Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 24 Fate, Luck and Merit

Chapter 24 Fate, Luck and Merit (Part [-])
In his line of sight, a huge blood pool suddenly appeared in front of him. There was a gurgling sound in the blood pool, and bursts of white smoke came out, as if the blood inside was boiling at an astonishing temperature.

Not only that, but there are many white bone remains floating in the whole blood pool. If you scan them at random, the number may not be less than one hundred thousand. This is really unbelievable.

Perhaps no one would have thought that there was such a terrifying pool of blood under the Golden Dragon Hall.

On the top of the blood pool, the blood light soared into the sky, vaguely, as if there was a blood-colored figure sitting cross-legged in it.

Suddenly, that blurred blood-colored figure seemed to open its eyes, and two clusters of will-o'-the-wisps flashed among the bloody light.

"You are here!" A voice with vicissitudes suddenly sounded.

This voice of vicissitudes, like magic, keeps reverberating in the ground, and cannot be dispersed for a long time.

"Well, I'm here! How long do you need?" Sheng Shang said lightly, with no joy or sadness in his words.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" The bloody figure in the void uttered bursts of voices.


After Wentian returned to Lin's residence, he was inevitably questioned by Uncle Zhou, Meng'er and others. After dealing with it, he went to Mr. Lin's room.

Because he has a question and wants to ask his grandpa.

"Tian'er, do you have something to ask!" Elder Lin looked at Wentian meaningfully, with his eyesight, how could he fail to see that Wentian had doubts in his heart.

"Grandpa, what is the cultivation level of the Holy One?" asked Tiandao.

As if he had guessed that Wentian would ask this question a long time ago, after listening to Mr. Lin, he looked up at the roof, pinched his beard and said, "Does Tian'er know that there is a theory of fate in this world?"


There was doubt on Wentian's face, whether it was the previous life or the present life, this was the first time he had heard this name.

"Fate! It refers to the past life, present life, and future life."

"And luck and merit in a country are also a kind of fate. Today in the Golden Dragon Hall, the power displayed by the Holy One is the power of the golden dragon luck. Gathering one person, it can make him originally in the middle of Vientiane. His strength instantly soared to the peak of Vientiane."

"If in the Golden Dragon Hall, Grandpa is not his opponent, but leaving the Golden Dragon Hall, the power of luck attracted by the Holy Majesty will be greatly weakened, and Grandpa may be able to fight him to a tie. If he leaves the palace, then Grandpa will not use three moves. , and defeat it.”

"With such an explanation, does Tian'er understand in his heart?" Mr. Lin looked at Wentian seriously.

Wentian pondered for a moment, and then asked again: "Since Grandpa just said that luck and merit are a kind of destiny, and luck refers to the luck of a country, what about merit? What does it refer to?"

"Kindness is an invisible power, and this kind of power often only appears in people with great benevolence and righteousness. Although this power is not obvious at the beginning, if you encounter demons in your cultivation, the power of merit will It will play a vital role, and if you want to gain the power of merit, you can only accumulate it by doing good deeds." Mr. Lin murmured again.

Wentian nodded as if he understood, and asked again with a look of hope on his face: "Then if one day, the six imperial kingdoms of the entire Tianyuan Continent can be unified, and the luck and merits of the six kingdoms can be condensed into one body, what will happen?" What kind of strength do you have, can you surpass the Shenyuan Realm?"

Thinking of this, Wentian's heart throbbed.

Seeing this, Mr. Lin shook his head lightly, thinking that Wentian was a little too far away.

Not to mention whether the six imperial kingdoms can be unified, even if one wants to obtain the luck and power of merit of a country, it is not that simple. The first condition is to become the king of a country and obtain the approval of heaven and earth.

Soon, Wentian left his grandfather's room. On the way, he kept thinking in his heart whether he could become the king of that country one day.

Ever since he was reborn, he knew that one day he would break with the man in the palace. At that time, if he wins, does that mean he can try this idea?
There were a lot of thoughts in his mind, and before he knew it, he had come to the backyard.

"Shangguanshou, did you kill him?" Suddenly, a voice brought him back to his senses.

I saw Lin Yefeng sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Wentian meaningfully.

Regarding this, Wentian didn't hide anything, and said calmly, "That's right! I did kill people."

"The token you asked for earlier was prepared for this?" Lin Yefeng's eyes flashed.

"Third Uncle is worthy of being General Fengshen, even your nephew's thoughts can be easily guessed by you." Wentian had a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Lin Yefeng couldn't help shaking his head: "Sometimes, third uncle often wonders whether you are still Lin Wentian."

Wentian looked indifferent: "Third Uncle only needs to know that Wentian is still Third Uncle's nephew and grandpa's grandson."

Regarding this, Lin Yefeng didn't say anything more, and looked at Wentian thoughtfully, then pushed the wheelchair back to his cabin.

"This general token of the Heavenly Sun Empire should be able to cause a lot of trouble for the old Shangguan, Shangguan Muhua, if you want to blame it, you can blame yourself for being too poisonous." Wen Tian said coldly.

The token he left behind in Shangguan Shou's room was actually a general-level token of the Heavenly Sun Empire.

Since the founding of the Tianyang Empire and the Chiyue Empire, the two countries have never been at odds, and wars have continued. Both want to annex the other.

Originally, as long as Shangguan Muhua handed over the token to the sage, he would not cause any trouble, but he wanted to kill Wentian and hide the token. In this way, he committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. crime.

With the suspicious character of the imperial palace, he will definitely send someone to investigate this matter. In this way, the relationship between the king and his ministers will no longer be the same as before.

This was Lin Wentian's ultimate goal.

Zhou Mansion, Zhou Wentong returned to the mansion with a livid face.

"What a Lin Wentian, what a Lin Zhentian!" Zhou Wentong's words were full of hatred.

He originally thought that by uniting with all the ministers, Lin Wentian could be removed in a justifiable way, but he did not expect that the appearance of Xianfeng Pavilion, the words of Mr. Meng and others, and finally the sudden appearance of Mr. Lin made his plan come to naught and let him Bring shame on yourself.

He was extremely unwilling!
"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

Zhou Wentong raised his head, looked at his most proud granddaughter, his expression gradually improved, and then he smiled and said, "Lan'er, you are here!"

"Huh! Didn't Lan'er hear from the servant that grandpa is angry, so come to help grandpa relieve his anger!"

The person who came was Zhou Zilan, wearing a purple dress, which outlined her perfect figure, which made people have boundless reverie.

"Lan'er, you came just in time. Grandpa just happened to be a little puzzled." Zhou Wen said.

"Oh! Grandpa, please tell me." Zhou Zilan's face showed a hint of surprise.

Soon, Zhou Wentong gave Zhou Zilan a detailed account of what happened in the Golden Dragon Hall today.

"Lan'er, do you think there is something wrong with Lin Wentian? Grandpa always feels that since he woke up, he seems to have become another person, and his behavior has become unpredictable." Zhou Wentong's expression Suddenly, a touch of fear appeared.

However, Zhou Zilan smiled lightly when she heard this: "Isn't it easy? When my grandson asks him out to meet tomorrow, my grandson will be able to tell whether it's a dragon or a worm."

There was a strong confidence on her face when she said this.

"Okay! I'll leave this matter to you." Zhou Wentong's eyes lit up when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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