Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 194 A Violet Flame

Chapter 194 A Wisp of Purple Flame

Let alone him, everyone present wanted to know the answer.



Although these people tried their best to escape, under the terrifying power of Hai Jiaolong, these people had nowhere to escape.

Roar, Jiaolong opened its huge mouth that seemed to be able to swallow the sky and swallow the earth, and instantly swallowed several monks alive.

Suddenly, everyone was in despair.

"A group of ants also want to escape?" The strange man's mouth showed disdain for these frantically fleeing monks.

Immediately, he raised his eyes even more, and focused on Wentian who had spoken before.

But he quickly frowned, his eyes flickering, as if full of puzzlement.

Here, Wentian ignored the strange man's gaze, he looked at the tragic scene below, he clenched his hands into fists, the veins in his hands were bulging, and his face became ferocious.

He even yelled, "Stop!"

But the dragon below didn't have the slightest intention to stop. Instead, a dragon swung its tail and blasted many Chi Yue's geniuses with overwhelming force.

"Do not kill me!"


The screams kept coming, and people couldn't help their scalps exploding. The strong smell of blood almost made some people sick, especially the sea water had already been stained with blood, as if it was full of killing and ominous.


Wentian was extremely angry, his eyes were flushed red, boom, he rushed out of the barrier, but there was a rebounding force from the barrier, and he was instantly sent flying.

In an instant, his eyes flashed, the golden light on his fist was dazzling, and he punched forcefully.

Boom boom boom!The sound of punches was booming, like the sound of thunder, but despite his frenzied bombardment, the barrier was still solid, without a single crack.

"Damn it, how did this happen?" Seeing the people below being slaughtered continuously, he looked crazy, and his heart was filled with strong unwillingness.

"It's useless. Once the eight people are in place, once the formation map is released, the enchantment will become [-]%. Unless someone gets the Taoist inheritance, otherwise, this enchantment will not disappear."

Suddenly, Feng Yunlin said coldly, as if the person who was dying tragically below had nothing to do with him at all.

In fact, it really has nothing to do with him.

Because the people who died below were all young monks of Chiyue, but he was a genius from Fengyun Kingdom, so he had no influence on him.

However, when he set his sights on the monstrous dragon and the strange man below, a strong fear flashed in his eyes.

Boundless doubts arose in his heart: "What the hell is going on? The last Daozi trial in Fengyun Kingdom, this situation did not occur. Could it be that there was a change in the trial site?"

"It's just a group of ants. When they die, they die. If there's any fuss, you can only blame them for being too weak." Fang Hao, a boy in black, said with a cold expression.

"Hmph! The strong eat meat, since they have embarked on the path of cultivation, they should already have this awareness." Qian Jinyin also said coldly, and even more focused on Young Master Qian.

On the contrary, it was Young Master Qian. His face turned pale for a while, his huge body couldn't help trembling, and the fear in his eyes was intense.

Seeing this, the disdain on Qian Jinyin's face became even stronger.

"Amitabha! There is a little monk here, please rest assured, if this monster dares to charge up, even if this little monk puts his life on the line, he will kill the demon and keep everyone safe." The Wukong monk on the side put his hands together, looking deathly at home. In terms of appearance.

However, what he said, in exchange for everyone's disdainful cold snorts and white eyes.

bang bang bang! !It was just an instant effort, and nearly a hundred Chi Yue's genius cultivators fell one after another like this, even after they died, they were reduced to the blood of fierce monsters.

Some monks who came late from the fourth floor, just rushed out of the vortex passage, were completely stunned by the scene in front of them. Dive into the vortex.

Regarding this, the strange man didn't pay much attention to it, but instead focused his gaze on the array formed by the eight platforms, and muttered in his mouth: "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time, when I am completely out of trouble." , that’s when this world turned into a place of blood hell.”

After the words fell, a strange smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

This smile fell into Young Master Qian's eyes, but it instantly made him shudder, and his complexion became even paler: "Damn it, what kind of inheritance is this!"

"Let's talk nonsense, if you don't want to die, do it quickly. As long as someone gets the inheritance of the Taoist, the portal of the trial site will open. No matter how strong the monster is, he can't do anything to us."

After saying that, Feng Yunlin didn't pay any attention to the crowd, and began to gather his mind, pulling the statue in the starry sky to land with all his strength.

Shangguan Chong, Qian Jinyin and others also reacted instantly, using the same method, wrapped a trace of spiritual consciousness around the huge statue, and began to pull it.

"Does this statue have to come down if you want to obtain the inheritance of the Taoist?" Wentian's eyes flashed, and immediately he restrained his mind and sat cross-legged.

Because he already understood that this trial would not end if the Taoist inheritance was not acquired by others for a day, not to mention leaving this trial site, it is absolutely impossible to even break the barrier on his body.

After understanding the pros and cons, everyone sat cross-legged, even though Young Master Qian was terrified, he still cooperated.

Black-clothed youth Fang Hao, Shangguan Chong, Feng Yunlin, Monk Wukong, Ji Hong, Yin Jinyin, Young Master Qian, and Wentian, seven of these eight people already have spiritual consciousness, only Lianyuan Young Master Qian in the environment does not have spiritual consciousness.

However, relying on the Heavenly Thunder Armor on his body, he also separated a silver thread, wrapped it around a finger of the statue, and began to pull it vigorously as if his face was flushed.

Boom!As the eight people pulled, the huge star-like statue began to fall continuously, and its speed was several times faster than before. With the power of eight people, how could Fang Hao and Feng Yunlin compare with each other? .

And even more here, in the dark, everyone felt that there was a causal connection with this statue, as if this statue was their ancestor of creation, or the ancestor of the source of blood in their bodies.

This discovery immediately shocked everyone.

Especially Wentian, when this weird feeling appeared in his mind, he couldn't help shivering, and the mysterious phantom gushed out from behind him.

"What the hell is going on? Why do I feel like my heart is jumping up and down, is there any problem with this Daoist inheritance?" There was a strong look of surprise in his eyes.


At the same time, somewhere in this trial ground, there is a volcano.

Inside this volcano, there is a huge magma pool, and the magma is completely boiling. The astonishingly high temperature, not to mention people, I am afraid that if a god falls into it, it will be wiped out in an instant.

However, right in the center of this frightening magma pool, a ray of purple flames can be seen slowly rising, like the king of all flames, exuding a sacred aura, causing the magma in all directions to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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