Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 193 Flood Dragon Demon

Chapter 193 Flood Dragon Demon

It can also be seen from this how deep the people's resentment towards Monk Wukong is.

Suddenly, everyone gave up the opponent in front of them, and unanimously launched a violent attack on Monk Wukong, as if they wanted to unite the power of everyone to kill this shameless monk.

"Bastard! A group of little Luoluo, do you really think that the Buddha is a soft persimmon?" Monk Wukong was furious in an instant, and took a deep breath, his body was full of Buddha light, and a golden lion phantom appeared faintly behind him .

The next moment, he opened his mouth and roared wildly.


Just as he roared out, he saw the vaguely visible shadow of the golden lion behind him, opened its fierce mouth, and suddenly let out an astonishing roar.

"Boom boom boom!!"

"No! It's a sonic attack!" A monk screamed, his eyes full of horror.

bang bang bang!Under the power of this roar, the bodies of many monks flew upside down like that scarecrow, and even those with weaker cultivation bases changed their expressions drastically, spurting out fresh blood, and even more blood oozed from their ears.


After everyone came back to their senses, their brains were excited, their eyes became clear, and their hearts were even more frightened by what they had just done.

"Hmph! Is the Dao of Master Ben Buddha also something that you little Luoluo can stop?"

"Simply overwhelmed."

Monk Wukong snorted coldly with a haughty expression, and with a chirp, his figure flickered, and he rushed to the last platform at this moment.

"Buzz!" However, just as he rushed up to the platform, the eight platforms in the void suddenly burst into light, and special patterns began to appear, connecting the eight platforms together, forming a strange formation.

At the same time, the eight platforms are connected, more like forming an enchantment, completely separating Wentian and others. Some monks who wanted to rely on the platform, with a bang, were blown away by a rebounding force, showing even more horror. human gaze.

Boom!When this enchantment was completed, the entire void rumbled violently, the sky suddenly turned black, and the scorching sun disappeared, but there were many more shining stars, shining like shining stars.

This suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone, but it was a starry sky scene.

Not only that, some sharp-eyed people even faintly saw a huge star-like statue in the starry sky in the sky, which was being pulled slowly and wanted to descend from the starry sky.

"Hiss!" Seeing this thrilling scene, everyone's expressions were extremely shocked, and they couldn't help but gasped.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Could it be that this is the so-called Daozi inheritance?" Everyone's hearts were filled with fear, and boundless doubts arose.

boom!A heavy air force that made everyone feel extremely depressed suddenly descended from the sky, and everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they couldn't help turning pale.

One person chose to fly down rapidly because he could not bear the monstrous pressure. When he landed on the surface of the sea, the pressure on his body was greatly relieved, and he was greatly relieved.


But just when his expression relaxed, there was a loud bang, and the sea was churning, as if it was moving mountains and seas, a huge animal shadow suddenly rushed out of the sea, and before this person could react, he had already swallowed it swallow.

After that, like a dragon wagging its tail, boom, the beast shadow rushed into the sea again.

Suddenly, there was a stream of blood in the sea.

"What? Siren?"

"Ah! There really is a vicious monster in this sea!" Some people noticed it, and their expressions were startled, showing unbelievable expressions.

Peng!In an instant, their bodies were full of chatter, and their cultivation suddenly exploded, wanting to leave the sea.

But soon, bitterness appeared on their faces, because the overwhelming coercion from above the sky had made it difficult for them to fly.

Thinking of this, someone's eyes were blood red, and they roared like crazy: "Damn it, how could this happen?"

Everyone on the platform also clearly sensed this, Wen Tian even shrank his eyes, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

At the same time, in the depths of the sea, a huge beast shadow, its eyes are blood red, as round as two red lanterns, even though it is lurking at this time, its body exudes a terrifying and fierce aura .

Fierce monster!Just its ferocious aura is enough to be worthy of the word fierce monster.

However, just between the forehead of this fierce monster, there was a figure standing faintly, and a strange voice came from this figure.

"The blood of these humans is really wonderful, but it's a pity, if only their cultivation was higher..."

"Roar!" Immediately, the fierce monster roared angrily, and there was a roar that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods, which made the sea water tumbling.

boom!The next moment, the monster's body trembled violently, charging towards the sea with a violent and ferocious aura.

"Bang!" With a sound, under the shocked eyes of everyone, the appearance of this fierce monster finally appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

I saw that it was a [-] zhang long snake that looked like a python but not a python. There was a spike protruding from its forehead and two big bumps protruding from its abdomen. The big bag rushed out, especially its ferocious huge mouth, and roared towards the sky, and there was a monstrous roar, as if it wanted to shock the world and break through the sky.

"What? That's...that's..."

"Ah! Could this be the legendary Sea Jiao?"

When everyone saw the appearance of the sea monster, they were all shocked, their eyes widened, and their expressions were extremely shocked.

"No! There are people above!" Suddenly, someone screamed.

"What?" Everyone didn't believe it.

But at the next moment, there was a sudden chatter, his mind went blank, and someone murmured with disbelief in his eyes: "How is it possible? Could it be that the legendary sea jelly was tamed?"

Thinking of this, a turbulent sea was set off in their hearts.

You must know that Jiao evolved from a boa constrictor. Although it is not a real dragon, Jiaolong and Jiaolong mean that it is infinitely close to a dragon, and it can even be said to be a type of miscellaneous dragon.

But now, there is someone who can tame the legendary dragon. If the news is spread, it will definitely cause an uproar. Moreover, the aura of this sea dragon is extremely monstrous, and two words flashed in everyone's minds.

"Vientiane! This is the Vientiane Sea Jiao!" Someone exclaimed, and his whole soul trembled.


Not to mention these people, even Young Master Qian on the platform couldn't help but take a deep breath when he saw this, his eyes were extremely shocked.


Someone forcibly calmed down, and shouted loudly at the figure on Jiaolong.

However, Wentian suddenly opened his eyes wide at this moment, and then opened his mouth and shouted: "Leave quickly, this guy is not a human, he is a demon, and he is still a demon with the blood of the royal family."

His voice was urgent, it seemed that his heart had already become restless.

"Hey! I didn't expect that you group of ants would be able to recognize my identity at a glance!" Suddenly, that figure sneered.

Peng!Suddenly, his body exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist. The blood mist surged rapidly and finally turned into a man. However, between the man's forehead was a pair of tentacles.

At the same time, a creepy aura emanated from his body, filling some people's expressions with boundless fear.

"Ah! This is the rumored monster, and it's a monster that can transform!"

"Run away!"

Pom Pom Pom! !

When they learned of the man's identity, everyone was terrified to the extreme, and they tried their best to rage their cultivation bases, wanting to escape back to the whirlpool, to the fourth floor.

However, due to the coercion in the sky, their bodies were subjected to great resistance, which greatly reduced their escape speed.

"Damn it! Why is there a flood dragon here? And there is a shape-changing demon?" Some people roared with hatred in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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