Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 186 The Land of Inheritance

Chapter 186 The Land of Inheritance
A boundless sea, suddenly, a vortex appeared in the void out of thin air, whoosh! !At this moment, many monks rushed out one after another.

And the cultivation base of these monks, almost all reached the spiritual realm, because only the monks of the spiritual realm can fly in the air.

Of course, there are also some people who use special means to temporarily fly in the air.

"Ah... this fifth layer of inheritance is actually an ocean?" When everyone came back to their senses, they suddenly exclaimed in shock.

"Look, there seems to be someone above!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

When everyone heard the words, they raised their heads and looked up, but this look made their expressions suddenly change.

I saw eight platforms floating in the sky, and here, on six of the eight platforms, there were six figures sitting cross-legged, as if they were comprehending something.

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasped, their eyes were horrifying.

"That's the inheritance of Daozi!" Someone suddenly shouted.

"What? Daozi's inheritance is actually Daozi's inheritance!" Suddenly, everyone looked excited and their eyes were full of greed.

With a whoosh, some even rushed straight to the other two empty platforms in the high school without even thinking about it.

However, at this moment, one of the people on the platform suddenly opened his eyes, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and said coldly: "Trash, get out!"

boom!A powerful power of cultivation rose from this person, and even in the blink of an eye, he stretched out his hand and pointed out a finger.

Chi!A finger shot out.

Then there was a pop, blood splashed in the air, and the next moment, a corpse fell down mercilessly.

"Ah... mid-spirit transformation! This person is mid-spirit transformation!"

"It's that mysterious boy, as well as Fengyun Lin, Jue Wuxin and others from Fengyun Empire."

When they sensed the opponent's cultivation base and saw his appearance clearly, the expressions of the people below were horrified, and boundless fear could not help but surge in their hearts.

That's right!The six figures sitting cross-legged on the high-altitude platform are Feng Yunlin, Fang Hao and others.

The one who just made the move was not Feng Yunlin or Fang Hao, but one of the two young men who followed Fang Hao.

Even so, the young man who shot this shot was very powerful, and with just one finger, he could easily obliterate the existence of a spirit-transforming realm.

Immediately, everyone felt a surge of cold air behind them, and the joy of Daozi's inheritance dissipated in an instant, and instead they jumped up in fright.

At the same time, Jue Wuxin suddenly stood up, looked down at the people below, and said coldly with a disdainful expression: "This place is already occupied by Fang Shao and my Fengyun Kingdom, please retreat, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude. "

His words are full of domineering, looking at everyone's eyes is like looking at a group of ants, full of disdain, after all, he is an outstanding genius in Fengyun Kingdom.

"What? You people from Fengyun Kingdom are too domineering. This is the trial ground of my Chiyue Kingdom. Why do you occupy this inheritance place?" Immediately, someone complained.

"That's right! Back then, Fairy Qinglian only wanted you to participate in the trial because of the friendship between Fengyun and Chiyue. You don't know what's good." Another person shouted.

"The position of Daozi is for those who are capable, so why do you stop us?" Everyone became angry.

"Why? Just rely on my Fang Hao's words!" Suddenly, the black-clothed boy sitting cross-legged on the platform opened his eyes, and a cruel smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Fang Hao? Who do you think you are? A member of the Ji family's royal family, or the rumored Lin Wentian?" Someone asked disdainfully.

Although they were very jealous of each other, when they thought of the position of Daozi, their fear dissipated.

What's more, there are at least dozens of them here, all of whom have broken through in this trial ground. They don't believe that the other party is only six people, and they dare to fight them head-on.

Because of this, it will only hurt both sides in the end, and let those who come later pick up the bargain.

"The royal family of the Ji family? Lin Wentian? In Fang Hao's eyes, this is nothing more than an ant-like existence." Hearing this, the boy in black showed deep disdain on his face.

"Everyone went together, we didn't believe it, how could they win so many of us." Someone shouted.


"Come on..."

Immediately, these people's expressions became ruthless, and when their cultivation bases exploded, they rushed to the air platform one after another.

Because they can already see that as long as they get a platform, they will have a chance to get the position of Daozi.

This made them roar in their hearts, as if they had forgotten their fear, and turned into ferocious beasts like firewood wolves, with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

"A bunch of annoying trash, kill me!" Seeing the crowd rushing forward, Fang Hao, a young man in black, turned cold and said with murderous intent.

"Yes, young master!" The two teenagers beside him suddenly surged with vitality, exuding a strong murderous intent.

At the same time, before Feng Yunlin could say anything, Feng Yuntian and Jue Wuxin also stood up and looked coldly at the rushing people.

"Kill!" The next moment, the two of them yelled angrily, and when their cultivation levels exploded, they rushed out with a strong killing intent.

Although they are also geniuses of Fengyun Kingdom, they know that there is still a huge gap compared with Fengyunlin. Therefore, the main purpose of their coming this time is to help Fengyunlin obtain the position of Taoist.

When Fengyun Linwei becomes Chiyue's Daozi, they will also rise to the top, even if they return to Fengyun Country, they can cover the sky with one hand.

Thinking of this, a cruel look flashed between the two of them.

Boom! !Both of them were at the Spirit Transformation Realm, especially Feng Yuntian, who had already reached the peak in the early stage and was faintly about to break through the middle stage.

"A group of barbarians also want to compete with my young master. They really don't know the heights of heaven and earth." The two teenagers beside Fang Hao said coldly with disdain.

With a mid-stage spiritual transformation, just a flick of a finger can often wipe out the monks below in an instant.

Bang bang bang! !

Immediately, there were continuous explosions in the air, which quickly stained the void with a layer of blood, and a strong smell of blood permeated the air.

When the corpses of some monks fell into the sea, some even faintly saw a giant shadow flashing across the sea, and then the originally clear sea water turned blood red in an instant.

Seeing this scene, someone felt horrified, and exclaimed with a trembling soul: "Everyone, be careful, there are fierce monsters in the sea."

"What? There are fierce monsters in the sea?" Someone exclaimed, eyes full of disbelief.

However, when he turned his eyes to the sea, he didn't find any fierce monsters. He only saw that the sea was calm and peaceful, and looked very peaceful.

"Damn it, just be afraid yourself, don't scare us with nonsense." At that moment, the monk shouted angrily.

"No... I really saw a fierce monster just now..." The monk tried to explain.

But the next moment, with a chirp, a beam of light pierced through his eyebrows, causing his body to fall into the sea.

When its consciousness was about to lose consciousness, he faintly saw a dragon shadow flashing past in the bottom of the sea, and a thought came to his mind: "I didn't lie, there are really fierce monsters in the sea."

Roar!At the next moment, a ferocious giant mouth flashed in front of his eyes, and in an instant, he lost all consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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