Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 230 Sword Fighting

Chapter 230
"Boy! You can't run away, not only your blood and soul, but even your flesh and blood will belong to me, Jie Jie!" The monster who turned into a half-human and half-beast, he sneered, as if he knew Wentian's power has come to an end.

The cat catches the mouse, he only needs to do this so that the other party can slowly feel the fear of death, in order to satisfy his heart and relieve the hatred in his heart.

Whoosh!After turning into a half-orc, his speed and strength were several times faster than before.

After chasing and fleeing, he quickly flew over a valley, a Goosen.

"Ahem!" Wentian coughed up blood, with a deeply tired expression on his face, the power of ice in his body was also slowly dissipating, and the rapidly declining energy in his body made him feel a sense of powerlessness.

In just the blink of an eye, his origin power has dropped from the peak of the Vientiane early stage to the middle stage of the spirit transformation. According to his estimation, he may still fall to the early stage of the spirit transformation.

With a whoosh, his figure flicked, and he pulsed towards the mountain below.

Seeing this, the monster who was chasing from behind gave a sinister laugh: "Jie Jie! What's up with you kid? Could it be that he can't run?"

With a bang, when Wentian fell to the ground, he staggered and fell down, coughing up blood, looking at the demon behind him, his expression was full of boundless fear.

"Don't come here, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." He shouted loudly, but even so, his panicked eyes showed that he lacked confidence.

Regarding this, the monster's eyes were full of ridicule. If the other party didn't say that, maybe he would still be afraid in his heart, now?

Unhurriedly, he approached Wentian step by step, as if he wanted the other person's heart to be slowly swallowed by fear.

Seeing this, Wentian's face became paler and paler, and his body couldn't help shaking.

"Don't come here again, otherwise, I will die with you." Wentian screamed, with the faint intention of burning everything together, but the fear in his eyes was even stronger.

"Really? Then I'll widen my eyes and see how you end up with me?" The bewitching man disdainfully.

"You forced me, you forced me." Wentian roared, trying to shout back the demon.

"That's right, I forced you, so what? You died with me!" The bewitching man sneered, his eyes full of mischief, like a tiger playing a rabbit.

"Tat Tat Tat!" He took three steps in a row, only two zhang away from Wentian, his eyes couldn't help flashing a hint of excitement, as if what he wanted was already within reach.

However, at this very moment, Wentian's nervous look, as if he was about to burn everything together, turned his mouth upwards, outlining a hint of ridicule.

"Huh?" The demon who noticed this was stunned for a moment, and a bad premonition struck him.

"Impossible! At this moment, he is at the end of the road. Even if he wants to commit suicide, the energy in his body is not enough to cause fatal injury to me." The strange man thought secretly.

Then, anger surged on his face, and he said coldly: "The game should be over!"

"That's right! It's time for the game to end, but it's a pity that you are the one who will end it." However, after he finished speaking, Wen Tian also said coldly.

The next moment, a white light gushed out from his hands, and he saw a strange pattern appearing from between his hands. However, when this pattern appeared, the complexion of the strange man suddenly changed, and his eyes were wide open. boss.

At the same time, Wentian yelled angrily: "Yangzhen, a hundred swords fight for the front!"

With a bang, the imprint between the hands was suddenly pressed to the ground. In an instant, the entire formation burst into a burst of intense light, and a formation that was ten feet in size suddenly appeared.

At the same time, there was a sudden earthquake in the sky above the formation, and the void twisted for a while. Under the calm gaze of Wentian and the shocked gaze of the monster, one hundred and eight swords appeared from the void one after another.

Set of swords!

Anyone who is a sword cultivator can tell at a glance that these one hundred and eight swords are exactly a set of sword weapons, and the aura emanating from them is stronger than some high-grade mysterious grades.

Obviously, these one hundred and eight swords are all sword weapons of Dao Xudi Sword, and this set of sword weapons is exactly the set of sword weapons that Wentian got from the Dao Palace.

The power of the sword array formed by one hundred and eight Xudi-level swords is unimaginable. Before the real attack, the aura emitted is enough to make the strange man frightened.

"Impossible... how come you have a set of swords of Xudi level, and you can also use sword arrays, could it got the inheritance from that person?" The demon panicked and screamed even more.

Wentian's expression was cold, all his previous actions were to lure this monster here.

In an instant, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, he formed a seal in his hand, and shouted: "Hundred swords fight for the front, strangle."

"Om!" One hundred and eight long swords buzzed in the air, and the sword light exploded, forming a wave of swords, striking at the demon with a violent and fierce aura.

"Lin Wentian of that day, you dare to kill me, you will regret it." In the storm of sword light, there was the heart-piercing roar of the monster, and even Wentian could not help but twitch his eyelids when he heard it.

However, soon, his eyes flashed, and with the last bit of strength, he pushed the sword array with all his strength, and strangled.

I don't know how long it took, when the roar of the strange man disappeared, the strangling long sword in the air slowly stopped, but there was no figure of the strange man in the void, only the strong smell of blood.

"Hiss..." The power of this sword array is so frightening that even Wentian himself felt incredible.

But soon, with a bang, his body suddenly fell down, and he felt his eyelids getting heavy, and he lost consciousness not long after.

After all, the energy in his body had already been exhausted seven or eight times, and then he used the sword array to exhaust his last trace of strength.

I didn't expect that in the trial ground, this monster, who was powerful and frightening to countless monks, was under the sword formation of Wentian beheading like this. If other people saw it, how would they feel?

But when the demon was exterminated, in a certain volcanic cave in the trial site, there was a wisp of purple flame emitting a faint light, covering an ancient coffin.

However, at this moment, the ancient coffin shook slightly, and an ancient voice came: "Blood coagulation."

As the words fell, the ray of purple flame seemed to have sensed something, and there was a slight shock, and the radiance faintly became brighter than before. Immediately, the ancient coffin was covered with mysterious and ancient runes.

After that, everything returned to calm again.

However, at the place where Wentian killed the demon, there was a gust of wind and clouds in the void, and a bloody vortex instantly swallowed up the blood energy scattered in all directions.

The next moment, a drop of strangely red blood appeared from the bloody vortex, and with a beep, the drop of blood fell to the ground, and soon penetrated into the ground as if consciously.

It disappeared as if it had never been there.

(End of this chapter)

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