Chapter 172
At this moment, Monk Wukong's pale as snow face suddenly showed a strange smile. Immediately, the Buddha's light on his body exploded and turned into a beam of light. Before everyone had time to react, he rushed out quickly.

During this time, Wentian and the giant vajra ape were blaring with excitement. Even if Monk Wukong left, he didn't seem to notice it at all. As for the monks who guarded the formation, when they found out, Monk Wukong had turned into a beam of light and disappeared behind them. in front of you.

"Ah... Isn't Master Wukong seriously injured? Why did the breath on his body suddenly become so powerful." Someone exclaimed.

Some people were stunned for a moment, then quickly returned to their senses, showing hatred, and suddenly let out a shocking roar: "Damn bald donkey, he was tricked by him again, he was not injured at all."

This person's voice was filled with boundless hatred, and his complexion turned ashen.

"I'm so mad at you, I'm so mad at you!"

"Shameless bald donkey, you'd better pray that I don't catch you, or I will cut you to pieces." Someone swears fiercely.

"Hey!!" Without Monk Wukong presiding over the formation, the power of the formation rapidly weakened, and the Splitting Wind Magic Eagle started to strike violently, boom boom boom!There was a strong vibration in the void.

"Not good! This formation is about to break! Everyone, don't hold back your hands, and make a quick move, otherwise, once this ancient remnant comes out, we will be slaughtered." Someone exclaimed.

"damn it!"

Everyone roared, hating Monk Wukong hundreds of times and thousands of times in their hearts.

Originally, when they saw that he forcibly suppressed the two beasts with Buddhist magic for everyone, regardless of his own life, everyone felt grateful to him, but they did not expect that the previous scenes were nothing but premeditated by him for a long time. It's just a jerk.

His real purpose is to set up the formation, and then use the cause of his serious injury to get other people to join the formation. At this time, he can even pull out and escape by himself.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes were fierce, their teeth were gritted, and their hearts felt intensely unwilling, especially those monks who had been deceived by him before, and they almost hated themselves here.

They hate themselves for being stupid.

Whoosh! !

Monk Wukong's speed was extremely fast, and he fled to the opposite side in just a few breaths. Immediately, his body was suddenly shaken by the Buddha's light, and his originally pale face suddenly returned to rosy.

He raised his eyes and showed a smug expression.

"The Buddha said: The destiny has already been determined in the dark, and everyone has this calamity today, which proves that it is God's will, and it is irreversible! It is irreversible!"

Immediately, his narrowed eyes looked at Wentian who looked like a god of war, flashes of brilliance, and finally shook his head and said: "Although this person is strong, he only has a brute force, and a rotten wood cannot be carved. "

In an instant, he made a move.

Immediately, his string was suspended in the air, and a strange force was generated to spread out the magic beads that subdue demons and subdue demons. Suddenly, they flashed and rushed towards him.

Taking back the beads, he recited: "Amitabha, my Buddha has the virtue of loving life. May you all survive this calamity."

The next moment, a Buddha light flashed on his body and disappeared instantly.


"Not good! This formation is missing something to hold the formation, it's about to break."

"Run away!"

"Boom!!" Without the suppression of Monk Wukong's prayer beads, the Demon Subduing Demon Formation suddenly shook, and under the critical strike of the Splitting Wind Demon Eagle, it even shattered with a crackling sound.

"Damn empty!"

"Goddamn bald ass!"

Once the formation was broken, everyone roared with strong hatred everywhere.

"Roar!!" Without the interference of the formation, the King Kong Giant Ape, who was fighting fiercely with Wentian, looked up to the sky even more wildly, and the aura on his body became even more violent, as if filled with an opportunity that could destroy the world .

At this moment, its huge pupils were already covered with bloodshot eyes, and it fought against an ant-like existence for its physical body, but it was faintly at a disadvantage, which made it crazy already.

It is an ancient relic, and its ancestor is an ancient fierce beast, the famous Vigorous Vigorous Violent Ape. Here, it can't take down a young boy. This is definitely a great shame for it.

Only by using the other party's blood can this shame be washed away.

"Roar..." Its roar was as powerful as the sky, and it resounded through the void for tens of miles, causing some other monsters to crawl on the ground with fearful expressions, and their bodies kept shaking.

This is the prestige of the ancient relics.


At this moment, the golden light burst from its body, as if turning into a dazzling golden sun. In the eyes of everyone, its originally ten-foot-large body began to swell rapidly.

"Eleven feet...twelve feet..."

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a fifteen-foot-high giant beast. The giant's body was as big as a mountain, and people could only look up, feeling a sense of despair.

"What? Could it be that this vajra giant ape already possesses the treasure of life?" Someone exclaimed, his expression full of boundless fear.

"This is impossible! Even if it is an ancient remnant, it is not possible for every head to have the treasure of life. It is said that only those relics whose bloodlines have begun to turn against their ancestors will have the treasure of life."

"Could it be that the blood of this King Kong giant ape has begun to turn against its ancestors?"

"But it's only in its infancy, and it only has the power to transform spirits. Logically speaking, it shouldn't have a bloodline that reverts to its ancestors." Some people's eyes were full of puzzlement.

"Roar... lowly bug, die to me!" Suddenly, the King Kong Giant Ape, who had only reached the peak of spiritual transformation, but had not yet reached the Vientiane Realm, spoke human language, and the words were even more vivid. With incomparable cruelty.

"Taoist language! Could it be that this beast has reached the edge of breakthrough?" Some people thought of this, their expressions were full of fear, and they even took a breath of cold air.

"It's just a mere remnant, I want to see what supernatural powers you have?" Wen Tian snorted coldly, without a hint of fear on his face, because he had vaguely grasped the opponent's strength until now.

In an instant, he drank suddenly, pumped up the ancient spirit scripture with all his strength in his body, his body was dazzled by golden light, a resounding dragon's blood came from the Dragon Emperor's ancient vein, and a wisp of dragon's power emanated from him.


When this ray of dragon power came out, the face of the ferocious King Kong giant ape changed drastically in an instant, the huge pupils were filled with extreme fear, and his whole mind couldn't help but shudder.


The Dragon Clan is originally the king of beasts, even its ancestor Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape is inferior to the Dragon Clan, let alone it.

Immediately, it suddenly screamed strangely, and ran away with its legs.

"Want to escape?" Wentian's expression turned cold.

With a bang, the breath on his body became extremely violent, his black hair danced crazily, and the dragon pattern imprint on his forehead was shining brightly. machine.

In an instant, under the horrified eyes of everyone, he looked violent and blasted out a dragon fist.

(End of this chapter)

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