Chapter 176 The Millennium Medicine King
Suddenly, its short ears moved, as if it sensed something, and then its small nose sniffed vigorously, as if it smelled a special fragrance.

In an instant, its big round eyes suddenly lit up.

With a whoosh, it disappeared in the blink of an eye like a teleportation.

When it disappeared, some small animals that lived in the forest popped out of their heads suddenly, their eyes full of curiosity, just like the appearance of small animals before, completely aroused their curiosity.


At the same time, Wentian suddenly closed his eyes, concentrated all his mind, and used all his senses to sense it. From time to time, he sniffed with his nose, as if he was smelling something.

However, it didn't take long to see him open his eyes, and there was even more intense joy in them.

"Although there are medicinal fragrances coming from every direction, the medicinal fragrance in this direction is the strongest. This is enough to show that if there are not the most elixir in this direction, then the elixir is the oldest. The Millennium Medicine King."

Thinking of this, his heart throbbed.

Whenever the age of the elixir reaches a thousand years, there will be a transformation, the winner will evolve into the thousand-year medicine king, and the loser will be smashed to pieces and completely turned into dust.

And the earth-level pills that are above the mysterious-level pills often take a thousand years of medicine to be refined, which is why the earth-level pills are so precious.

Based on Wentian's guess, I am afraid that Nuo Da's Ji family's royal family will also find it difficult to find an earth-level elixir.

In an instant, he didn't think much about it, the afterglow flashed on his body, and he quickly rushed towards the direction he had determined.

At the same time, in another direction, several figures were also speeding back and forth, and the leader among them was Chi Yue's third prince, Ji Hong.

"Wow!" Suddenly, there was an uproar from the crowd.

What appeared in front of them was a large field of medicine, in which the aura was extremely rich, and there was a burst of medicinal fragrance, which made them feel energetic and excited after smelling it.

"This is a 300-year-old cold-dispelling grass, and this is a 500-year-old bone-strengthening vine..."

The exclamation of everyone kept coming, even Ji Hong, who was a child of the Ji family's royal family, had a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Immediately, he even shouted: "Hurry up, everyone. After collecting the elixir here, we will rush to other places. Maybe there will be more than this medicine field on the third floor."

"What? Are there other medicine fields?" Hearing this, everyone suddenly exclaimed, their eyes filled with unimaginable gazes.

But soon, they roared with excitement.

"Quick! Everyone, hurry up."


With a flash of white light, the round little beast appeared out of thin air above a medicine field. Its eyes were very bright, much brighter than the stars at night.

"Yi, Yi!" After it yelled for a while, it flashed its body and rushed into the medicine field below. It didn't take long to see it pick the next elixir, and just put it in its mouth like this, chewing it carefully stand up.

Hiss... If Wentian saw this scene, it would probably make his heart ache.

Because the elixir that this little beast ate was 800 years old, and in another 200 years, it might evolve to the thousand-year-old medicine king. Pills, this little beast is simply reckless.

As for the elixir that has not been tempered, if an ordinary woman swallows it, it may directly kill her body.

It's just that this little beast continued to bark and bark non-stop as if nothing had happened, with a dissatisfied look on its face, wondering if the taste of the elixir made it dissatisfied.

In an instant, with a wave of its paw, it saw a elixir being forcibly pulled up from the medicine field, and it flew towards it in an instant. It didn't take long before it chewed it carefully.


"What? That's the Millennium Medicine King?" In a particularly large medicine field, Wentian's joyful exclamation sounded.

In the medicine field, there were three particularly conspicuous elixir plants, greedily sucking the aura of heaven and earth in the medicine field, and there was a faint radiance on them, giving people a sacred feeling.

But Wentian knew that this was just a thousand-year-old medicine king, which was different from the magic of ordinary elixir.

Because once the elixir evolves to the king of medicine, they will slowly become different, and even some medicine kings with amazing years will have spiritual wisdom, just like becoming a spirit.

Looking at the three thousand-year-old medicine kings in front of him, Wen Tianxin was very excited. In an instant, his powerful spiritual consciousness burst out, and he felt it with all his strength.

When he found that there was no one around, he slowly calmed down. Immediately, his eyes shone brightly, and he began to carefully pick the three medicinal plants, as if he was afraid of hurting them.

His movements were very light and gentle, with a tense expression on his face, biting his lip, unknowingly, his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

It has been a long time since he was so nervous like now, because of the three thousand-year-old medicine kings in front of him.

You must know that these three medicine kings can be refined into earth-level elixir, and the earth-level elixir is even more priceless. I am afraid that a monk who is in the early stage of spiritual transformation can skip several levels in an instant and break through to the Vientiane state in one fell swoop. .

Thinking of this, he became more and more excited.

After a long time, when he put away the three thousand-year-old medicine queens, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, his clothes had already been soaked with sweat.

Immediately, he set his sights on other elixir.

With a shy expression on his face, he thought to himself: "Such a large medicine field, if it is picked all at once, I am afraid that this medicine field will be destroyed in the future, so I will pick another two-thirds and keep one third." !"

The next moment, he acted decisively.

Half an hour later, less than one-third of the elixir remained in the entire medicine field.

At this moment, I saw him showing shyness again, and muttered in his mouth: "One-third of the elixir is still too much, I'm afraid it will affect their growth speed, I will charge another two-thirds!"

Another half an hour later, the entire medicine field had no more elixir left, and there were dug holes everywhere. Many of the remaining elixir were only a hundred years old. However, a strange look appeared on his face again. color.

"Even if I keep you here, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive alone. When someone comes over, you will still be taken in, so..."

When he looked at the entire empty medicine field, his expression showed satisfaction, and even a hint of complacency.

"It's time to lose, maybe in other places, there are still many elixir waiting for me to rescue." He thought to himself, and in an instant, his figure flashed and quickly disappeared from the original place.

Half an hour later, he reappeared in a medicine field, but there was no Millennium Medicine King in this medicine field, which made him feel disappointed.

But he quickly came back to his senses and was about to pick it off.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, an arrogant voice came from not far away.

"The person in front left quickly. From this moment on, this medicine field belongs to Prince Ji Hong. Get out of here, otherwise, you will die in a different place, and your soul will never return to heaven."

Immediately, Wentian's face darkened, and immediately he turned around abruptly. (three more)

(End of this chapter)

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