Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 239 God's Breath

Chapter 239 God's Breath
Although the heavy armor on Fen Fangying's body was also at the Xudi level, it was instantly pierced by the fierce aura of the Eagle Soul Golden Spear, and even penetrated his body.

With a bang, his eyes were terrifying, and he fell from a high altitude like this.

Seeing this, those people in the distance opened their eyes in fear, and a boundless fear struck their hearts. Even Fen Fangying, the Yulin General who had reached the Vientiane Realm, was defeated by the opponent with one blow. How can they fight against each other?

Thinking of this, many people suddenly hesitated, looking at Wentian's eyes, as frightened as seeing a peerless ghost.

" can't kill me...I'm General Yulin, and even a minister..." Fen Fangying, who fell to the ground, watched Wentian approaching, his soul trembled, a wave of death The breath enveloped his heart.

Wentian dared to kill even the children of the Ji family's royal family, let alone a mere general?
In an instant, a murderous intent flashed across his eyes, and he held the handle of the eagle soul golden gun, and said coldly: "You escaped your life in the palace last time, do you think you can escape this time? Everything is over If you want to blame, blame yourself for serving the wrong master and choosing the wrong king."

"Don't..." Fen Fangying cried out heartbroken.

However, Wentian's face was as cold as ice, and he shook his hand suddenly, with a puff, blood splashed and splashed on his face, but he didn't seem to notice, pulled out the blood-stained spear, and set his sights on the dozens of people in the spirit transformation realm On elite soldiers.

Looking at him with such indifferent and merciless eyes, those people felt their hair stand on end, and their hairs stood on end.

"Don't kill us, we don't know anything, we just follow orders." Suddenly, someone screamed in panic, eyes full of strong fear.

"I, Lin Wentian, am not the God of Slaughter, but..."

After the words fell, screams continued to be heard in the forest...

After a while, the eyes of those court officials underground not only showed fear, but also strong hatred in the depths of their pupils, because although they survived here, their cultivation bases have been abolished.

In other words, from now on, they are no longer high-ranking, powerful spirit-transformers who can oppress the people at will, but reduced to a useless person.

I have bullied many common people in the past, and now that my cultivation base has been abolished, I am destined to be abandoned by the court, so what awaits them is to face the revenge of many common people.

Immediately, boundless fear surged from their hearts, and they were filled with boundless hatred for the young man in front of them, because this was more cruel than killing them.

"The sins I have committed can only be repaid by yourselves. Life or death is already preordained." Wen Tian snorted coldly.

Immediately, he left the forest with the fierce-looking King Kong Giant Ape and the immobile little beast.

"Lin Wentian, you will die will be punished by God."

"Since the founding of Chiyue, people who rebel against the saint have never had a good end. You will definitely die."

As soon as Wentian left, the forest was filled with that resentful roar...

It's just that Wentian has long been unable to hear all of this.

Half an hour after Wentian left, a bloody light roared over, and immediately, a bloody figure sat cross-legged in the void, sending out an astonishing aura that made one's soul tremble.

Feeling this breath, the faces of those whose cultivation had been abolished suddenly turned pale, and their whole bodies trembled continuously.

"God... This is the breath of God." Someone exclaimed, with deep disbelief in the words.

"A strong man in the divine realm?" The others were shocked for a moment, as frightened as if they saw demons and ghosts.

The blood-colored figure in the air slowly opened his eyes, his pupils were completely blood-colored, full of bloody meaning, and he said in a calmer voice: "Since you are members of the imperial court, and your cultivation is even more abolished now, then..."

Speaking of this, the blood-colored figure opened its eyes angrily, and with a hum, a bloody light rushed out and turned into a blood-colored light curtain, surrounding everyone below.

Through the blood-colored light curtain, dozens of soldiers could be faintly seen with ferocious faces, screaming heart-piercingly, and blood rushing out of their bodies.

After a long time, when the bloody light curtain disappeared, a strange scene appeared.

I saw the dozens of soldiers underground in the forest disappear, no... To be precise, they should have turned into dozens of white skeletons.

"As a member of the imperial court, he served my Ji family during his lifetime, and of course he will give everything to my Ji family after his death." The bloody figure said grimly.

Then, he set his sights on Fen Fangying not far away.

"Yi Ling Tu Xiang, I didn't expect Chi Yue to have such a character, but it's a pity, if it is not used by my Ji family, then there is only one end, and that is death!"

He looked at the direction where Wentian left, and a trace of blood flashed in his eyes.


Wentian changed his figure, sneaked into the city, and began to inquire about what happened to Chi Yue recently, but soon his face became gloomy.

"Shangguan Chong!"

When he learned that Shangguan Chong had become a Taoist, his heart was full of turmoil. He still couldn't understand why Shangguan Chong, who had his meridians destroyed, his tendons in his hands and hamstrings, would become a Taoist in a strange way.

This is simply impossible, but it happened!
His mind was shrouded in a fog, and he felt a faint sense of uneasiness. He always felt that he seemed to have missed something, so he decided to sneak into Shangguan's mansion to find out the authenticity of this matter.

It's just that he was disappointed soon, because it was said that as early as a week ago, Shangguan Chong had left with Venerable Xu Yun from Xianfeng Pavilion, as if he had gone to a strange place.

Moreover, he was not the only one who went there, accompanied by Fairy Qinglian and others.

In this regard, his heart is getting heavier and heavier.

"What secret is Shangguan Chong hiding from you? What is the origin of Xianfeng Pavilion?" He murmured, his eyes full of seriousness.

But fortunately, when he learned that the fat man was fine, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and when he knew that the fat man had shown his power recently and completely turned into a foodie, he couldn't help being stunned for a while.

"Could it be possible that this fat man is really the reincarnation of an ancient strongman?" Such a thought flashed through his mind, but soon he shook his head lightly, thinking that he was worrying too much.

After getting the news he wanted to know, he quietly left the city.

Now that Ji Zhuoyang is frantically searching for him, causing panic in the whole Chiyue, he must not appear easily here, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable, and I am afraid it will cause many innocent murders.

At the same time, he hated Ji Zhuoyang to the bottom of his heart. In order to capture him, the other party took the opportunity to kill him in Chiyue. This brutal behavior is just a warning to the world that the prestige of the Ji family is irreversible.

"One day, I will tear off your Ji Zhuoyang's hypocrisy." He said cruelly in his heart.


A day later, he was flying in the air, looking at a faintly visible mountain peak in the distance, with deep fear in his eyes.

Qingcheng, here he is in the area of ​​Qingcheng, and the mountain in the distance has a name, it is called Ningqing Mountain, and there is a Taoist temple in the mountain, called Ningqing Taoist Temple.

Of course, what he was afraid of was not this Ningqing Mountain, nor the Taoist temple in the mountain, but the peerless demon sealed underground, the ancient demon.

Thinking of that ancient demon, his whole soul couldn't help trembling, because it was a world-shocking great demon, a peerless powerhouse who could easily crush him to death once he broke the seal.

Recalling that astonishing scene, panic appeared in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart: "Even if there are a few more detours, I can't easily step into this place."

With a certain idea in mind, he quickly turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and there was a struggle between his eyes.

At the same time, from Ningqing Mountain, where they were nowhere, faint bangs and fighting sounds could be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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