Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 238 Don't even think about leaving!

Chapter 238 Don't even think about leaving!
The Vajra Giant Ape looked fierce and let out low growls.

"You don't need to do anything here, you take care of it first." Wentian said.

In an instant, the vajra giant ape that turned into a small monkey jumped off his shoulders and hugged the pale little beast with deeply tired eyes.

"It seems that the three of you are not usually good guys. If that's the case, keeping you alive will only harm the people." Wentian looked cold, raised his hand, and slapped fiercely with a domineering momentum.

"not good!"

"Go back!"

He slapped out his palm, and suddenly, the expressions of the three people in the air changed suddenly, and they became frightened.

Because with Wen Tian's slap, a huge palm was also condensed in the void, and slapped the three of them with a crushing force.

"Bang bang bang!"

The three people were slapped away by the giant palm, and with a loud bang, they were fanned ten feet deep into the ground.

Obviously, they underestimated Wentian's strength, no, to be precise, it should be that Wentian's strength has already exceeded their expectations.

After killing three people, Wentian didn't show any joy on his face, but his face became gloomy, and there was an astonishing murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Because in his perception, he found that dozens of breaths were rapidly approaching him, and he was still very familiar with the most powerful one.

Whoosh whoosh! !In just a few breaths, he was surrounded by dozens of people in all directions, and the leader among them was wearing heavy armor and carrying a big knife.

General of the Imperial Forest Army, Fen Fangying.

Looking at the person in front of him, Wentian's expression turned cold in an instant.

"Lin Wentian, the rebellious disciple, the sky is big and the earth is big, there is no place for you to hide today."

"Lin Wentian, you are so bold that you not only made a big disturbance in the imperial palace, but also killed the eldest prince, the third prince, and all the geniuses of the Fengyun Empire in the trial ground. You have already committed a heinous crime. This general is now issuing an order to kill without forgiveness."

Fen Fangying shouted loudly, his expression ferocious like a beast.

As early as when he was in the palace, he was almost killed by the opponent, which was definitely a great shame for him. When the enemy met, the murderous intent in his heart was completely enraged, and he pulled out the big knife behind his back like a rage.


As soon as the word "kill" came out, he rushed out No.1, and the other people also burst out with murderous intent: "Lin Wentian is a devil, if you don't kill him, it's intolerable."

Boom boom boom!Immediately, dozens of beings from the late stage of transforming spirits, as well as a general of Vientiane, charged towards Wentian with astonishing killing intent.

Surrounded by such a group of strong men, Fen Fangying believed that even in the middle of Vientiane, he would be killed by him, because these people were all elites that the imperial family had cultivated secretly for many years.

However, in the face of the crowd's attack and killing, Wentian looked as usual, and the next moment, his cultivation power rose up with a bang.

The pinnacle of spirit transformation!

Unexpectedly, his cultivation level increased again, breaking through from the late stage of spiritual transformation to the peak of spiritual transformation in one fell swoop.

Of course, this is the reason why he absorbed the power of flames in the volcanic cave.

Normally, there are only the early, middle, and late stages of Spirit Transformation in the Spirit Transformation Realm, but some people with extraordinary talents can reach the peak of Spirit Transformation, because this means that they will have the opportunity to break through to the Vientiane Realm.

"What? Spirit transformation peak?"

As soon as his cultivation base rose, some people looked shocked and shouted.

"Shangguan Chong, the son of Qilin who has been passed down by Daozi, is only at the peak of spiritual transformation. Could it be that his talent is stronger than Shangguan Chong who is Daozi?"

Even Fen Fangying couldn't help but change color, his eyes were full of disbelief.

It was only a few months since the other party made a big disturbance in the imperial palace that day, and the other party broke through from the early stage of spiritual transformation to the peak of spiritual transformation. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't believe it.

More importantly, the other party is only seventeen or eighteen years old, and Shangguan Chong, who is the son of Dao, is younger than Qilin's son.

"Hiss..." Immediately, many people gasped.

"This evil boy, we must not let him live another day." Fen Fangying's eyes were vicious.

He yelled angrily: "Kill, kill me, so what if you are at the peak of Spirit Transformation? He is alone after all."

"That's right! Kill! We want to do justice for the heavens! Kill the ghosts."


In an instant, flames, lightning, boulders, storms... exploded and struck towards Wentian, as if everyone wanted to use the power of a joint attack to wipe out Wentian in one fell swoop.


Fen Fangying was in the Vientiane Realm, and his aura was even more astonishing. The sword blended into a trace of space power, hummed continuously, and a bright golden sword light cut out.

"Anti-saints, die!" He roared in his heart.

It seemed slow, but everything happened in that instant, Wentian let out a cold snort, formed his handprints with both hands, and then pressed hard toward the void.

Following this press, the entire void vibrated, and an invisible force rushed in all directions.

This is the power of his cultivation, which is more integrated with the power of space.


"not good!"

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

Immediately, exclamations came from the void, and everyone's bodies seemed to be hit by a monstrous force, and they slammed into all directions, causing landslides and ground cracks in the forest, and many trees were destroyed.

"Pfft!" Many monks spat out blood, looking at the white-clothed boy in front of them, their eyes filled with boundless fear.

"Ghost! He really is a ghost. Only ghosts with royal blood can have such monstrous power." Someone screamed, and his body trembled even more.

However, Wentian didn't pay attention to these people, his eyes flashed, then he raised his fleshy palm and slapped suddenly.


As Fen Fangying of the Vientiane Realm, the most powerful saber he slashed was easily destroyed by Wentian just like that.

Immediately, Fen Fangying was rambunctious all over, and felt a buzzing in his head, and exclaimed with a look of incomparable horror: "Your strength...what kind of cultivation level are you? It is absolutely impossible to be the pinnacle of spirit transformation!"

When one of his subordinates reported that they had found Lin Wentian's trace, he was so excited that he quickly summoned all his subordinates to rush over.

I thought that this was a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds, to wash away the shame of the past, and to promote his prestige as a general in the imperial forest, but I didn't expect that the strength of the young man in front of him was so terrifying.

"Escape! This kid's strength may not be in the mid-stage of Vientiane, so the old royal family can only kill him."

With a determination in his heart, he froze and rushed to the distance.

"Since you're here, let's stay!" Wentian said calmly, but his face was as cold as ice.

A white light flashed in his hand, and a golden spear appeared in his hand. It was the ground weapon Eagle Soul Golden Spear. Holding the spear, a sharp aura emanated from him.

The next moment, his eyes flashed, and he threw the spear in his hand suddenly, with a chirping sound, the spear rushed out like a rainbow, as if piercing the space, and there was a piercing sound.


Sensing the fierce aura behind Fen Fangying's back, his expression changed suddenly, but before he could react, with a puff, the spear pierced through his chest, and his clothes were stained with a large amount of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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