Chapter 171
"Everyone, don't be in a daze, take advantage of Master Wukong to trap the fierce monster for us, and I will rush over."

"That's right! Rush!"

Immediately, everyone reacted one after another, their expressions full of excitement.

Some people even shouted loudly: "Holy Monk Wukong, I have received the kindness this time, Wang Feng. If there is a chance in the future, Wang will definitely repay it twice."

With a whoosh, the person's figure froze, turning into a beam of light and rushing out.

"Let's go!" Seeing this, other people's cultivation bases jumped up one after another, wanting to take this opportunity to rush over, as if they had already forgotten in their hearts that Monk Wukong told them to protect the formation before.


However, just when they were about to break through to the side of the two fierce monsters, the ancient remnants of the King Kong giant ape and the ancient remnant of the wind magic eagle all roared with anger, and their eyes began to turn red. Rampage in the formation.

"Beasts, don't be rampant, I'm here, I won't let you do anything wrong." In an instant, the monk Wukong shouted, his expression was full of anger, and he frantically squeezed the seal in his hand.

But soon, his face became paler and paler, as if he had exhausted the power in his body and began to show signs of exhaustion.

"Boom boom boom!!" The ten-foot-long body of the giant ape vajra raged furiously, especially its hammer-like fist, which continuously bombarded the formation, causing deafening bangs.

"Qiang clang!!" The blade-sharp feathers on the Splitting Wind Demon Eagle were completely glowing red, and in an instant, the sword feather shot out violently, producing a sharp and ear-piercing sound.

"Naughty animal! Pfft..."

Monk Wukong's expression suddenly changed drastically, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. Because of this, his Demon Subduing Demon Formation shook for a while, as if it was about to shatter.

The instability of the formation made the two ancient remnants start to struggle frantically. The Vajra Giant Ape roared up to the sky, and suddenly swung a violent punch, blasting at the monks who were about to rush over.

"Not good! Everyone run away!"

"Go back!"

Immediately, everyone's complexion changed drastically. The excitement in their hearts before had disappeared without a trace, and they were extremely shocked at this moment.

However, at this moment, Wen Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and the next moment, he left.

He stepped on the Longyou Taixu step, the shadow of the dragon under his feet flashed and disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared next time, he was already standing in front of the Vajra Giant Ape.

Seeing the giant fist of the Vajra Giant Ape slamming down, a golden light flashed in his eyes. In an instant, his whole body was covered with golden light, the blood in his body was boiling, and there was a mighty sound. , naturally, exuding a domineering momentum.


With an angry shout, immediately, his fist seemed to be entangled with a golden dragon, and with a force of destruction, he blasted out the most powerful punch of this physical body.

boom!With a punch, suddenly, the void suddenly exploded, as if the power of his punch had reached the power to smash the void.

However, when the King Kong giant ape, which is a remnant of the ancient times, looked at Wentian, who was as weak as an ant, and dared to collide with it with his fist, the corner of its mouth showed cruelty.


Immediately, it let out a shocking roar, as if punching the sky, it was an insult to it, and the power of the fist was raised to the peak, as if it wanted to use the power of a punch to wipe out the ant that dared to challenge it .

"Brother Gu, be careful!"

Some people were shocked when they saw this astonishing scene. No matter what they thought, they never imagined that Wentian, who is a human being, would dare to head-on with a monster. Moreover, the opponent was not an ordinary monster, but an ancient monster. The remnant, King Kong giant ape who is king by strength.


In the astonished eyes of everyone, two fists, one big and one small, collided in an instant, and in an instant, a loud noise rang out in everyone's ears, and they suddenly felt a buzzing in their heads. Feeling dizzy even more.

When they came back to their senses, they were astonished as if they had seen a ghost. They couldn't help but gasped, feeling that the scene in front of them was very unreal, and suspected that they were in an illusion.

"This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Some people shouted wildly as if they had lost their minds.

In their shocked eyes, a figure like a pillar piercing the sky stood upright like this, as if even if the sky fell, he still had the momentum to not collapse.

Although that figure is small, his eyebrows and spirit are like that unyielding divine sword, his black hair is flying, and his body naturally exudes a domineering momentum, as if no matter who the opponent is, his steps will not retreat step.

He is Lin Wentian.

At this moment, it was the giant vajra ape opposite him who couldn't help taking a step back. The original expression full of arrogance and cruelty suddenly turned into incomparable panic.

Especially on its huge fist, a few drops of blood splashed.

"Hiss..." Seeing this unbelievable scene, everyone's eyes were filled with astonishment, and their entire souls shook.

"Ancient Heaven, Ancient Heaven..."

"His physical body is comparable to the ancient remnants!" Someone murmured as if he had fallen into an illusion.

"No... His physical body is stronger than the ancient remnants, and I'm afraid he can match those ancient remnants whose bloodlines are against the ancestors in the rumors." He said humanely again, his eyes full of fear.

Wentian had known for a long time that his physical body was stronger than some ordinary monsters. After all, he had refined a lot of blood pills back then, but he never thought that he would be so strong that he could compete with the existence of the ancient fierce monsters. contend.

Thinking of this, he was even more excited.

"Come again!" He yelled wildly, his body aura roared, his forehead suddenly shone with a golden light, and the imprint of the dragon pattern flashed, and immediately, the domineering aura on his body was even stronger.

With a bang, in an instant, he punched even more violently.


Seeing this scene, the Vajra Giant Ape roared instantly, and the berserk breath became even more violent, and the hair on its body glowed with gold, as if it had turned into an invincible war ape.

It roared and swung its fist, colliding with Wentiankuang.

"Boom boom boom!!" Immediately, the entire sky exploded, and there was a loud noise, as if the world was about to collapse.

"Hey!!" The Splitting Wind Demon Eagle also went berserk, and the sword feathers burst out like thousands of swords, and its aura was so overwhelming that some ordinary people who touched it would be instantly pierced by the sword feathers.

"Pfft!!" However, at this moment, the monk Wukong's complexion changed drastically again, blood spurted out of his mouth, his face was as pale as snow, and his aura shrank rapidly.

"Not good, Master Wukong's Demon Subduing Demon Formation is about to be broken!"

"Everyone, don't be dazed anymore, help Master Wukong to protect the formation, otherwise, even if Gu Tian restrains the Vajra Giant Ape, once the Wind Splitting Demon Eagle breaks out of the formation, with our cultivation base, we will definitely be close to death."

Suddenly, someone shouted.

"Master Wukong, we are here to help you!"

Puffy! !Their cultivation bases exploded, and Yuan Li frantically rushed towards the formation.

Some of them looked at the Wukong monk sitting cross-legged in the void with complex expressions, his face was extremely pale, but he was still gritting his teeth and persevering, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

They struggled for a while.

It's as if he still hasn't let go of the fact that he cheated on him before.

However, when they saw more and more people joining the formation, their eyes became ruthless, and their figures also violently swelled, and Yuan Li rushed into the formation crazily.

However, at this moment, Monk Wukong with a pale complexion suddenly raised his eyes, and the corners of his mouth even drew an arc.

(End of this chapter)

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