Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 25 Fairy Qinglian

Chapter 25 Fairy Qinglian
In the early morning of the next day, Wentian woke up from his samadhi. After practicing for a whole night, he could clearly feel that the energy in his body was much thicker again.

Leaving his own secret room, he came to a Nuo Da training ground, and saw Ye Tian training the group of boys and girls.

"Early Yuan Lian!" Sensing the cultivation of these people, Wen Tian's eyes lit up, and he secretly admired Ye Tian in his heart.

"You're here!" Ye Tian walked over.

Wentian nodded, and after encouraging the group of people, he left the basement.

"Master, I have your letter!" Wen Tian walked out of the basement, and a servant handed him a letter.

"Oh?" Wen Tian said lightly, took the envelope, and opened it.

"As soon as I talk about Qingzhu Lake, I still hope that Mr. Lin will appreciate your face, Qinglian in Xianfeng Pavilion." After thinking about this in his heart, Wentian's eyes wandered, as if he was thinking about something.

"No matter what Fairy Qinglian means, but what happened yesterday, I owe Xianfeng Pavilion a favor, so I should go to the appointment no matter what." Wentian murmured.

If Young Master Qian saw the letter in Wentian's hand, or heard Wentian's words, he would probably directly anger him to death.

That's Fairy Qinglian!

Moreover, the other party took the initiative to make an appointment, which kind of good thing is this?

What makes people most angry is that when his elder brother received this letter, he was still considering whether to go or not, which is really annoying.

Today, it seemed that Wentian's luck had really come. Not long after, he received another letter. However, the moment he opened the envelope, the corners of his mouth lifted, revealing a sneer.

Then, a burst of crimson energy burst out from his right hand, burning the second letter to ashes.

After staying in the Lin Mansion for a while, he left the Lin Mansion alone.

Qingzhu Lake is also considered a beautiful place in the capital. The entire lake is surrounded by green bamboos, which is very unique. Under the reflection of green bamboos, the water in the lake looks particularly green, making this place In the quiet lake, there is no loss of vitality.

In the center of the lake there is a pavilion with a table and four chairs, which is a place for those who come to visit the mountains and water to enjoy the cool.

Here, in this gazebo, a woman in colorful clothes was caressing the strings of the qin with both hands, playing the intoxicating sound of the qin.

As soon as the melody of the piano came out, many fish suddenly jumped up in the lake, as if dancing with the sound. This wonderland is really amazing.

Suddenly, the woman's expression moved slightly, as if she had sensed something, there was a buzzing sound, and with a sudden movement between her fingers, a burst of energy shot out from the strings.

"The rumored Fairy Qinglian, why is she so irritable? When she sees me, she wants to try her out. That's not good!" A voice with a smile came suddenly.

Not far from the gazebo, a slender figure appeared, he was Lin Wentian who came to the appointment.

Seeing the force coming, Wentian smiled, and suddenly stretched out two fingers, pinching the force precisely between his fingers, no matter how it vibrated, it couldn't hurt his fingers.

"Mr. Lin's physical body is really extraordinary. This can break through the attacks of the monks' physical bodies in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. Qinglian really admires how easily Master Lin can play with his fingers." Fairy Qinglian said indifferently.

Wentian didn't answer, but still had a smile on his face, he suddenly exerted force between his fingers, and with a pop, the energy dissipated.

With a flick of his clothes, he walked forward with a relaxed expression until he sat down in front of Fairy Qinglian.

"Stunning! Still stunning!"

Although Fairy Qinglian was covered with a veil, when Wentian saw her for the first time, he couldn't help being shocked, especially since the other person's body exuded a strange body fragrance all the time, which made his mind turbulent .

"Message! No~ this is not a charm, this is a kind of power that belongs to her!" After thinking of this answer, Wentian felt a turmoil in his heart.

In his previous life, he heard his master Dan Daozi say that there are many wonders in the world, and among them there are some special people who are born with peculiar physiques, which allows them to have abilities beyond ordinary people since they were born. Unexpectedly, today He met such a person.

After figuring this out, he quickly calmed down, and his expression returned to normal.

Seeing this, Fairy Qinglian couldn't help showing surprise in her beautiful eyes, she had never seen someone who saw her for the first time recover so quickly, she couldn't help being curious about Wentian.

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and said: "It is rumored that Mr. Lin is the number one rich man in Chiyue, but now it seems that the rumors are just rumors and cannot be trusted. With a person like Mr. Lin, even compared to the third prince Ji Hong , or the genius Shangguan Chong of the Holy Spirit Academy, I am afraid they are not inferior."

"Fairy is absurd. I'm just a small character and, at most, a third-generation ancestor. How can I compare with them? Fairy's appointment today is not just to talk about these things!" Wen Tiandan said.

Until now, Wentian still couldn't figure out why Fairy Qinglian was interested in him. He couldn't remember where he had provoked her.

From the invitation to the Fairy Phoenix Pavilion at the very beginning, until the scholar testified for him in the Golden Dragon Hall, he could already guess that everything was the idea of ​​the fairy in front of him.

"Qinglian heard that Mr. Lin has made a marriage contract with Princess Xuelian. I don't know why Mr. Lin agreed to this marriage. The little girl is really curious."

Fairy Qinglian stared at Wentian with her beautiful eyes wide open, as if she wanted to see through his thoughts.

Wentian was taken aback for a moment, as if he hadn't thought that the other party would ask this question.

But he still said calmly: "If you allow yourself to suffer some grievances, you can make your relatives and friends live a peaceful life. I don't know how the fairy will choose?"

Forehead!This time, it was Fairy Qinglian's turn to be taken aback.

However, Wentian showed serious eyes and stared at her until a blush appeared on her neck.

"Mr. Lin is indeed a strange person. That's all for today. Next time we meet, I hope Mr. Lin can treat Qinglian honestly." Fairy Qinglian smiled, and with a wave of her hand, the guqin on the table disappeared.

Then he stepped lightly, jumped into the air lightly, and suddenly blew a whistle from his mouth, and with a chirp, a huge bird suddenly flew through the air.

"The green eagle, an earth-level spirit beast, has the blood of the Suzaku, and the strength of an adult green eagle can reach the Vientiane realm."

Looking at this huge bird, these messages appeared in Wentian's mind.

However, at the next moment, the corners of Wentian's mouth rose, forming an arc, and then he swiped with two fingers of his left hand, pulling one by one, and a vortex suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake beside him.

With a chirp, a jet of water suddenly rushed up, straight towards Fairy Qinglian in the void.

At this moment, Fairy Qinglian was jumping onto the back of Qingying, but her footsteps were steady, and she suddenly sensed an attack. In desperation, she bent her feet and leaned back to avoid the attack of the water column.

But also because of this, a white veil fluttered in the wind, revealing a face.

What kind of face is that, Wentian can no longer describe it, other than amazing, it is still amazing, no matter in his previous life or in this life, he has never seen such a beautiful face.

This face is simply flawless, the perfect work of God.

"Rogue!" Fairy Qinglian shouted angrily.

Even so, Wentian also felt that his voice was very nice.

"When we meet next time, Lin also hopes that the fairy can meet each other honestly!" Wentian also said meaningfully.

snort!Fairy Qinglian let out a cold snort, and then let out a chirp. The green eagle flapped its giant wings suddenly, blowing a violent storm, and quickly disappeared into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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