Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 195 What is Tao?

Chapter 195 What is Tao?
It's just that above this ray of purple flames, there is an ancient coffin floating strangely. This ancient coffin is made of unknown material, and even under such a sky-high temperature, there is no sign of melting at all.

The most shocking thing is that all kinds of mysterious and strange runes of heaven and earth are engraved on this ancient coffin, which makes this weird ancient coffin not only convey the sense of antiquity and vicissitudes, but also convey a sense of extreme evil. The meaning of icy cold, just like this ancient coffin, came from under the ice spring in the Land of Nine Nethernesses.

The purple flame below bursts of purple light, enveloping this strange ancient coffin, if it is protecting it, it seems to be sealing the ancient coffin with a strange force, which seems to be full of boundless mystery.

But at this moment, a burst of white light suddenly appeared in the sky above the ancient coffin, and immediately a formation appeared, and a small dot emerged from it.

No... this is not a small dot, but the little ball beast from before.

After the little beast appeared, looking at the ancient coffin below, its eyes widened wide, like a curious baby, it began to circle around the ancient coffin, and even knocked it with its short claws from time to time.

But after knocking for a while, there was no reaction from the ancient coffin. It seemed to have lost patience, shouting Yi, Yi, and waving its claws indiscriminately, not knowing what to express.

Suddenly, its eyes lit up, as if it had discovered a treasure, its body flickered, and it stood beside that wisp of purple flame, its two claws stretched out into its mouth, and its eyes kept turning, as if it was thinking about something. of.

Suddenly, its fur trembled, and its eyes flashed with excitement, as if it had thought of something good.

In an instant, saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth, without any warning, it just grabbed the purple flame with its hands like this.



Suddenly, the sharp scream of the little beast resounded, and it was seen that it had just touched the claw of the wisp of purple, but it was scorched black, and there was a burst of burning smell.

Looking at its roasted paws, the little beast suddenly became furious, and the fur all over its body exploded, especially its long tail, which became straight and firm, and stared fiercely at the purple flame that was still floating peacefully.

"Yi, Yi!" It looked angry, and kept paddling its hands and clamoring, as if blaming Zi Yan for roasting its claws.

It even opened its mouth, pointed at Ziyan with its paw, and then pointed at its own mouth, it looked very weird, as if it was resenting Ziyan, why not let it eat.

This makes it very angry.

Immediately, its fur trembled, and then its hands continued to stroke, as if forming some seals, and with the strokes, there was only a white light, which seemed to turn into countless lines, trying to entangle the purple flame.


All of a sudden, as if feeling provocative, Zi Yan felt a slight shock, followed by a faint purple glow on her body, and as soon as the purple glow came out, the thread cast by the little beast suddenly broke.

"Yi, Yi, Yi!"

In response to this, the little beast became completely mad, barging its fangs and claws continuously, as if it had a sworn feud with Zi Yan.

But just when Ziyan was glowing purple, I saw that the ancient coffin, which had been silent for thousands of years, vibrated slightly strangely.

In the next moment, an ancient voice full of vicissitudes came: "Who? Who is triggering the power of the seal?"

"Acridine" screamed, the little beast's eyes panicked, and the fur all over its body exploded, as if it was completely frightened by the sudden appearance of the sound.


With the joint efforts of the eight people of Wentian, they saw the starry sky above the sky, and the huge star-like statue had slowly descended. The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the statue's simple and solemn face.

No one knows where this statue came from, and no one knows how long this statue has existed, or this statue is not a dead thing, but a stone statue formed by a peerless powerhouse after he transformed into a Tao. .

The only thing everyone knows here is that the inheritance of Daozi lies entirely on this statue, otherwise, everyone would not work so hard to pull it down from the other side of the starry sky.

If this kind of shocking thing is told, no one will believe it. After all, the starry sky is something that is difficult for ordinary people to touch.

Among the eight, Feng Yunlin, when he saw the face of the statue, his expression became extremely excited, as if he could already see the position of Dao Zi, and was waving to him.

However, the black-clothed boy at the side had a sneer on his mouth, and he was thinking of something. As for the others, all of them had their eyes sparkling, and each of them had their own thoughts.

Young Master Qian roared in his heart: "No matter who gets the Daoist inheritance, it cannot be obtained by Qian Jinyin, otherwise, the entire Qian family will be completely destroyed in his hands."

A madness flashed across his eyes, as if he had already prepared the worst plan in his heart.

"I, Shangguan Chong, belonged to the Taoist position. Only I am Chiyue's true first genius, and only I am worthy of being Chiyue's Taoist." Shangguan Chong clenched his hands vigorously, swearing in his heart.

Just when everyone was harboring evil intentions, in the starry sky, the huge statue slowly approached everyone, as if the whole world was darkened because the statue was too huge.

"What is Tao? Who is the Son?"

Suddenly, a sound of vicissitudes that seemed to come from the ancient times, sounded strangely in everyone's minds.

At this moment, Feng Yunlin suddenly stood up, facing the statue in the air, and shouted with fiery expression: "The Tao is the sky, the sky is in the heart, everything in the world can become the Tao, the son is me, if I become a son, I will live forever!" Be true to the Tao."

As soon as his roar fell, he saw the eyes of the huge statue suddenly opened angrily, as if he had come alive from a deep sleep, and shot out a beam of light in an instant, heading straight towards Fengyun Forest.

"Hum!" The next moment, Feng Yunlin was under everyone's shocked eyes, as if his body was summoned, he started to slowly rise towards the starry sky with the beam of light.

Looking at this strange scene, everyone quickly came to their senses. They were all geniuses, and at that moment, they realized it in their hearts.

Daozi's inheritance is not only passing on supernatural powers, but the most important thing is to pass on his meaning and his heart of practicing Dao.

Apart from Fengyun Lin, Fang Hao, the boy in black, was the one who reacted the fastest, and he came back to his senses in an instant.

Immediately, he also opened his mouth and roared: "The Tao is empty, and the son is the star. In the name of Fang Hao, if you become the son of the Tao, you will become the Dao in the future."

boom!Immediately, as if feeling the Tao in his heart, the huge statue shot out a beam of light, causing Fang Hao's body to fly up.

"My way of Shangguan Chong is destined to make the past shine, because I am the son of Qilin." Shangguan Chong also shouted.

"My way lies in nothing, it only exists in my memory. If I am innocent and have the way, then when I reincarnate, I will definitely get the true way." Qian Jinyin also said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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