Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 182 Nails

Chapter 182 Nails
Wentian frowned, and then looked thoughtfully at the iron nail on the other's forehead.

I saw that this iron nail seemed to be different from the other 98 iron nails. If the other iron nails were the body, then the iron nail inserted between his forehead was the heart.

Thinking of this, he stared hard, as if he had made an important decision in his heart.

If the other party asked him to help, maybe he would think about it, but the other party asked him to leave, which made him feel a little good.

Especially when he saw the sad and lonely eyes of the other party, he felt a dull pain in his heart, as if he had seen scenes of his own loneliness, helplessness, and lovelessness in the previous life.

A firm light flashed across his eyes, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he chose to approach the man slowly.

"Huh?" Perhaps sensing Wentian's intentions, a ray of light flashed in the man's eyes, but he soon revealed a look of loneliness, and even shook his head slightly.

"That person used his own blood to seal it at the beginning. Only by doing it himself, or by someone with his blood in his body, can the soul piercing nail be pulled out. Otherwise, no matter how high the cultivation level is, it cannot be sealed. Get it out." The man said calmly.

Immediately, he ignored Wentian any more, and closed his eyes again, as if falling into a deep sleep.

In his heart, he decided that Wentian would never be able to remove the iron nail, unless he was the descendant of that person.

But is this possible?
He didn't have the time to think about it, maybe he had been trapped for too long, and he no longer had any hope in his heart.

Sure enough, when Wentian approached him, he was holding the cold iron nail, and even though he couldn't pull it out even with all his strength, Wentian also showed bitterness on his face.

"Could it be that with my cultivation, it's really impossible to get it out?" There was a burst of unwillingness in his eyes.

Especially when he felt that the man didn't have the slightest intention to survive, he felt extremely painful in his heart, as if thousands of ants were gnawing at his heart.

"The power of blood?"

The next moment, he was stunned for a moment, remembering what the man said before, and then his eyes flashed.

Immediately, his eyes were slowly closed, and the first layer of the ancient spirit scripture was lifted up with all his strength in his body.

A blurry figure slowly emerged from behind him. This phantom gave people a feeling of ambiguity, which was simply unpredictable.

Immediately, his eyes opened, and he seemed to be aware of the changes of the sun, moon and stars, as well as the causes of birth, old age, sickness and death, and he could not help exuding a unique aura.

That is, he is not a real person, just like the water moon in the mirror, which can be seen, but exists in illusion.

"Buzz!" However, at this very moment, the phantom behind him suddenly trembled, and then merged into his body. Immediately, his eyes were filled with a sense of vicissitudes, as if he had gone through a hundred generations of reincarnation.

"It was I who sealed this seal, and I made this nail. The cause is in my hand, and the fruit is in my heart!" Suddenly, he murmured.

At the same time, an inexplicable aura surged from his body, and the whole altar seemed to sense something, and it was shocked suddenly, emitting a general brilliance.

Also at this moment, the expression of the man who had closed his eyes changed drastically, and he opened his eyes wide, revealing that intense expression of disbelief.

"Blood resonance, are you his descendant? are not his descendant!" There was deep shock in his words.

However, at the next moment, under his horrified gaze, Wentian wrapped his hands with a strange aura, and tightly held the iron nail on his forehead.


Wentian's expression was full of anger, and the strength of his whole body surged. At this moment, he felt a blood connection with the iron nail in his hand.

With a "poof", he pulled out the iron nail easily.

"Om!" At the same time, the entire altar shook violently, and more mysterious runes emerged, trying to condense together, rushing toward the hole on the man's forehead.

"Get out!" Just at this moment, the man suddenly shouted.

A wave of rolling characters, an invisible force, suddenly turned into a storm, and it exploded violently, directly blasting the surging runes away.

At the same time, the man's eyes showed ecstasy, and his face was filled with intense excitement. However, despite the excitement, he still did not forget the existence of Wentian.

"Boy Lin, get out of the way first!" he said.

Wentian could clearly sense that the sadness on the man in front of him had weakened somewhat, but there was more hatred.

But he was not an ordinary person after all, he came back to his senses very quickly, maybe he had sensed the man's intentions, and in an instant, he retreated quickly and retreated to the edge of the altar.

At the same time, the man's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, as if a divine sword had been unsheathed, and his aura was compelling, causing wind and clouds to surge in all directions.

"Peng!" A strong force of will, mixed with his cultivation, began to rise from him, making the whole altar as if it was about to collapse, and there were bursts of huge booms.


There was a hint of madness in his expression, and he kept drinking words in his mouth.

Puff puff! !

In Wentian's shocked eyes, he saw that the remaining 98 iron nails on the man's body were forced out one after another by the man.

However, when these iron nails were forced out, they suddenly collapsed strangely, turning into dust and dissipating with the wind.

Wentian was stunned, and immediately set his eyes on the black iron nail in his hand.

However, there was nothing unusual about the iron nail in his hand, but it was still cool, and there was no sign of it breaking.

"I'm afraid this iron nail is not simple." He looked serious, without thinking too much, a white light flashed in his hand, and he put it into the ancient ring.

"Boom!" All of a sudden, a torrential wave of the weather exploded, causing the entire sky to change color, as if the sun and the moon faded away.

The man's black hair fluttered and flew up like a dragon. Although his body was full of scars and blood flowed out, but at this moment, he gave Wentian the feeling that he was like an ancient beast escaped from trouble, which shocked people's hearts.

Boom boom boom! !Under the monstrous aura of the man, the entire altar suddenly collapsed with a strong rumbling sound.

At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth in all directions began to frantically gather towards the man as if being sucked by a powerful invisible force.

The whole sky suddenly became heavy, giving people a strong sense of oppression, which made Wentian look horrified and felt a burst of fear.

The next moment, I saw the man who had absorbed a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, his injuries were recovering rapidly, and his aura was soaring like the sun, as if he wanted to use the peak state to collide with this world.

"What kind of cultivation is he?"

Seeing the man with soaring aura, who looked like a god and demon, Wentian was so shocked that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

When he came back to his senses, his eyes flashed, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he just sat cross-legged in the void, formed a practice seal, and began to snatch the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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