Chapter 189
Immediately, the raging flames wrapped around the storm, forming a wind and fire tornado, blasting towards Wentian with that destructive momentum.

This is the intergenerational power of the five elements. Although it is the superposition of two attacks, in reality, its power is more than doubled.

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, everyone below was shocked.

"When these two join forces, I'm afraid that even some late-stage spirit transformations are no match for them." Someone said, his eyes full of dignity.

Wentian's expression froze, and the next moment, golden light bloomed all over his body, and he shouted in his heart: "Thousand overlapping wave palms."

At that moment, he replaced the power of water with the power of his body, and blasted out thousands of palms continuously. The thousand palm prints overlapped to form a big golden palm print, which was blasted out with overwhelming force.

boom!The two strong collided, and the shocking aftermath of the explosion shocked everyone. The violent wind roared in the air, and the sparks exploded, like a disaster from the sky. Some weaker monks turned pale.

"Who won?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Peng!" As soon as this person's words fell, the storm in the sky suddenly dispersed, and the golden light was even brighter, as if a scorching sun was rising.

Wentian's expression was flying, his body was covered with golden light, and he was fierce in the air like a god of war. Although his clothes were damaged, his body was still intact.

With his current physical body, unless it is an attack from a strong person in the Vientiane Realm, or a magical weapon that has reached the earth level, it will be difficult to hurt him at all.

As for the two people on the other side, their faces turned pale for a while, a smear of blood leaked from the corner of their mouths, and their eyes were filled with astonishment.

"This guy is so strong, why would someone reach such a level in this barren land?" one of them said.

"If this person is not dead, he will pose a threat to the young master. If the young master does not get the position of Daozi, then we have no value in living. This person must die!" Another person said fiercely, with more murderous intent in his eyes.

However, at this moment, Wentian's expression changed slightly, and then his eyes shone coldly, and he said in a cold voice, "You want to die, so I'll make it happen for you."


The void behind him suddenly trembled, and then Jue Wuxin's figure appeared. In an instant, Jue Wuxin's five fingers turned into claws, and he attacked Wentian's back head with ferocious force.

At the same time, with a flash of afterglow, Feng Yuntian squeezed the formula with both hands, a flame shot up into the sky, then condensed and then shrunk, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a fireball with a diameter of one zhang, blasting towards Wentian.

"Ah... be careful!" Someone below noticed this scene and suddenly exclaimed.

Unknowingly, they have regarded Wentian, who has undergone a drastic change, as their hope.

Monk Wukong squinted his eyes below, and there was a faint flash of light, but he quickly recovered, with a look of indifference to the world, appearing noble.

Seeing the attack and killing of the two, Wen Tian's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

boom!All of a sudden, flames shot up from his body. Although he was only in the mid-stage of Spirit Transformation, the power of the flames was much stronger than that of the ordinary mid-stage.

When the flames erupted, half of the sky was even more red, and the terrifying high temperature made the faces of the people below see fine sweat.

If Feng Yuntian's fire power is a volcano, then his fire power is a spark, how can the light of Yinghuo compete with the bright moon.

Boom!Flames exploded from his body, and in the blink of an eye, under the frightened eyes of Feng Yuntian and Jue Wuxin, they were completely engulfed.

However, at this moment, Wentian quickly made a move, and the Flowing Sword wrapped around his waist, with a clang, was quickly unsheathed, and a beam of sword light flashed among the raging flames.

The sudden burst of sword light was as fast as wind and lightning, and before the two of them could react, they had already cut their throats.

Immediately, the fresh blood gushed out like a spring, even if they pinched their throats with their hands vigorously, it had no effect at all.

"" The two opened their mouths to speak, their eyes filled with fear.

However, soon, the raging flames completely engulfed them, and even the screams did not come out.

Everything seemed to be slow, but in fact, it only happened at that moment. When the flames on Wentian's body dissipated, everyone suddenly looked terrified as if they had seen a ghost.

I saw two unrecognizable, charred corpses, just like this, falling towards the boundless sea below with the gravity.

With a puff, it fell into the sea, and after splashing a little water, it was never seen again.

"Hiss..." Everyone couldn't help but gasped, looking at Wentian's eyes, as if they were looking at a peerless beast. Invisibly, Wentian gave them the feeling that it was impossible. Demigods defeated.

The two geniuses from Fengyun Kingdom fell one after the other in that instant. If this news spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar in Chiyue.

Especially Feng Yuntian, he is a member of the Fengyun royal family, his status is not much different from that of the eldest prince Ji Baojun.

Sensing the disappearance of the aura of Feng Yuntian and Jue Wuxin, sitting cross-legged on Feng Yunlin, his body couldn't help shaking suddenly, three black lines flashed across his forehead, it seemed that he was extremely angry at this moment, but maybe he remembered something, he Forcibly suppressing his emotions, he continued to comprehend.

Fang Hao, a young man in black not far away, seemed to be aware of this scene. The corners of his mouth raised in a mocking arc, but no one knew what he was laughing at.

Boom!And as the two of them realized, the entire sky suddenly darkened, and a heavy sense of oppression descended from the sky, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically.

Especially in the eyes of everyone, above the sky, heaven and earth runes emerged, forming a huge vortex, and in the vortex, there was a monstrous aura, as if the other side of the vortex was a person unimaginable world.

At the same time, a ruthless light flashed in the eyes of Fang Hao's two followers, their faces were ferocious, and their expressions became crazy.

"Shoot!" The two shouted suddenly.

Fluffy! !Immediately, the vitality in their bodies exploded without any reservation, giving people a kind of viciousness that seemed to be going all out.

"Fire wolf!"

"Wind wolf!"


A violent storm blew up, and the flames rushed out, and each of them condensed into spirits. One fire, one wind, and the two fire wolves and wind wolves, which were ten feet tall, condensed out, and howled ferociously.

Transforming spirits, transforming spirits, transforming into spirits with the power of origin, I didn't expect that these two people are just the attendants of the boy in black, but they also possess such monstrous abilities. If they were in Chiyue, they would definitely be genius-level figures.

"Wind and fire twin wolves, kill them!" The two yelled in unison.

Immediately, the Fenghuo wolf raised its head to the sky and roared, and then the two beasts rose violently, and when they charged violently, they entangled each other even more, until they turned into a fifteen-foot-tall Fenghuo wolf wrapped in flames and storms, roaring towards Wentian .

(End of this chapter)

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