Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 187 Ignoring Deterrence

Chapter 187 Ignoring Deterrence
"What? The strength of these people is so frightening?" Seeing the people on the other side continue to fall, some monks' minds trembled, and their eyes became horrified.

Someone even shouted angrily: "Feng Yunlin, we are all Chi Yue's future pillars, do you really dare to kill us here? Don't you be afraid of starting a war between the two countries?"

"That's right! Once the Holy Majesty knows what you have done, he will definitely uphold justice for us, and even you will escape to death!" Everyone suddenly felt confident.

However, when Feng Yunlin heard the words, the corners of his mouth rose, showing disdain.

"Compared to my Fengyun royal family, you so-called genius monks are even worse than ants. Do you really think that the sage of Chiyue will tear his face with our Fengyun country for you?"

When Feng Yunlin said it arrogantly, his face was full of contempt.

"Damn it!" Some people were very angry when they heard this.

Although they didn't believe what the other party said, they couldn't help being shaken seeing the other party's confident appearance.

"Could it be that in the eyes of the Holy One, the future cultivation of us Chiyue is really inferior to the friendship with Fengyun Kingdom?" Some monks couldn't help but wondered inwardly, and their eyes began to shrink back.

"Noisy!" Suddenly, the black-clothed boy Fang Hao frowned, his expression full of dissatisfaction, and in an instant, he waved his sleeve.

boom!A powerful force of cultivation exploded out, as if turning into the power of the sky, it suddenly descended on everyone.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Puff puff…"

Immediately, the dozens of monks backed up, looked pale, and spurted blood wildly.

Looking at the boy in black who was only sixteen or seventeen years old, their eyes were full of horror, as if they were horrified by seeing a ghost.

"You..." Someone's eyes were wide open, as if hesitant to speak, but for some reason, the words that had already been uttered in his mouth were swallowed back into his stomach.

"A bunch of barbarians! Get lost, my young master!" Fang Hao shouted coldly, his expression showing arrogance.

Although the heart was extremely unwilling, and the eyes struggled for a while, until the end, many monks still chose to retreat.

"I knew that if I was not a king among my peers, I would have no chance of getting the Daoist inheritance. If so, why should I fight with my life?" Someone sighed in their hearts, with bitterness on their faces.

Having said that, before, he still had a little fantasy in his heart, hoping that he would have the luck against the sky, and be lucky enough to get the position of Taoist among many geniuses.

But now it seems that the trace of fantasy in this heart is completely wiped out.

Seeing someone backing away, many people roared in their hearts: "Damn it, is it true that the position of Daoist is really not destined for me, and I can only choose to spend this life in obscurity?"

He clenched his fists vigorously with both hands, and his face became ferocious.

However, even so, he still retreated slowly, because he knew that no matter how unwilling he was, the situation was compelling and he had to retreat.

Seeing everyone retreating one after another, Fang Hao, the black-clothed boy, Feng Yunlin and the others showed contemptuous smiles.

Immediately, the two of them ignored the crowd, closed their eyes lightly, and held their breath to concentrate, as if they were comprehending something.

"Hey!" However, at this moment, a golden light beam rushed, and finally turned into a bald monk, he was Wukong.

When everyone saw the Wukong monk appear, the corners of their mouths twitched, and hatred flashed in their eyes.

However, some people's eyes flashed, and immediately, they showed a look of watching a play.

"Although this bald donkey is shameless, his strength can definitely be called the king among his peers. I just don't know if he will choose to work hard!" Someone murmured, feeling more hopeful in his heart.

When Monk Wukong appeared, his eyes suddenly opened up, looking at the six figures above, his eyes sparkled, but the next moment, he made an unexpected move.

"Amitabha! My little monk Wukong is a disciple of Buddhism, and the position of Taoist is untainted. It's a sin, a sin!" When he came, the aura on his body suddenly changed, and he looked very stable and solemn.

In an instant, he got sick, and retreated into the crowd, and then closed his eyes lightly, as if he didn't care about the matter.

His strange behavior has made some people puzzled, wondering what kind of crooked plans this deceitful bald donkey is playing.

In the sky, Feng Yuntian and Jue Wuxin waited for others to see this, but they showed arrogance, and when they looked at the monk's eyes, they were full of strong disdain.

"What kind of Buddhist practice, what kind of strong Buddhist Taoism, can be called the king among his peers, it seems that it is just a show." Jue Wuxin said, with extreme arrogance in his expression.

They here are already considered the masters of this world, so they naturally feel that they are superior, and have a feeling of being able to despise the heroes.

But at this moment, a ray of golden light suddenly rushed out of the vortex, and when the golden light subsided, it revealed a young man with an ordinary appearance, but he couldn't help exuding a compelling aura.

He is asking the sky.

Um?At that moment, he frowned, because he could clearly sense that the atmosphere in the audience seemed a little weird, especially when some people looked at him with gloating eyes, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

But soon, when he took everything in front of his eyes, he could already guess seven or eight points in his heart, and immediately, he set his sights on the Wukong monk.

But this look made his eyes shrink.

"What is this bald monk planning? Could it be that he was really intimidated by the other party?"

"No... Although it was only a moment of fighting before, he is definitely not a soft persimmon." He couldn't help shaking his head slightly in his heart.

Immediately, he stopped looking at Monk Wukong, and raised his eyes to look at the six people above him.

"Late stage of spirit transformation?" When he set his eyes on the boy in black, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he felt a faint sense of danger from the boy.

"This person is not simple, he should be the Fang Hao that Qinglian said." He thought to himself.

He put his eyes on the two empty platforms again, and then his eyes flashed, and his body began to rise slowly.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions changed slightly. Some people opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but they didn't say anything until the end, and a gleam of excitement flashed in their eyes at the end.

Monk Wukong's eyes opened slightly, and after seeing this scene, he remembered something, and the corners of his mouth were outlined, revealing an inexplicable smile.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, stop quickly!" Suddenly, a cold snort came from above, and the person who spoke was Jue Wuxin from Fengyun Empire.

Hearing this, Wentian's eyes flashed coldly, but he didn't have the slightest intention to stop, his body still rose and flew towards one of the platforms.

"Looking for death!" Jue Wuxin was furious at the moment, condescending, and pointed at Wentian.

(End of this chapter)

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