Chapter 179
"Wow! The Third Prince has defeated that Gu Tian!"

"The third prince is mighty!"

"Gu Tian, ​​we have long said that the power of the Ji family's royal family cannot be rebelled by you alone. If you don't beg for mercy quickly, maybe the third prince is kind and will leave you a whole body."

Suddenly, the four people below spoke arrogantly.

Although their faces were still pale, when they drank their words, they appeared to be full of domineering, as if the shock left in their hearts by Wentian before had disappeared here.

Hearing his words, Ji Hong showed a haughty smile, looking at Wentian here, as disdainful as looking at an ant.

Once the eagle soul golden gun is released, no one can compete with it!

He here is like verifying this rumor.

"Is this all your strength?" Suddenly, Wen Tian's cold voice sounded.

Immediately, his blood-stained right hand tightly held the spear that had been pierced into his shoulder, and he suddenly raised his head, looking calmly at the arrogant Ji Hong with his cold eyes.

"You..." Being stared at by such eyes, for some reason, Ji Hong was startled suddenly and felt a chill, as if being stared at by some peerless beast.

However, when he thought that the other party was now his own fish, the anxiety in his heart disappeared instantly, replaced by a ferocious face.

"When the prince breaks your limbs, I want to see how tough you are!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden light on his body burst out, and all of it poured into the spear in his hand, making the spear hum, and there was an extremely fierce aura.

The Eagle Soul Golden Spear was originally an earth-level long spear, and with the addition of its sharp metallic features, he believed that, let alone a mortal body, even some magical weapons could easily penetrate through it completely.

With a shake of the spear, a stronger force exploded than before, intending to completely pierce Wentian's body.

It's just that at this moment, Wen Tian's eyes flashed fiercely, and then he looked furious and suddenly shouted.

Immediately, the golden light on his body was dazzling, black air was flying, and there was a flash of a dragon on his forehead, showing a golden dragon mark. At the same time, the aura on his body rose like a volcano.

An ancient mountain and a mysterious phantom appeared faintly behind it.


The blue veins in both arms popped up, as if the power of a savage dragon was lurking, grasp the body of the gun vigorously, use the amazing strength of the whole body, and pull it hard.

"Pfft!" The bright red blood immediately spilled into the void, and there was a strong smell of blood, and he saw the long spear stabbing Wentian's shoulder, but he used brute force to pull it out.

In an instant, he stepped on the dragon shadow and retreated again and again, creating a distance from Ji Hong.

"What?" When the people below saw this, their expressions were shocked, and they looked like they couldn't believe it.

However, at this moment, Ji Hong's expression was full of shock.

But soon, he became ferocious like a monster, his eyes were cruel, and he suddenly shouted: "Gu Tian, ​​who are you from Lin Wentian?"

"Ah... what does the third prince mean by this? Could it be that he discovered something?" Someone exclaimed.

"By the way, the third prince once fought against Lin Wentian and saw him rioting in the palace with his own eyes. He must have discovered some clues through this ancient fighting method." Someone said.

Wentian frowned, but said nothing.

With all his strength in his body, some fairy talismans emerged, glowing faintly, and gathered towards the gunshot wound on his shoulder.

Immediately, at a speed visible to the naked eye, his wound healed slowly, and the blood soon stopped.

However, this scene fell into Ji Hong's eyes, and immediately made him more sure of his guess.

In an instant, with a ferocious face, he gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly: "Since you don't want to say it, then let this prince abolish you first, I don't believe that with you in my hands, Lin Wentian will not show up."

During this time, he had decided in his heart that this ordinary-looking young man in front of him definitely had an inseparable relationship with Lin Wentian.

Because whether it is the fighting method, or the body technique, as well as the dragon mark on the forehead, they are all exactly the same as Lin Wentian.

If it wasn't for the different appearance, breath, and energy of the other party, he really thought that the person in front of him was Lin Wentian, the royal family of the Ji family, who had been searching for nothing.

But no matter what, as long as he can capture this person, he believes that Lin Wentian will definitely appear.

Thinking of this, murderous intent burst into his eyes, and the aura on his body exploded as if stimulated, as if it was about to move the sky with regret.

In an instant, he bit his index finger and drew a bleeding talisman in the void with bright red blood. Immediately, he put it into the spear in his hand and shouted angrily: "Liberate the soul!"

boom!Suddenly, a soul-shaking breath came from the eagle soul gun in his hand, and there was a faint eagle cry full of hostility.

Under everyone's horrified eyes, a huge soul shadow broke out from the spear, hovering in the void, exuding a gloomy and ferocious aura.


However, at this moment, Ji Hong's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes were still fierce, staring at Wentian like a beast.

"Wow! That's the eagle soul of the Vientiane Demon, and the third prince actually unsealed it?"


Looking at the eagle soul hovering in the air, exuding an amazing aura, everyone's expressions were full of fear, and the whole soul couldn't help trembling, and their faces paled for a while.

"Gun Soul!" The next moment, Ji Hong shouted with a touch of madness in his eyes.

Hey!The wings of the eagle soul in the air trembled, as if it was about to shatter the void, and then it dived and merged into the spear in an instant.

In an instant, the spear hummed, and there was a monstrous aura, and Ji Hong's hands holding the spear trembled uncontrollably, as if faintly unable to control the spear in his hand.

However, under the shocked eyes of everyone, he sprayed a mouthful of blood into the buzzing spear, and the originally golden spear instantly became covered with blood, turning into a bloody spear.

A frenzied light flashed between Ji Hong's eyes, and he stabbed out with a blood-colored spear in both hands with a ferocious aura.

boom!As soon as the spear was pierced, the whole sky seemed to be gloomy, and there was a stream of blood gushing out.

A blood-colored light rushed out from the spear, and turned into a blood-colored eagle soul, and devoured towards Wentian, as if wanting to devour his soul.

"Not good! Go back!" Seeing this scene, the four people below changed their expressions greatly, and boundless fear was born in their hearts, and they fled in all directions.

Seeing the bloody eagle soul rushing towards him, a flash of madness also flashed in Wentian's eyes.

The next moment, a purple light flashed in his hand, and with Broken Star in his hand, the aura on his body rose violently, full of boundless domineering aura.

Kuangba's sword intent exploded, causing his black hair to fly like a demon god. At this moment, he merged his sword intent into Broken Star for the first time, and shouted violently: "Thunderbolt style!"

With blue veins in both hands, holding the heavy Broken Star, he slammed it down.

"Boom!" A purple sword light that was more violent and powerful than before suddenly cut out from the Broken Star, dyeing half of the sky purple.

(End of this chapter)

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