, it roared, and its giant wings flapped suddenly, blowing up an extremely powerful storm, sweeping towards the people below.

"Not good! Run away, everyone." Someone exclaimed.

I thought that if I entered this palace, I would get the treasure, but I didn't expect that if I didn't see the treasure, I would die in Huangquan now. Some people felt regretful when they thought of this.

"Trial of the Taoist, trial of the Taoist... This is no trial, this is a complete murder." Someone said sadly.

The primordial remnants who have reached the peak of spirit transformation, let alone those who are in the refining realm, I am afraid that even the monks in the late stage of transformation and the peak of spirit transformation will not be able to compete with these ancient remnants.

After all, the strength of monsters is stronger than that of human monks on the whole, let alone these ancient relics with extraordinary blood.

Thinking of this, many people are filled with bitterness.

Wentian, who was not far away, saw this scene, and his expression suddenly changed. Although many of these people had attacked him before, no matter what, these people are Chi Yue's future. Li didn't want them to be massacred by fierce monsters.

"Damn, how could this be? Is this the so-called Daozi trial?" He roared in his heart.

But there was no other way, because with his distance, even if he wanted to rescue him, he would be powerless.

In an instant, the earth shook violently, the sky exploded, and the wind blew violently. Some boulders and ancient trees were rolled up one after another, as if troubled times were coming.

When the storm calmed down, the ground was a scene of horror, with horrific wreckage everywhere, even though Wen Tian had killed many people, seeing such a tragic situation, his soul could not help but tremble.

"Huh?" Suddenly, his expression changed, as if he had noticed something, and he turned his gaze to the distance, only to see several figures flashing past in the void in the distance.

Seeing this, he frowned, doubts flashing across his eyes.

"The appearance of these two ancient relics is because of them?"

When this guess appeared in his mind, he was shocked all over, and his eyes were filled with strong murderous intent.

Although he doesn't like those who are selfish and blinded by profit, he is unwilling to kill those who can't bear it or have great hatred, just like those who attacked with Ji Baojun before. In the end, he just took the other party's space ring and spared their lives.

But now, regardless of good or bad, wrong or right, so many Chi Yue's geniuses have been killed, he naturally has the killing intent in his heart.

"I hope it's not you, otherwise..." His voice was cold.

"Ah... what the hell is going on?"

"What? Those two monsters...could they be the ancient relics in the ancient book?"

When some people came in, they all looked horrified, their scalps exploded, and they felt even more horrified when they saw the broken land not far away, the scene full of wreckage and blood.

"Roar...beep!" Maybe they sensed their existence, and saw the ferocious roar of the two monstrous ancient remnants.

In an instant, everyone changed their colors, and their faces were as pale as snow for a while.


At the same time, in a void, several figures flashed out.

"Brother Feng is indeed a person who has participated in the trial, but he blocked those annoying ants so easily." Fang Hao, a boy in black, said with a smile.

"It's still with the help of Young Master Fang, otherwise, with the three of us alone, I'm afraid it would be difficult to lure those two beasts here." Feng Yunlin said with a smile.

It's just that in his smile, there is a deep sense of jealousy hidden, because not long ago, he finally felt the amazing strength of the black-clothed boy in front of him.

In the late stage of spiritual transformation, I never thought that this young boy actually possessed the late stage of spiritual transformation. When he heard the news, his heart was full of turmoil.

He thought that with the three great geniuses of Fengyun Empire, plus he had participated in the Daozi trial, he would be sure to get the Daozi position, but now, he couldn't help feeling faintly worried.

Immediately, he said again: "Young Master Fang has such an unfathomable cultivation at his age, which really makes Feng feel ashamed. Dare I ask Young Master Fang, who is such a master?"

Not only him, but even Feng Yuntian and Jue Wuxin beside him were full of boundless curiosity about the identity of the boy in black.

After Fang Hao heard the words, he didn't say anything, but there was a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.


With a sound of "chi", a golden light rushed in from the entrance, and immediately, the golden light converged, revealing a monk with a slightly fat body and small eyes.

When he entered and saw the two ancient relics in front of him, his small eyes suddenly opened, revealing only a crack like a line.

"Huh?" Wentian's expression froze, and he suddenly felt a threat in the invisible. In an instant, he turned his head and looked at Monk Wukong.

However, this look made his eyes shrink suddenly: "Buddhist cultivator?"


"I didn't expect that there would be evil spirits doing evil here. It's really intolerable. As a Buddhist, I have great wisdom and compassion. I don't want to see the world suffer. Therefore, I have a way to deal with it." I wonder if you would like to listen to these two fierce monsters."

Suddenly, a burst of Buddha's light burst out from Monk Wukong's body, making him solemn and holy, like a high-ranking monk who has attained the Tao.

Wentian heard this, his expression moved slightly, and he stared curiously at the Wukong monk in front of him.

However, when some monks who had a relationship with Monk Wukong saw this scene, the corners of their mouths twitched suddenly, with a look of hatred.

Some even said cruelly: "It's this shameless bald donkey again."

(End of this chapter)

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