Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 175 One step late

Chapter 175

"What a flowing sword!" Picking up this soft sword with a blade only one inch wide, Wentian began to fondle it continuously, feeling like he couldn't put it down.

"Clang!" The Flowing Sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out, and immediately a flash of sword light flashed, and with a clang, the sharp sword aura was overwhelming.

In this regard, he was very satisfied in his heart, and felt that this trip was worthwhile.

The next moment, he even took up the Flowing Water Sword and wrapped it around his waist, as if turning it into a belt. Then, the corners of his mouth lifted, forming a smile.

"In this way, even in a crisis, you can deal a fatal blow to the enemy." He laughed.

Then, he continued to search around. Wherever he passed, as long as there was a shadow of a sword, he waved his hand and instantly collected it into the ancient ring. The so-called scraping the ground is nothing more than that.

"Huh! That's it?" He suddenly let out a little snort, and then his eyes showed ecstasy, and his whole heart beat vigorously.

Set of swords!

Moreover, it is also a set of swords consisting of one hundred and eight swords.

Seeing the one hundred and eight sharp swords hanging in the air, with the tip of the sword hanging down, forming a circle and spinning, Wentian was ecstatic in his heart, and boundless excitement appeared on his face.

Moreover, in his perception, the quality of this set of swords is all at Xudi level, which is better than the top grade of Xuan level. If the whole set of swords comes out together, its power is simply inestimable.

In an instant, he waved his hand, and a suction force came out. Immediately, the one hundred and eight long swords in the air shook suddenly, and then rushed towards him with a whizzing sound, and they were quickly retracted by him into the ancient ring.

In this regard, the corners of his mouth were outlined, revealing a satisfied smile.

When he wiped out the entire Jiange, he left in a flash and went straight to other passages.

However, soon, his face became gloomy, because when he arrived, there was nothing left of the other cabinets, and they were empty.

"Damn it, it's too late again." He secretly hated, with strong unwillingness in his eyes.

But after thinking twice, he was still not reconciled, and walked through the remaining cabinets again, but what he got in return was only his dejected face, and his heart was full of bitterness.

"Not good!" Suddenly, he was startled, as if remembering something important.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed on him, and he disappeared from the spot quickly.

At the same time, in the second layer of the cultivation technique layer, there are already more than a dozen figures here, shuttling there quickly, and there is almost no residue left in the places they pass.

One of the white-clothed men looked at the exercise secret book in his hand, with an excited expression on his face, and said with arrogance: "With these exercises, my Shangguan family is destined to rise. From then on, Chi Yue will use my Shangguan family A big family."

This person is Shangguan Chong.

Unexpectedly, his actions were so fast, and in such a short period of time, he had collected a large number of secret books of exercises, and among these exercises, many of them reached the earth level.

In the other direction, the third prince Ji Hong and several monks were also quickly scraping the skills here, and as they continued to scrape, their expressions became more and more excited.

"Unexpectedly, the techniques here are at the bottom of the mysterious level, and there are even earth-level techniques." A monk said with excitement in his eyes.

"This is also the blessing of the third prince, so that I have such a harvest."

"I am willing to follow the third prince forever." These people suddenly said, and they knelt down on one knee.

And these people's cultivation bases have all reached the spiritual transformation stage, and they are probably not far from the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

It seems that these few people are monks who have gained something in this trial place, otherwise they would not have such cultivation so quickly.

Seeing the kneeling people, the third prince Ji Hong raised the corners of his mouth and drew a proud arc. He knew that from today onwards, these people would be completely dedicated to him.

Immediately, he shouted: "Go!"

With a chirp, several people flew quickly and set off towards the third floor.


Not long after, Wentian flashed his figure and came to the second floor where the exercises and techniques were placed, but soon, his astonishing roar sounded: "Damn it, it's a step too late."

At this moment, he hated so much in his heart, not only hated the person who was faster than him to collect all the skills and skills, but also hated why he moved so slowly.

Thinking of this, he stomped vigorously.


Immediately, under his angry kick, the whole earth shook, and some stone pillars even collapsed, and there was a rumbling sound.

In an instant, his expression changed, and there was a bitterness on his face. With a whoosh, he left quickly and moved towards the third floor.

And just half an hour after he left, all the monks came here, looking at the collapsed palace, everyone showed a look of horror.

Someone even exclaimed: "What's going on? Could it be that there was a fierce battle here before?"

"Quick! Go find it quickly and see if there are any remaining exercises or techniques."

Everyone reacted, rushed out one after another, and began to move the collapsed stones with all their strength.


"The third floor is where the medicine fields are located. I absolutely want to get it." Wentian who was flying quickly couldn't help roaring in his heart, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes. He had already decided that no matter who he met, He wants to take all the medicine fields.

He doesn't need the skills and techniques, but he must not give up on this medicine field, because he has a faint thought in his heart, that is, he wants to become an alchemist, and the elixir in the medicine field is just a treasure to him. must have.

Thinking of this, he was anxious for a while, and he didn't hesitate to expend a lot of energy to cast Longyou Taixu Step with all his strength. The shadow of the virtual dragon flashed under his feet, and he disappeared instantly like stepping on a dragon.

It didn't take long before he saw an exit, and in an instant, his eyes showed a strong joy, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed into it with a flick of his figure.


He let out a small gasp, because after rushing into the third floor, what appeared in front of his eyes was a large forest with ancient trees and verdant trees.

The aura in the forest was rich, and there were faint signs of melting liquid, and when he rushed in, many small creatures emerged from the forest, with their ears erect, looking at him, an unexpected visitor, vigilantly.

However, Wentian didn't have the mind to pay attention to these things. He saw confusion in his eyes and muttered in his mouth: "Which direction is this medicine field, or in other words, in this ancient forest, there are more than one pills?" field."

Diamond Giant Ape was originally on the second floor, and it didn't know much about the third floor. Therefore, Wentian learned limited information.

However, just when he didn't know which direction to go, in the void a hundred miles away from him, a burst of white light suddenly bloomed, as if forming a strange formation.

Immediately, there was a burst of yelling and yelling from the formation map.

When the rays of light converged, a small animal the size of a leather ball, plump all over, with golden and white hair intersecting to form a ring, stood in the void.

Looking at the ancient forest below, its short claws kept waving, and it kept screaming and screaming, not knowing what it was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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