Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 183 Happy

Chapter 183 Happy
I don't know if he noticed what he was planning, the man's expression moved slightly, and after that, he deliberately left some heaven and earth spiritual energy for Wentian, and did not overbearingly take it away.

Under the continuous nourishment of spiritual energy, Wentian's previous injuries were rapidly recovering. In less than a moment, his complexion became rosy, and even the gunshot wound on his shoulder was healing.

Not only that, but he also felt that the energy in his body had increased, and he might be able to break through to the late stage of spirit transformation in a short time.

You know, it only took him a month to break through to the middle stage of the spirit transformation stage. Such an astonishing speed of cultivation is really embarrassing. The most important thing is that his foundation is much stronger than ordinary people.

"Thank you for your success, senior!" He arched his hands and bowed to the man standing in the air.

Because he knew that the other party wanted to fulfill him just now, otherwise, with the other party's cultivation base, how could he be able to snatch food from the other party's tiger's mouth with a small existence in the spirit transformation state.

Thinking of this, he finally settled down in his heart, because he was finally sure that the person in front of him was not a treacherous person.

"Even if you want to say thank you, I should be the one to say, since we can meet and you help me break the seal, if Brother Lin doesn't mind, please call me Brother Xiaoyao." The man said.

"I've met Brother Xiaoyao!" Seeing that the man in front of him didn't have the arrogance of a strong man, nor the airs of a big man, Wentian was overjoyed.

The man smiled when he heard the words, but Wentian faintly noticed that under his smile, there was a touch of sadness that seemed to never be erased.

Regarding this, Wentian wrinkled his heart, he had great doubts in his heart, he wanted to ask, but he didn't know how to say it, in the end, he could only sigh softly in his heart.

Perhaps aware of what he was thinking, Xiaoyao sighed lightly, and immediately changed the subject on purpose: "By the way, how did you find this place?"

Wen Tian came back to his senses, and then said in detail, he did not hide anything about the trial site.

However, when Xiaoyao heard about Daozi's inheritance, his expression suddenly became crazy.

"Haha... Daozi inheritance... Daozi inheritance... Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Is he still not giving up?"

His crazy laughter, like turning into a monstrous sound, made the whole world tremble.

However, Wentian could hear emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, joy, resentment, and hatred in his laughter.

Immediately, his eyes were horrified, looking at Xiaoyao who seemed to be in a madness.

After a long time, maybe he realized that he lost his composure, and Xiaoyao's mood gradually stabilized, but he looked at Wentian with a kind of pity.

The next moment, before Wentian could say anything, he pointed at Wentian's forehead.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, a soft force enveloped Wentian, sending his body far away at that extreme speed.

When Wentian came back to his senses, he found that he was in a barrier, and his body kept flying backwards.

"Brother Xiaoyao!" He couldn't help shouting, feeling extremely puzzled in his heart, he didn't know why he was so happy before, and suddenly became so abnormal.

"I have left three divine powers in your body, which can help you resolve three crises within a certain range. I hope you can do it yourself."

"Also, you have to remember that the way of your own fate can only be controlled by yourself, otherwise, you will only be Zou Gou who has become the way of heaven."

Xiaoyao's voice was imprinted in Wentian's brain for a long time, and after a while, his consciousness relaxed, and he fell into a deep sleep.

After Wentian left, Xiaoyao's expression was full of sadness, and in the depths of his eyes, there was even more intense hatred surging.

"Qin'er, I'm here to find you. I promised you that I will never leave you again in this life..."

There was a twist on his body, and he disappeared in such a strange place, as if he had never appeared before.


When Wentian woke up and found himself standing on a rock, his expression changed drastically in an instant, and he began to sort out the information in his mind.

When he opened his eyes, doubts flashed in his eyes, especially those words that Xiaoyao said at the end made his mind as if covered by a layer of fog, and he was very puzzled.

"Could it be that there is another hidden meaning behind Daozi's trial?"

"If you get the Taoist position, you can get Fairy Qinglian, and if you get a fairy, you can get Chiyue. How much meaning does this sentence have?" Countless thoughts flashed through his mind at that moment.

Unknowingly, he felt more and more that there was some big secret hidden in this Tianyuan Continent. Just a Chiyue and a Fairy Phoenix Pavilion made him reverse all his previous understandings.

Also, where are his parents?Are there other continents above Tianyuan?
"No, those medicine fields!" Suddenly, as if remembering something, he shouted.

In an instant, his figure didn't stay for a moment, and disappeared on the rock with a flash of afterglow.

Not long after, he stopped in a void, looking at the empty medicine field below, he showed a distressed expression, and felt as if his heart had been pricked by a sharp needle.

"Damn it, my medicine field, my elixir! Who is it? Not a single one is left." He growled unwillingly.

"Oops! The medicine hall on the fourth floor!" All of a sudden, his mind was agitated.

boom!In an instant, his whole body rose up, turned into a beam of light, and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

The fourth floor of the Dao Palace, which is the last floor of only Li Daozi's inheritance, has been scrambling for many figures here.

"Wow! Someone got a Xuan-level middle-grade Huiyuan pill, and it's not just one!"

"What? Mysterious-level Huiyuan Pill, doesn't it mean that just taking one pill will instantly restore Yuanli?"

After some people heard the astonishing news, they immediately gasped, and after looking shocked, they showed extreme greed.

"Quickly find..." Everyone looked excited, and their hearts were surging.

One must know that even though the pills are of the mysterious level, a high-grade pill of the mysterious level is often more precious than weapons and skills that reach the earth level, because many times, a single pill can save a life.

If two monks of equal strength were fighting to the death, then the monk with one more Mysterious Grade Huiyuan Pill would definitely win the final victory. From this, it can be seen that the status of an alchemist is often higher than that of a weapon refiner.

"Ah... There is a divine light rushing out over there. Could it be that the legendary divine pill appeared?" Suddenly, a monk exclaimed, his eyes full of horror.

"What? Divine pill? A divine pill that can allow mortals to break through to the divine realm?"

Everyone looked stunned, as if they couldn't believe it.

But soon, they roared in their hearts.

"Shendan, the Shendan belongs to me, just get the Shendan, and from then on, the whole Chiyue, even the royal family of the Ji family, will be trampled under my feet."

(End of this chapter)

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