Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 236 Leave

Chapter 236 Leave
Thinking of this, he calmed down, but deliberately snorted: "I'm hungry, catch me two fish quickly, um, I want to catch two, I remember two."

The little beast was stunned for a moment, then became excited, and danced there, as if the grievances before it disappeared in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

Wentian shook his head slightly, feeling that this guy was like a three-year-old child.

But at the same time, he was very curious about what kind of monster the other party was, and why he possessed such monstrous power at such an age.

You must know that even the King Kong Giant Ape, who is a relic of the ancient times, only possesses the power of all things now.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

On this day, Wentian slowly opened his eyes, and he said calmly: "It's time to leave too, I don't know what happened to Chi Yue now?"

Boom, boom!
But just as he finished speaking, the whole land was in turmoil, and there was a loud bang, as if the sky was collapsing.

Suddenly, he looked shocked: "What's going on?"

With a whoosh sound, he froze and quickly flew into the space, only to see in his horrified eyes, the earth below shook violently, and an inexplicable energy gushed out, beginning to cover the entire earth, just like To seal the whole earth.

There was a loud bang, which made him feel a buzzing in his head. When he came back to his senses, he found that the majestic Taoist palace faintly visible in the distance was slowly sinking.

Seeing this astonishing scene, his eyes were terrified, but his heart was full of turmoil: "Could it be that the time has come, not only the Dao Palace has sunk again, but even this trial site has to be sealed?"

Such an astonishing thought flashed through his mind, and he felt even more horrified, because being sealed here meant that he would be suppressed here and never see the light of day.

"Little guy, take me out of here!" He shouted in a rage.

With a sound of "Yi acridine", the little beast appeared, and then its eyes widened, showing a look of shock. Obviously, it was unexpected in this situation.

"Roar!" However, at this moment, an astonishing beast roar came from a distance, revealing a sense of unyielding and unwillingness in the roar.

Hearing his roar, Wentian was stunned for a moment, as if thinking of something, his complexion suddenly changed, before the little beast could react, the afterglow on his body flashed, turned into a long rainbow and rushed towards the distance.

Because he was very familiar with this roar, it was the giant roar of that big King Kong giant ape.

Although the King Kong Giant Ape tried to kill it at the beginning, after what happened afterwards, he unconsciously regarded this big guy as a friend in his heart. At least, he felt that this big guy was more trustworthy than some human beings. .

"Roar!" The loud roar kept coming, and he became more and more anxious. As soon as Wentian gritted his teeth, the dragon shadow flashed on his body, and he rushed forward on the illusory dragon.


Hundreds of miles away, the Vajra Giant Ape looked ferocious, opened its huge mouth with astonishing anger, and roared towards the sky.

Strands of inexplicable power turned into many strands and wrapped around it, as if trying to forcibly pull it into the sinking Taoist palace.

It struggled frantically, with strong unwillingness in its eyes, as if it didn't want to sleep in the Taoist palace anymore, it wanted to be free.

It is a descendant of the ancient fierce beast Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape, and it has an unyielding meaning in its heart.

The shadow of Xulong flashed, revealing Wentian's slender figure, and in that moment, he roughly guessed the reason.

Because he had heard this big guy say that when the Taoist Palace was silent, it fell into a deep sleep, and only when the Taoist Palace appeared, it would wake up, but now it is obvious that it does not want to return to the Taoist Palace, does not want to go to the Taoist Palace again deep sleep.

"Help me!" Seeing Wentian appear, King Kong's giant ape's eyes sparkled, and he spoke out, begging in his words.

Wentian's eyes flashed, and in an instant, he had a decision in his heart.

With a clang, the purple awn exploded, and Broken Star was in his hand, exuding an astonishing sword aura. In an instant, he held the Broken Star and released the sword, cutting out dozens of sword lights.

As soon as the sword light came out, those mysterious threads wrapped around the body of the King Kong Giant Ape were cut off one after another, and Wentian was overjoyed.

But in the next moment, his expression changed drastically, because the severed thread soon grew again, becoming thicker than before.

"Damn it!" A fierce light flashed in his eyes.

The Vajra Giant Ape was even more anxious, because its huge body was retreating towards the Dao Palace little by little. If it continued like this, it might not be long before it would be forcibly pulled into the Dao Palace again.

A white light flashed in the air, revealing the little beast, its eyes wide open, like a curious baby.

It seems that it has not yet figured out the current situation.

"If that's the case, then..." Wen Tian's eyes flashed, his hands frantically formed seals, and the first layer of the ancient spirit scriptures was circulated to the extreme in his body.

hum!Suddenly, he was covered in golden light, and an illusory figure condensed from behind him, sitting cross-legged in the void, and the sound of heaven and earth came out.

There was a crazy seal between his hands, and with a bang, the illusory figure suddenly collapsed, and finally turned into an inexplicable gas, entangled between his hands.

In an instant, madness flashed across his eyes, and he shouted: "True and false are just a thought."

Press down with both hands.

With a buzzing sound, the inexplicable gas gushed out from his hand, turning into a light curtain, completely covering the huge body of the Vajra Giant Ape.

A strange scene appeared.

I saw that the King Kong giant ape was surrounded by this light curtain, and the thread wrapped around it suddenly broke by itself, and the inexplicable power began to return to the Taoist palace again as if it had lost its target.

Boom, boom!The Dao Palace continued to sink, and it didn't take long before it completely sank into the earth.

In this regard, Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was already pale, and his forehead was filled with sweat.

The light curtain spread out, and the King Kong Giant Ape struggled with the shackles, and immediately hit his chest with both hands, and there was a muffled sound of thunder, and it roared to the sky.

But soon, its expression changed drastically again, because even if the Dao Palace sank, the matter had not been completely resolved.

Because this trial site was also sealed.

"Little guy, take me away quickly." Wen Tian came over, feeling a burst of anxiety in his heart.

"Yi'an, Yi'an!" The little beast yelled, and his hands danced quickly, wisps of space power wrapped around Wentian's body, and the next moment, a space array appeared at his feet.

Maybe it was aware of the intention of this man and beast, and saw the King Kong giant ape suddenly say: "Brother, take me out of here, as long as I can get out of here, I will obey you from now on."

"Huh?" Wentian was stunned, because this time it was not the rough voice, but the voice of an eleven or twelve-year-old child with childishness.

Hearing this childish voice, he remembered that he was alone in his previous life, and he couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

Anyway, the age of this King Kong Giant Ape in the same race is only eleven or twelve years old.

"Little guy, can you bring it!" With so many thoughts in his heart, he still spoke out.

After saying those words, the King Kong Giant Ape's eyes lit up, and he turned his attention to the little beast even more hopefully.

"Yi ai, Yi ai!" The little beast yelled and shook his head slightly, expressing that he couldn't.

(End of this chapter)

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