Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 23 The Secret Passage in the Palace

Chapter 23
hum!As soon as the shout fell, the entire Golden Dragon Hall suddenly shook, and then golden light burst into bloom.

"Ang!" A dragon roared, and the golden dragon sculpture in the hall seemed to come alive at this moment, bursting out with amazing dragon power.

As soon as this dragon's power came out, the monstrous thunder storm in the entire hall seemed to be imprisoned.

When all the power slowly disappeared, the hall returned to its original state again, but the faces of everyone in the hall became incomparably horrified.

Wentian, at this moment, a turbulent wave arose in his heart, because at the moment when the golden dragon sculpture exploded, the Dragon Emperor's ancient vein in his body suddenly became irritable, faintly about to lose control, as if he had been stimulated by something.

Fortunately, the golden dragon sculpture was only activated for a moment, otherwise, he really didn't know what would happen later.

With a sound of "poof", bright red blood spilled into the palace, it was so glaring, the fourth prince's hair was disheveled, his face was as pale as snow, and traces of blood ooze from the corner of his mouth.

"Lin Zhentian!" He gritted his teeth and said, his face was full of hatred.

That's right!The person who stopped Fourth Master Wang's attack was none other than Lin Wenda's grandfather, Lin Zhentian.

"Don't be afraid, Tian'er, with Grandpa here, no one can hurt you!" Elder Lin appeared next to Wentian, covering Wentian behind him, staring at the fourth prince with anger on his face.

At this moment, Mr. Lin was extremely angry. He never expected that during the period of his retreat, someone would want to take advantage of his absence to attack his only grandson. This was something he couldn't bear.

If he hadn't left the customs in time, he really didn't dare to imagine whether his grandson could still stand in front of him safe and sound.

"Grandpa, what is your cultivation?" Wentian was suddenly overjoyed.

Because in his perception, although his grandfather has not yet broken through to the Divine Origin Realm, his cultivation has improved a lot compared to before, and breaking through to the Divine Origin Realm is just around the corner.

After hearing his words, Mr. Lin smiled and nodded to Wentian.

"Lin Zhentian, you are so brave. You dare to hurt people in the Golden Dragon Hall. Do you take the Holy Majesty seriously?" At this moment, a voice full of anger suddenly came from Zhou Wentong's mouth.

"That's right! Brother Zhou's words are right. Lin Zhentian, you despise the Holy One and act recklessly under the eyes of the Holy One. You should abolish his cultivation and put him in the prison." Shangguan Muhua stood up and pointed angrily at Mr. Lin.

As for the ministers who spoke for Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong before, at this moment, there was an ugly look on their faces, as if they were struggling with something in their hearts.

But in the end, none of these ministers spoke again.

"A bunch of trash!" Shangguan Muhua cursed secretly, his face became more and more gloomy, as if he could drip water.

"Your Majesty! Marshal Lin was eager to protect his grandson before, and he didn't intend to offend Long Wei. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!" That fierce lord cupped his hands and knelt down suddenly.

"Holy Majesty, forgive me!" In the blink of an eye, seven or eight people knelt down to beg for Mr. Lin.

Sheng Shang Ji Zhuoyang raised his eyebrows suddenly, and then his face returned to normal, and he said calmly: "My dear friends, Marshal Lin is the god of my country in Chiyue. He once had three generals who made countless contributions to our country. In the future, I will rely on Marshal Lin to protect me, so how can I blame him."

"Holy Majesty is wise!"

The officials headed by Mr. Meng came with one voice, but they didn't realize that the pupils of the person above were full of murderous intent at this moment.

Hearing what the Holy Majesty said, the corners of Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong's mouths twitched suddenly, and their eyes were full of viciousness.

"Huh! Today's matter, this king will not count on it like this!" The Fourth Prince wiped away the trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, waved his sleeves, and left the hall angrily.

During this time, the energy and blood in his body were churning, it was obvious that he had suffered serious injuries, and he had to return home to stabilize his injuries.

Seeing the fourth prince leave with anger, all the ministers looked at each other with complicated expressions, because they knew that after today's incident, the fourth prince and the Lin family had completely broken off from then on.

"I still have important things to do, so I will leave first!" Before the person above could speak, Mr. Lin clasped his hands together, and left the hall with Wentian.

Seeing the Fourth Prince and Mr. Lin leave, there was a strange light flickering in the pupils of the Holy Majesty, who was thinking about something.

"Your Majesty, the matter of Lin Wentian can't be left alone."

"That's right! Lin Wentian is still under serious suspicion, so he should be imprisoned and grilled."

Shangguan Muhua and Prime Minister Zhou sang and said together.

However, at this moment, Wentian, who was about to step out of the palace gate, suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

He turned around and said meaningfully: "Master Shangguan, I heard on the road that when the murderer left, he seemed to leave something in Lingsun's room. It is said to be a token. I don't know if it happened this time. thing?"

As soon as Wentian said this, Shangguan Muhua's complexion suddenly changed, and a touch of paleness appeared: "No, there is absolutely no such thing, where did you hear that?"

"Oh! That kid may have misheard, Lord Shangguan, don't mind." Wen Tiandan said, and then stepped out of the Golden Dragon Hall.

But the person above, at this moment, suddenly shrank his eyes.

outside the palace.

"Lord Meng, wait!" Wentian said, calling out to the old man who stood up to speak for him.

Hearing this, Master Meng paused in his footsteps, turned around, and looked at Wentian meaningfully: "Young Master Lin, what else is there?"

There was a smile on Wentian's face, and he bowed to him sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Meng, for your help in today's matter. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay the kindness today."

"No need! The old man just doesn't want the Lin family to be framed by villains." The old man said indifferently, then nodded with Mr. Lin, then turned and left decisively.

"Tian'er, let's go! This fierce old man's character is just like that." Mr. Lin said.

Ask the sky with a light hum...

In the Golden Dragon Hall, after everyone had left, two sharp rays of light suddenly shot out from the eyes of the Holy Majesty: "Send someone to the Shangguan Mansion to investigate secretly, and see if the murderer who killed Shangguan Shou did not miss anything before he left. What."

"My lord, what do you mean?" the father-in-law at the side asked.

"It's better to believe that there is something than nothing!" The Holy Master said coldly.

Eunuch Fang gave his master a meaningful look, obeyed his orders, and left the hall.

Seeing Eunuch Fang leave, His Majesty's eyes flashed coldly: "Lin Zhentian, I didn't expect your cultivation to improve again in such a short period of time."

The next moment, between his fingers on the dragon chair, he pressed it suddenly, and with a bang, an entrance to a secret room suddenly appeared in front of him.

The entrance of the secret room was as black as an abyss, like a bottomless pit, but with his normal expression, he raised his footsteps and stepped into it resolutely.

Tread Tread!As he continued to go deeper, a strong smell of blood began to permeate the air in the tunnel, but he seemed to be used to the smell of blood, and continued to move forward.

I don't know how long I walked, until a strange red light appeared in front of me.

(End of this chapter)

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