Chapter 229

The roar of the blood beast, especially the pair of blood-red pupils, made people's soul tremble even more, and boundless fear arose in their hearts, as if it was born to be a blood-eating beast, living for blood.

"Roar!" Under the control of the strange man, this blood beast with a huge stature and an astonishing aura was so ferocious that it devoured Wentian, and its ferocious blood mouth wanted to swallow it in one bite.

Wentian carved a mysterious rune in the void with his left hand, and then his expression turned cold. His right hand melted into the rune, facing the void in front of him, and pressed hard: "Ice Jiao, kill in anger."

"Roar!" Straws of cold ice spread out from his hands in an instant, and in an instant, a ten-foot-long ice dragon broke through the ice, raised its proud head, and let out an astonishing roar.

With a bang, with the power of extreme cold, its body shook, and it rushed out with a violent force, suppressing and killing the blood beast.

In an instant, two ten-foot-big beasts were entangled with each other and began to fight, and there were bursts of monstrous beast roars.

Controlling the ice dragon to fight, Wentian also felt the power in his body begin to drop rapidly, his face turned pale, but his eyes were still as fierce as a beast.

And the demon is also having a hard time. Although Wentian's cultivation power at this time is not as good as his, but Wentian's ice dragon power seems to have a natural countermeasure against his blood beast power, which made him feel overwhelmed for a while. , its aura is getting weaker and weaker.

"I don't believe that with my strength in the late stage of Vientiane, I will lose to you in the early stage of Vientiane." He roared.

At this time, he slapped his chest vigorously with his hand, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood was sprayed on the blood beast.

In an instant, the whole body of the blood beast burst into blood, and it grew even more crazily. It grew from a body of ten feet to a body of fifteen feet in the blink of an eye, and its aura became more violent and fierce.

"Swallow this pseudo-dragon."

"Roar!" Gaining increased power, the blood beast began to suppress the ice dragon.

Wentian's expression changed drastically. Immediately, he gritted his teeth, and a look of madness flashed in his eyes. The Dragon Emperor's ancient veins in his body roared suddenly, and a dragon's breath rose from Xiu, and entangled in his hands.

"Tell you the breath of the dragon, let you transform the fake into the real, from now on you will soar into the sky and transform into a dragon."

With a sudden wave of his hand, the wisp of dragon's breath entwined in his hand poured into the ice dragon's body with a whoosh. Immediately, the ice dragon's pupils flashed blood red, and it even raised its head and roared at the sky.

Click, click!
At the same time, there were continuous breaking sounds from its body, and under the shocked eyes of the monster, it began to transform from its forehead, abdomen, and then its whole body.

Until the end, its whole body was covered with dragon scales, with dragon whiskers growing out, and a pair of ferocious and sharp dragon claws grew out from its abdomen.

Jiaohualong, this is the legendary Jiaohualong.

Of course, this is not a real dragon, but an ice dragon condensed by Wentian's icy cold power. Even so, it is enough to shock the world.

Because the dragon is a symbol of holiness, power, and dominance, among mortals, it is impossible to possess the power of a dragon, even if it is only transformed into a form of power.

Immediately, it roared towards the sky, as if announcing its arrival, and the icy breath on its body became several times stronger in an instant, like a dragon in ice.

It roared, with crushing power, wrapped around the blood beast, click, click, under its monstrous dragon power, the blood beast let out a scream, and turned into a blood mist with a louder sound.


However, the ice dragon did not stop because of this. It spewed out a gust of cold air from the dragon's mouth. In an instant, it condensed the blood mist into ice cubes. The last dragon swung its tail, smashed the ice cubes, and disappeared into ice chips. in the void.

With a sound of "poof", the blood beast was destroyed, the strange man's complexion changed drastically, he spurted blood wildly, his aura weakened rapidly, he looked at Wentian, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"The power of the dragon, you can actually display the power of the dragon. You are the son of the dragon who has the luck of the sky, the blessing of the earth, and the recognition of the dragon clan." He suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing his words, Wentian frowned. It was not the first time he had heard of the name Son of Dragon, but until now, he hadn't realized its true meaning.

He didn't know if he was the son of some kind of dragon. The reason why he was able to transform into a dragon was because he possessed the ancient vein of the Dragon Emperor in his body.

"Death!" With a strong murderous intent in his eyes, he shouted heavily, and the ten-foot ice dragon rushed out violently with a bang.

The monster seemed to have recovered from the shock, his pale face suddenly became extremely ferocious, and a madness flashed in his pupils, a blood-red light full of boundless hatred.

"Since you are the son of the dragon, even if I die, I will die with you, and I will never let you leave here."

As the words fell, a strange bloody light suddenly rose from his body to the sky, and in an instant, the black night sky was reddened, emitting an ominous light.

When some monks who were rushing into the portal saw this red light, they immediately looked horrified and felt creepy.

"Yaoguang, this is definitely that demon!"

"Run away!"

Puffy!In an instant, everyone rushed into the portal frantically as if a catastrophe was imminent.


When the blood-red demonic light exploded, Wentian's ice dragon also slammed away fiercely, and there was a bang, which immediately resounded through the sky, shaking all directions.

The ice dragon exploded, turned into ice chips and fell from the sky, twinkling and twinkling, twinkling like stars in the night sky.

However, at this moment, Wentian's face was very pale, and his breath became messy. It seemed that his soaring strength had reached its limit.

"Is it dead?" He thought to himself.

"Roar!" But at the next moment, his expression changed suddenly, and with a whoosh, a streak of blood flew, revealing a ferocious-looking humanoid monster with bloody eyes.

With a sizzling sound, a beast claw tore his arm like a flash of lightning, blood splashed all of a sudden, and a heart-piercing pain swept from his wound, making his face pale as snow, and his heart was extremely horrified .

"Damn boy, you forced me to use my body's power, I want you to die!" A voice full of cruelty and viciousness came from the mouth of the humanoid monster.

Watching the monster turn into this half-human, half-beast, Wentian felt a turmoil in his heart.

He has heard long ago that monsters can be called both humans and monsters, because they have the powerful body of monsters, the power of blood, and the wisdom of humans. They are essentially the same as some ancient beasts, but they also have big difference.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter this once-in-a-thousand-year demon turned beast. He didn't know whether he should feel lucky or unlucky.

With the power of returning to the beginning in his body, his wound glowed faintly, but in the opponent's claw strike, it seemed that there was a strange force attached to it, which made his wound heal very slowly.

In an instant, he was shocked.

Looking at those portals in the distance, the light of which was slowly shrinking, his eyelids twitched, and the next moment, there was a fierce flash in his eyes.

"Shenlong, swim in the sky." A Shenlong shouted, a phantom of a dragon flashed under his feet, and he was stepping on the dragon, and disappeared from the original place in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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