Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 181 The Sad Man

Chapter 181 The Sad Man
"What's going on here?" He roared in his heart, because he suddenly discovered that he couldn't use the power of space here.

No... To be precise, it should be the power of space in this piece of heaven and earth, as if driven by some consciousness, which made him feel powerless.

Feeling that the oppression on his body was getting stronger and stronger, when he was roaring in his heart, he became more anxious, and thoughts of helplessness flashed through his mind, and he did not find a solution.

At this critical moment, the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins in his body raised his head and roared, and the pair of dragon wings condensed by the Gen and Dui veins on his back burst into intense red and blue lights instantly,

Two wings, one red and one blue, kept flapping, and there was a monstrous force, as if it could lift up the sky and the ground, causing a strange light to flash in Wentian's eyes.

The left eye is blue, the right eye is red, one blue and one red eyes give people a sense of astonishment, and there is a vicissitudes of life and a very long-lasting aura emanating from Wentian's body.

Also at this moment, he seemed to see some strange images in the pair of mutated pupils. The originally empty void suddenly appeared like stars and runes of heaven and earth.

These runes are constantly surging, as if they are some living elves, but the most amazing thing is that under Wentian's strange eyes, these runes actually gather together to form a giant An empty path leading to the past and the afterlife.

Looking at the strange path in front of him, he raised his footsteps and stepped on it decisively without any delay in his heart.


Just after he stepped on this strange path formed by the runes of heaven and earth, he suddenly felt the oppressive force on his body, which disappeared without a trace in an instant, and felt that his whole body became ethereal, as if existing in an illusion.

When he came back to his senses, he found himself on a huge altar. If he guessed correctly, he should be at the bottom of a cliff.


However, when he saw everything in front of him clearly, his eyes were wide open, full of disbelief, and even stepped back, he couldn't help taking a breath.

There was a storm in his heart.

On this huge altar, four chains like dragons were locking the limbs of a man, locking him in the void with great force, and his limbs spread out to form a big character.

The white clothes on the man's body were already torn, revealing the bloodstains that had been dried for an unknown amount of time.

He lowered his head so that the long disheveled hair completely covered his face, and there was a sense of vicissitudes on his body.

However, what shocked Wentian the most was that there were 99 black iron nails on this man's body, which were nailed all over his body, and there was a strange aura coming from him.

Seeing this, his eyes were horrified, and his heartbeat started beating.

Suddenly, I don't know if it was an illusion, he seemed to see the other party's finger, and suddenly moved it.

Suddenly, he stepped back again and again.

But when he took a few steps back, a gust of wind blew past him, making him tremble all over, feeling like a pair of pupils were staring at him behind his back, and in an instant, his whole body tensed up.

"Damn it, what the hell kind of place is this? Isn't this the third floor of the Dao Palace?" He felt anxious and wanted to escape, but he didn't know where to go.

Because he was in the altar, there was nowhere to escape.

"Wow, wow!" Suddenly, there was the sound of chains being pulled, and in his shocked eyes, he saw the man who seemed to have been dead for thousands of years slowly raised his head, and opened his eyes. Double pupils.


What kind of pupils are these!
In these pupils, besides sadness, what he saw was sadness, as if the person in front of him had gone through hundreds of reincarnations.

The sad breath on the opponent's body infected him even more instantly.

Before he knew it, Wentian's eyes turned red, and he couldn't help feeling a surge of sadness, as if thinking of his previous life, seeing all his relatives and friends die in front of him one by one, the tragic situation made his eyes flash over tears.


When he came back to his senses, he was shocked. Not only was he shocked that the person in front of him was still alive, but he was also shocked by the sadness emanating from this person.

The sadness that was inadvertently revealed by the other party could instantly affect him, so it can be seen that the other party's cultivation base must be extremely monstrous.

"The realm of gods! And it's not the realm of false gods, but the realm of true gods that have been baptized by the catastrophe." Soon, he had a rough judgment on the cultivation of the man in front of him.

"Who are you?" Suddenly, the man raised his head, put his eyes on Wentian, and asked.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Wentian's brain buzzed, and he felt that the blood in his body was frozen, and he had the illusion that the other party could see through all the secrets in him at a glance.

"A strong man! This person is definitely a world-shocking strong man!" He was shocked in his heart.

But when he thought that a strong man with such strength was locked here, his heart was even more turbulent, and he felt unbelievable.

"Could it be that there are higher powers above the divine realm?" Such thoughts flashed through his mind, because only in this way can he explain everything in front of him.

"So that's it. You just came here by mistake. Leave! This is not the place you should come."

Just when Wentian was shocked, the man's sad voice sounded again in his mind.

In an instant, he quickly came back to his senses.

Unknowingly, he developed a heart of compassion for the person in front of him.

Intuition told him that the person in front of him must have a story and a person who has suffered a lot, otherwise he would not feel such sadness.

After all, he is also a person who has experienced past life and present life, so he will naturally feel some affection.

Immediately, a frenzied light flashed across his eyes, he forcibly calmed down, and said, "Little Lin Wentian, I have seen Senior."

"I don't know who the senior is trapped here? If it is useful for the kid, the senior just ask."

When he said these words, he couldn't help but feel terrified in his heart.

Although his intuition told him that the person in front of him should not be the treacherous and evil person, but he was still a little uneasy, after all, the other party's cultivation was really terrifying.

Guessing in his own mind, even if this person was trapped and locked up, if he wanted to kill him, it might not be a difficult task.

Therefore, when he said such words, it could be regarded as testing the other party.

"Go away! You can't help me." The man spoke again, his voice was very calm, as if he had seen through life and death for countless years.

It's just that Wentian noticed that when the man finished speaking, the other party inadvertently looked at the iron nail inserted between his forehead, and immediately, his face was full of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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