Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 191 The Fatty Shows Up

Chapter 191 The Fatty Shows Up
At the same time, the people below fought even more fiercely. The monks who were originally in the same team chose to fight secretly when they came to the platform.

Suddenly, there were roars and screams, and blood and corpses continued to fall into the sea below.

Soon, the blood in the sea became thicker and thicker, and there was an unusual aura faintly emitted, but the people who were beating up fiercely did not notice this.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a violent storm blew up, and everyone was swept away by the wind.

"Who?" Someone looked shocked and shouted.

"Get out!" However, there was a cold snort in the storm.

"Bang!" In an instant, the person who spoke seemed to be blown away by an invisible force of cultivation, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, showing a look of horror.

"Shangguan Chong!" When he saw the figure in the storm clearly, he murmured with bitterness on his face.

When some people heard the words, their bodies suddenly trembled, and they exclaimed: "What? It's Chi Yue's first day before Shangguan Chong?"

Immediately, everyone retreated one after another.

Because of Shangguan Chong's name, he is also well-known among Chiyue. He is the son of Qilin and Chiyue's veritable genius.

What's more, in the eyes of some people, he is even more talented than Lin Wentian, who has caused a lot of trouble in the city recently.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Wentian is just a half-human, while Shangguan Chong is their Chi Yue, the future star of human monks.

"Aw!" At the same time, a howling sound like a beast or a ghost suddenly sounded, and there was a bang from behind, and a burst of spirit-forming power burst out, and it even faintly turned into the shadow of a fierce soul and charged.


In an instant, someone screamed, as if their soul had been swallowed by a fierce demon, and they lost consciousness instantly, their body stiffened, and they fell straight into the sea.

"Hiss!" The strange change that appeared again made everyone feel horrified, and their eyes were terrified to the extreme.

"That's money, gold and silver!" Someone called.

With a chirp, he didn't even think about it, his body froze, and he retreated automatically.

If it is said that Shangguan Chong's name comes from his genius name, then Qian Jinyin, the young master of the Qian family, his name comes from his cold-blooded and cruelty.

Everyone didn't expect that Shangguan Chong and Qian Jinyin would not appear sooner or later, and they just appeared when Wentian killed Feng Yuntian and Jue Wuxin.

Therefore, some people can't help but wonder if they deliberately waited until now to show up.

Although they were extremely unwilling, facing these two people, they simply couldn't muster up any courage to resist.

Especially when they sensed the aura on Yin Jinyin's body, although it was only in the early stage of transforming spirits, it gave them a feeling of trepidation, and they were even more horrified.

Reminiscent of the news that Qian Jinyin seemed to have practiced a strange technique, they couldn't help but their minds trembled, and their whole bodies began to chatter.

In the blink of an eye, since asking the sky, two more platforms were acquired by Shangguan Chong and Qian Jinyin.

Immediately, seeing this, the others became even more anxious. After all, there were only eight platforms, and they couldn't compete any longer, so they bid farewell to the Daozi position.

In particular, when some people faintly saw a huge phantom descending from the sky above, they roared even more in their hearts.

"Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being cruel." Someone shouted angrily, his eyes were bloodshot, as if he had fallen into madness.

Fluffy!Suddenly, the battle became more intense.

Sensing the aura of Qian Jinyin, Wen Tian opened his eyes, a cold light surged in his eyes, and he said coldly: "What did you do to your elder brother Qian Fugui?"

Yin Jinyin here, just stepped on the platform, was still shocked by the astonishing scene he suddenly saw in the sky, and hadn't recovered yet, until the voice of asking the sky rang in his mind, he Only then did I react.

In an instant, he frowned, and stared at Wentian with those cold eyes: "Even if I do something to him, it's our Qian family's business, what has it got to do with you?"

Even in the face of Gu Tian, ​​who has greatly changed his appearance and is even more famous in this trial place, he still has no trace of fear on his face, just because he is money, gold and silver.

Hearing this, Wentian's complexion suddenly darkened, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he was about to speak again, but unexpectedly, his expression was stunned, followed by an inexplicable smile.

At the same time, a burst of silver light suddenly burst from below, followed by an extremely burly figure, and there was a loud voice like a lion's roar: "Go away, Fatty!"

boom!The silver light exploded and turned into a beam of light, heading straight for one of the unowned platforms.

"Bastard! Stop him." Immediately, someone shouted angrily.

Peng!Even at this moment, someone exploded a thunderbolt, and blasted towards the burly figure.

But soon, everyone looked shocked, and they were stunned for a while.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, I saw the thunder force blasting on the burly figure without any effect at all, just like an iron bull sinking into the sea without causing any waves.

Seeing this astonishing scene, many people showed unbelievable expressions.

It wasn't until a long time later that someone seemed to remember something and shouted in horror: "Ah! That's rumored to be the treasure of the Qian family, the Sky Thunder Armor. He is Qian Fugui."

"What? It's the Tianlei Armor that was rumored to have reached the mid-level prefecture level? And it's still in the hands of Qian Fugui. Could it be that the next person in charge of the Qian family is not Qian Jinyin, but this fat man, Qian Fugui?"

Immediately, there was an uproar in everyone's hearts.

That's right, this burly figure that suddenly appeared was none other than Young Master Qian, who also suddenly sensed his aura, and asked the genius to smile.

Until here, the hanging heart in Wentian's heart was finally able to let go.


Young Master Qian's expression was arrogant, he opened his mouth and roared, with a burst of momentum, coupled with the power of the thunder armor on his body, he rushed up to one of the platforms with a bang.

Seeing him forcibly occupying a platform, Qian Jinyin's face suddenly darkened, and his eyes were full of strong murderous intent.

"Without the Tianlei Armor, you are just a waste of my Qian family, why should you fight for the position of Taoist?" He said even more coldly.

In an instant, with a sudden wave of his hand, boom, a wave of primordial force far surpassing the normal early stage of spiritual transformation rushed out, turned into a beam of light, and went straight to young master Qian.

Wentian's expression changed at that moment, murderous intent gushed out of his eyes, and he was about to make a move, but unexpectedly, his expression was suddenly stunned, and he became dumbfounded.

"Even if I'm the trash of the Qian family, I'm still your big brother!" The fat man suddenly became furious and started to drink.

Under everyone's astonished gazes, he saw that Young Master Qian had made handprints with his hands.

At the same time, a strong yellow light erupted from his body, and an aura as heavy as lead and iron rose from his body.

(If you are interested in recommending a friend's book "Emperor Immortal Questions", you can read it)
(End of this chapter)

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