Chapter 235

"What? The Qian Mansion slaughtered ten cows and ten sheep today?" a monk in a teahouse exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief.

When others heard this, they shook their heads lightly, and sighed: "I don't know what kind of witchcraft that young master of the Qian family has possessed. Since he woke up, his whole body has become weird."

"He yelled that he was hungry every half an hour, and he had to eat half a sheep for every meal. Now, his daily food intake has reached ten cows and ten sheep. If this continues, even if the money The family is so rich that it rivals the country, I am afraid that he will also be ruined by him."

"As expected of Chi Yue's second dandy, and Chi Yue's number one prodigal son!" the monk sighed.


On this day, Wentian, who was in the volcano, suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes were shining brightly, as if the sun, moon, and week were evolving. He raised his hand lightly, and with a puff, he saw a light blue flame, Just like that, it rose slowly in his hands.

Although the blue flame is only light blue in color, the heat emitted from its body is more than ten times stronger than the red flame he had before.

According to his estimate, not to mention the Transforming Spirit Realm, don't worry about some weaker Vientiane Realm, if burned by his blue flame, they will probably be wiped out in an instant.

Looking at the blue flame in his hand, ecstasy flashed across his eyes, and he let out a long whistle with more excitement, making the roar echo in the volcanic cave, endlessly.

"Huh?" Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, because from the volcanic cave at the bottom, he faintly saw a ray of purple flame light, and more importantly, under the illumination of that purple flame, he seemed to see an object.

"Could it be that this is the treasure that little one said?" His eyes suddenly lit up, his breathing became short of breath, and his mouth felt even dry.

He didn't think much about it, and with a bang, his body was wrapped in blue flames to protect his body, and he began to quickly go deep into the bottom of the volcano.

At the same time, the little ball animal was above the top of the volcano. Seeing this scene, its eyes suddenly moved, and then it laughed loudly, as if thinking of something beautiful in its heart.

But the next moment, it suddenly trembled, and immediately its fur stood on end, as if it had been frightened by something.

With a whoosh, it disappeared into the air, hiding behind a rock thirty miles away, looking around in panic.


As he continued to go deeper, even if Wentian was protected by blue flames, he still felt uncomfortable, because the high temperature in the volcano here had reached an astonishing level, which made his face reveal a hideous look.

"Damn it, is it possible to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed?" Unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and there was a touch of madness.

"This place is so weird, the treasures below must be extraordinary, maybe it is a legendary god." Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and continued to move forward.

"Huh! Purple Flame?" He finally saw that the purple glow was a ray of purple flame.

And when he saw this ray of purple flame, he still had a sense of wonder in his heart. He faintly felt that the reason why his flame could evolve was probably inseparable from this ray of purple flame.

"That's not right...that's not a treasure, but a coffin!" Suddenly, an inspiration came to his mind, and his eyes became frightened.

With his knowledge, he could tell at a glance that the coffin had existed for a very long time, and the person buried in it was absolutely extraordinary, maybe it was the legendary fraudulent corpse.

Thinking of this, he felt goosebumps all over his body, and felt a chill rushing down his back.

"Even if this coffin is an ancient treasure, it is also an ominous thing. It cannot be related to its cause and effect, otherwise there will be endless troubles." His eyelids twitched.

In an instant, he quickly came back to his senses, and without turning his head, he launched his extreme speed, and with a bang, he rushed towards the crater.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a pair of blood-red pupils staring at him from behind. Immediately, his whole body trembled, and his heart was terrified to the extreme.


A wisp of wind suddenly exploded from below and bombarded him even faster, as if to kill him and make him disappear between the heaven and the earth.

Facing this wave of turbulent weather, he felt suffocated, as if he was no longer in the realm of spiritual transformation, nor a peerless genius with a spiritual body, but turned into a newborn baby.

A sense of powerlessness hit his heart, causing a buzzing in his head, as if he was about to lose consciousness.

"This time, am I really going to die?" Facing the attack of death, he was powerless to resist, and his heart was full of bitterness.

What ancient treasures, this is the burial place of a strong man.

No... Maybe it's not the place of burial, but the place of sealing.

Thinking of that wisp of purple flame, he had a vague guess in his heart.

But when he discovered all this, it was too late...

It's really a mistake, and it has been hated for thousands of years!
Just when he thought he was going to die, a divine light burst out from between his forehead.

That's right!It is Shenguang!It is the light of God that can only be possessed by the strong in the divine realm.

"This is..." Sensing the burst of divine light, his heart jumped, and those gray eyes quickly recovered their color, as if they had regained their fighting spirit.

"I, Lin Wentian, can't die yet!" He roared wildly, and with a bang, a brilliant divine light transformed into a long rainbow and rushed out.

With a loud bang, the entire volcanic cave shook violently. Wentian felt that his body was blown away by a powerful residual force. With a bang, he was blasted out of the volcano and fell to the ground.

Immediately, the ground was billowing with dust, and a large pit three feet deep was smashed out.

With a sound of "Yi acridine", the little beast not far away screamed, and with a flash of white light, it appeared on the edge of the big pit, opened its eyes wide, and looked curiously.

"Ahem!" Wentian coughed up blood, his face was covered with dust, and his hair was disheveled, especially since he didn't have any clothes on his body, revealing the hideous object underneath.

"Jie Jie!" There was an unscrupulous laughter in his ears, and in an instant, his face darkened, and three black lines appeared on his forehead. Looking at the little beast rolling on the ground, laughing heartlessly, his eyes were angry. Italy surged.

"Get out!" He gritted his teeth and shouted at the little beast.

If Xiaoyao hadn't left divine power on him back then, saving his life at the last moment, I'm afraid he would have reported to the underworld by now.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help complaining about the little beast.

Being yelled at so loudly by him, the little beast panicked and even showed an aggrieved look. It obviously just wanted to scare the other party, but the other party roared at it, and tears rolled in its big eyes.

In fact, it forgot that it could control the space at will and escape in time, but if it didn't work, he really almost fell just now.

Originally, Wentian was full of anger in his heart, but when he saw the tearful appearance of the little beast, he was stunned.

Thinking about it carefully, if he hadn't been blinded by the so-called treasure, how could he be in crisis.

What's more, although he almost died, he also gained something, that is, his understanding of fire and the evolved blue flame.

More importantly, no matter how you look at it, the other party is just a little guy who has not lost his childishness and can only count from one to two, so why should he care about it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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