Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 190 Star Statue

Chapter 190 Star Statue
Also at this moment, someone's eyes flashed from below, and they gave others a little wink.

The next moment, more than 50 cultivators suddenly burst into cultivation and rushed towards the air platform at the fastest speed.


"The position of Taoist should be occupied by those who are able, and it must not fall into the hands of people from other countries." Someone roared.

Pom Pom Pom! !

At this moment, they seemed to have completely forgotten the fear in their hearts before, and only madness and greed appeared in their eyes.

Of the eight platforms in the sky, only the black-clothed boy Fang Hao and Feng Yunlin occupy two seats, and the other six are already ownerless, and they can't bear it anymore.

In front of the Taoist position, no matter how small the opportunity is, some people are willing to fight. If they are lucky enough to be favored by the goddess of luck and become Chiyue's Taoist, then from then on, they will jump through the dragon gate and become the high and mighty One side dominates.

Thinking of this, everyone was excited, as if life and death had been forgotten.


"The power of wind and fire, blending with spirit?" Seeing the spirit wolf with two kinds of power rushing towards him, Wen Tian couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows. At the same time, he was even more curious about the identity of the boy in black.

"A genius with such strength is only the two attendants by his side. This Fang Hao's identity is definitely extraordinary." Deep fear flashed in his eyes.

But now that the attack had arrived, he didn't have time to think about it. In an instant, his body was shocked.

boom!A domineering aura rose from his body, and the ancient spirit scriptures were lifted up in his body, and an ancient mountain and a figure appeared behind him.

In an instant, his whole body was shining with golden light, his black hair was flying, and a dragon flashed on his forehead, turning into a dragon pattern mark, making him majestic and majestic as if he had turned into a dragon warrior.

Suddenly, he roared.

When the power of the fire element rose, it faintly transformed into a fire dragon and wrapped around his arm. In an instant, he felt that his right arm contained the power of a volcano.

That's right, it is the power of a volcano, the power of a volcano that can suddenly erupt and shake the earth.

"Burning his arms, burning his will, breaking mountains and rivers with strength, burning the heavens and the earth with flames." He shouted crazily.

Immediately, with an extremely domineering momentum, he blasted out a punch that was as heavy as a star.

"Boom!" With a punch, the entire sky was shaken violently. The power of the fist was overwhelming, and when it came out, the punch that contained the power of the physical body and the power of fire turned into a golden and red streak. The intersecting dragons rushed out.

"Roar!" As soon as the dragon's roar came out, the world was broken, and the mountains and rivers collapsed, causing many monks to buzz in their ears and feel their minds spinning.

Under Wentian's peerless punch that combined the power of giant force and fire element, the giant wolf entangled in wind and fire immediately let out a scream, and exploded completely with a bang in an instant, turning into a monstrous aftermath and sweeping all directions.

"What?" Seeing that the powerful blow of the two people's fusion was actually blown away by the opponent's domineering force, the two people were suddenly shocked, and their eyes became shocked.

"Death!" Just as they were shocked, a cold snort full of killing intent suddenly exploded in their minds.

"Don't...Young Master, save us."

"Young master..." The two roared wildly, their eyes covered with blood in fright.

However, when Fang Hao heard it, his expression only moved slightly, but he still didn't open his eyes. Soon, his face turned cold.

"Don't worry! I think you have followed this young master for many years, and I will avenge the enmity between the two of you." He said calmly, without a trace of emotion in his words.

Wentian flashed his figure and appeared in front of the two of them. Under the unbelievable eyes of the two, he stretched out two fingers respectively, and lightly touched the eyebrows of the two of them.


Immediately, two blood sprayed up, and I saw these two teenagers who had reached the middle stage of spiritual transformation, just fell like this. Even if they died, their eyes were still horrifying, thinking in their minds: "How is this possible? This is just a barbarian place."

Watching the two bodies fall, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly, and a suction force emitted from his hands, directly sucking away the space ring on the opponent's body, and then, his figure galloped towards a platform.

Some monks, when they saw him rushing from behind, their brains were shaken suddenly, showing a look of panic, and they were even more unwilling to growl in their hearts: "Damn it, there are six unowned platforms, why did this ancient day choose this one. "

Although he was extremely unwilling, he still looked hard and chose to give way automatically, as if he was deeply afraid that if he took a step back, Wentian would be misunderstood.

Wentian didn't pay attention to this, and went straight to the air platform. Under his boundless awe, everyone retreated wherever he passed.

Feng Yunlin opened slightly, flashes of murderous intent, but at this moment, Fang Hao's voice sounded in his head: "Leave this person alone, let's talk about the inheritance."

Hearing this, a ruthless light flashed in his eyes.

With a chirp, Wentian froze and rushed into one of the platforms.

However, the moment he landed on the platform, his eyes shrank and then opened wide, revealing an incredible expression.

"This..." There was a storm in his heart, and he couldn't help rolling his throat and swallowing a mouthful of foam.

When he stood on the platform, the world in his eyes seemed to have changed. He saw that the sky above his head had turned into a piece of black, and there were countless stars twinkling, sending out a mighty aura.

The starry sky, which suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, was a large piece of starry sky. Looking at this mighty starry sky, he suddenly felt that he was so small, like an insignificant dust grain in the starry sky.

"Hiss..." Looking at this astonishing scene, even he who had experienced two lives was stunned for a while, feeling so incredible.

"Huh? That's...?" Suddenly, he seemed to see something, and his mind was agitated.

In the black starry sky, there was a huge object that was slowly descending.

However, when he was looking at this huge object, he didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that there was a pair of pupils watching him on that object.

In an instant, he was shocked and shook his head violently. When he looked again, he found that the pair of pupils were gone, but this time, he could see the appearance of that huge object.

It was a statue, but it was not an ordinary statue, it was a statue comparable to the size of a star, and on the statue, there were two rays of light wrapping around its body, as if trying to pull it with all its strength, trying to pull it down.

Immediately, as if he remembered something, he suddenly turned his head and set his sights on Feng Yunlin and the black-clothed boy Fang Hao.

"It's them!"

"Is it necessary to pull down this statue if you want to get the inheritance of Daozi?" He was shocked in his heart.

But he is not an ordinary person after all, he came back to his senses very quickly, his eyes flashed, his teeth were gritted, and he sat cross-legged on the platform in an instant.

And when he sat cross-legged, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, that is, there seemed to be a connection between him and that huge statue.

He didn't think too much, his mind began to condense, and finally turned into a ray of spiritual consciousness, which began to follow the strange feeling and spread upwards.

After some time, he felt that his ray of spiritual consciousness seemed to have reached the end, and even touched an obstacle. In an instant, his mind moved, and he could probably guess that this obstacle was the huge statue.

Then, without thinking too much, he controlled the ray of consciousness, wrapped around a finger of the statue, and began to pull it with his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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