Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 178 Eagle Soul Golden Spear

Chapter 178 Eagle Soul Golden Spear
"No matter who you are, if you dare to oppose my Ji family's royal family, you will die!" Ji Hong's words were not only cold, but also domineering.

He was born a member of the royal family, and he was favored by the current emperor, who wanted to pass on the throne to make him the next emperor. Therefore, he naturally had an arrogance, an imperial aura that surpassed ordinary people.

Looking at Ji Hong here, Wentian showed surprise.

"Ji Hong has made progress this time. It seems that Ji Zhuoyang has spent a lot of time on him, but this is even better. If I can destroy the chess pieces he has carefully cultivated, I don't know how angry he will be?" Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth asked It couldn't help rising, drawing a strange arc.

The next moment, his figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Ji Hong in an instant, confronting him like this.

Puffy! !The aura on Ji Hong's body became stronger and stronger, and there was a fierce aura, as if he wanted to raise his energy to the extreme.

It can also be seen from this that although his words are rampant, he is very afraid of Wentian from the bottom of his heart.

However, no matter how much his aura improved, Wentian standing in front of him still looked calm, as if he couldn't stir up a wave in his heart, no matter how strong or strong the gust of wind was, it could only shake his clothes and clothes. hair, but could not move his eyebrows and expression.

"Hmph!" Ji Hong snorted coldly, his voice full of boundless murderous intent.

With a bang, a golden light flashed on him, he clenched his fists, combined with the sharp and seemingly indestructible power of metal, he punched Wentian.

boom!With a fist swung, the golden light in the void shone brightly, and there was an astonishing explosion sound. The monstrous power carried by the fist seemed to be able to destroy heaven and earth.

However, at this moment, Wentian's eyes flickered, he didn't move too much, he just clenched his fist with his right hand and swung the simplest violent fist.

There was a loud bang, which immediately resounded through the sky, causing the entire forest to vibrate violently. Some small animals in the forest started to run away desperately, fearing that they would be implicated.

When the two fists collided, the void suddenly surged with wind and clouds, and the remaining power formed by it swept across the four directions mercilessly.

"not good!"

Seeing this, the four people who were seriously injured suddenly panicked, endured the great pain on their bodies, and quickly backed away.

They didn't expect that just a random blow from two monks in the middle stage of spiritual transformation could cause such a monstrous power.

At this time, an illusion was created in their minds, that is, the two people who were fighting fiercely in the air were not in the middle stage of transforming spirits, but two strong men with the power of everything.

"Boom boom boom!!"

After the blow, thunder-like noises continued to be heard in the void, causing everyone's eyebrows to twitch and their hearts to jump.

In the blink of an eye, Wentian and Ji Hong exchanged dozens of punches. As time passed, the astonishment on Wentian's face became more and more intense, while Ji Hong's expression became more and more gloomy, as if It's like dripping water.

No one knew how much pain Ji Hong had suffered in the past ten days after Lin Wentian, the rebel against the saint, made a scene in the palace.

In the beginning, his father, in order to allow him to break through the siege in the Taoist trial and win the position of Taoist, passed on a local middle-grade kung fu to him, and even invited Miracle Doctor Mei and some senior elders of the royal family to cultivate it. Strength, coupled with the effect of the elixir, let his body continue to grow stronger.

However, it is also because of this that his physical body has to endure astonishing pain. He has forgotten how he persevered in the first place. He only knows that if he is not strong-willed, he may have become a madman.

However, Huang Tian paid off, through ten days of special strengthening, his physical body has reached an astonishing level, comparable to a monster.

Originally he thought that among the younger generation, except for that Lin Wentian, no one could stand shoulder to shoulder with him, but this ordinary-looking man in front of him completely shocked him.

boom!After the two clapped palms together, they quickly distanced themselves and faced each other from a distance. Meanwhile, Ji Hong's right palm, which was hidden in his sleeve, couldn't help trembling.

Immediately, he looked at Wentian with an extremely gloomy face, and said, "Who are you? There is no one like you in Chiyue."

As he continued to fight, he became more and more curious about Wentian's identity. He had a strange feeling in his heart, that is, the person in front of him seemed familiar to him.

After Wentian heard the words, he didn't say anything, but the corners of his mouth showed a sneer. This fell into Ji Hong's eyes, and in an instant, the veins on his face popped up, and his eyes were full of anger.

"I don't know what's good or bad, but it's like this, then you die for me." Ji Hong roared, his face full of ferociousness.

With a buzzing sound, he saw a golden spear covered with runes and engraved with a demon image, appearing from his hand in an instant.

The spear was one foot long, and the tip of the spear was extremely sharp. There was an aura that seemed to be able to pierce the sky. With the spear in hand, his aura became even fiercer.

Even more faintly, from the long spear in his hand, there was a sound of a beast, and a surge of wind could not help but radiate out, causing Ji Hong's black hair to fly, and his eyes to shoot sharply. At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a generation of guns. God, looks fierce and compelling.

"That's the Eagle Soul Golden Spear of the Third Prince!" Someone below exclaimed, his expression was full of astonishment and at the same time, there was a touch of jealousy.

"The eagle soul golden gun is said to be one of the many treasures of the palace, and it is a weapon that the Holy Majesty used when he was young. I never thought that it would now fall into the hands of the Third Prince. It seems that the Holy Majesty did intend to pass on the throne to the Third Prince." Someone said it again.

As soon as the gun was fired, those people immediately caused an uproar, and showed even more intense joy, as if as soon as the gun was fired, the third prince would definitely be able to crush the opponent.

Looking at Ji Hong holding the golden spear, Wentian frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The eagle soul golden spear is said to be made from the beast soul of a monster that has reached the middle stage of Vientiane, and then added with 47 kinds of refining materials, and finally refined for three months. It took time to finally take shape, but because of the berserk power of the beast soul in the spear, it was forcibly sealed by someone, but even so, the power is still amazing."

"Huh?" Wentian's words immediately made Ji Hong frown, and doubts appeared in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect that Wentian knew these secrets.

Regarding this Eagle Soul Golden Spear, Wentian certainly knew it very well, because it was his grandfather who was in charge of sealing the beast soul in this spear.

"Today, I will let you be the first to be the soul of this prince." Ji Hong shouted suddenly, exuding an astonishing killing intent from his body.

With a chirp, his figure swayed, and the spear in his hand suddenly stabbed out.

"Boom!" A spear pierced out, and there was a piercing sound in the space, and a golden light seemed to carry invincible power, hitting Wentian.

In an instant, Wentian's complexion changed drastically for the first time.

With a clang, a long sword appeared in his hand, but it wasn't Broken Star, nor was it the Flowing Water Sword wrapped around his waist, but a long sword that had reached the top grade of Xuan level.

"Clang!" The swords and guns collided, and there was a sound of metal collisions, sparking sparks.

However, at this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Ji Hong's mouth. Immediately, he saw the golden spear in his hand shake slightly, and in Wentian's astonished eyes, he saw that the long sword in his hand, which had reached the top grade of Xuan level, suddenly shattered inch by inch. .


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Hong flicked the spear in his hand and stabbed at his right shoulder like a poisonous snake, causing blood to splash on his shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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