Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 241 Can't protect yourself?

Chapter 241 Can't protect yourself?

Boom boom boom! !
The booming sound continued to be heard, and when people with a radius of tens of miles heard it, their hearts jumped with horror, and their faces turned pale.

"Monastery Lord, we can't hold on any longer, what should we do?"

"What exactly do they want in Qingxu Village? How about we hand it over, so that we can keep our Taoist temple, let alone cause unnecessary casualties." Some disciples said one after another.

"Shut up, even if you die, you have to stand up to me. Is it possible that you really trust the words of a group of thieves?"

"Don't say that our Taoist temple doesn't have what he wants, even if there is, we can't give it." An angry shout came, but the person who spoke was the deputy temple master.

"That's right! How can such villains be trustworthy? At worst, we will fight to the death with them." Miao Chan said, her expression full of murderous intent.

"Stubborn!" King Qingxu snorted coldly.

With a whoosh, a clone rushed out of him, and immediately, the parting hand squeezed the seal formula, and with a bang, it stamped the formation on the Taoist temple.

"Not good! The formation is broken!"

Boom, I saw that the guarding formation was shattered inch by inch under his palm, and many young Taoist priests turned pale and spurted blood, their eyes were incomparably horrified.

"Hand over that thing, otherwise, don't blame the old man for washing your Taoist temple with blood." King Qing Xu said domineeringly.

Once the formation was broken, not only the disciples of Guanzhong, but even the Jingyin Guanzhu, who was in the middle stage of Vientiane, changed their expressions drastically.

Although she is in the middle stage of Vientiane, she really has no chance of winning in the face of the famous King of Vientiane, King Qing Xu.

If she loses, then the entire Taoist temple...she can hardly imagine.

Thinking of this, there was a flash of struggle in her eyes.

Seeing this, the viewer showed helplessness in her eyes.

The expressions of the two of them did not escape King Qingxu's eyes at all, the corners of his mouth raised, forming a cold smile.

But the next moment, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a murderous intent.

"I don't know what treasure Jingyin Guanzhu has? Can you let the boy see it? Maybe the kid will help the temple master solve the immediate crisis." Suddenly, a calm voice came from afar.

As soon as the voice came out, the little nun Miaoyin in the crowd showed ecstasy: "It's Brother Lin."

"Who? How dare you meddle in the affairs of my Qingxu Village. You don't know how to live or die." Suddenly, a monk in Qingxu Village shouted loudly, with a ferocious face and a cruel expression.

Because this area has a radius of hundreds of miles, their Qingxu Village is the local emperor here, and even the city lord should be afraid of them. As long as they break through the Ningqing Taoist Temple today, they will become a veritable overlord.

They are naturally rampant in their hearts.

I saw a long rainbow whizzing towards it, sweeping up a storm, and it arrived in the blink of an eye. When the storm dispersed and the light converged, a slender figure in white clothes was revealed.

This is a young man, but when many people saw the young man's face clearly, they immediately showed astonishing and unbelievable eyes.

Because this is not an ordinary boy, but a boy who dared to defy the saint and dare to attack and kill the children of the Ji family's royal family.

Even the well-known Qingxu King showed shock when he saw this young man, but after the shock, his face was full of ecstasy and even more ferocious.

"Where did you come from? You dare to meddle in the affairs of my Qingxu village. You really don't know how high the world is." However, there were also some monks who didn't seem to recognize the young man in front of them, and shouted arrogantly.

This white-clothed boy was just Wentian who rushed over. When he heard this, the corners of his mouth lifted, showing a deep sneer, and then, under the shocked eyes of everyone, he flicked his sleeves.

Boom, a burst of cultivation power radiated out, and the body of the person who spoke just now, as if being hit by a monstrous force, flew upside down in the air, his eyes widened, and he coughed up blood with a look of shock.

Spirit Transformation Realm!The person who spoke just now is a Spirit Transformation Realm.

Although it was only in the mid-stage of spiritual transformation, but the opponent defeated him so lightly, at this moment, even those who did not recognize Wentian's identity felt a big wave in their hearts.

As for those Taoist nuns who had met Wentian before, they exclaimed: "Lin Wentian, you are Lin Wentian."

"What? This kid is Lin Wentian!"

"In this way, as long as you capture him or kill him, you can get great credit in the court."

"That's right! This kid is Lin Wentian. I have seen his portrait in Qingcheng. I can't imagine that now the court is chasing him everywhere, but he appears here. It seems that this is God's punishment for us in Qingxu Village. gift."

As soon as Lin Wentian's identity was revealed, there were astonishing voices from both Qingxu Village and Ningqing Taoist Temple.

The people in Qingxu Village looked at him with cruelty and greed.

Among the crowd, when the little nun Miaoyin saw Wentian, she looked excited and her face was as red as an apple.

It was Miaochan beside her, who frowned first, and then said with a hint of coldness: "A criminal who is listed in the whole country can't protect himself, so why does he say to help us? Does he really think that he is still the young master of the Lin family?" ?”

Her words were full of disdain.

Everyone's reactions were all taken into consideration by Wentian, but with a smile on his face, he didn't look at the murderous King Qingxu, but focused on the frowning Jingyin Guanzhu.

He said lightly: "I don't know what kind of treasure is in the master's hand? It can make the well-known King Qing Xu go to war like this."

From his words, there was no sense of nervousness or fear at all. The Master Jingyin noticed this, and his eyes lit up immediately, showing admiration.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Lin, who is now famous and has caused troubles all over the country, has the honor to appear in my Taoist temple today. It's a pity that the enemy is now, and I can't invite my little friends to gather together."

"However, if my little friend can help my Taoist temple repel the enemy, I can satisfy my little friend's wishes." Jingyin Temple Master said.

"The temple master is not allowed. This person is now a court criminal. We must not have anything to do with him. Otherwise, the holy majesty will be angered, and my Taoist temple will be killed." Someone said anxiously, but it was Miaochan.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, her teacher, that is, the temple master, reprimanded her: "Shut up, the temple master has his own plans, and it's not your turn to dictate."

Ever since Wentian appeared, she has been feeling an inexplicable coercion, which is the coercion that can only be felt in the Vientiane Realm. Suddenly, she was horrified, and when she thought of the rumor that this person could kill elephants with spirit, she felt a burst of pressure. His heart was jumping with fear, and his eyes were full of fear.

Therefore, she yelled at her apprentice angrily.

Miaochan felt aggrieved by her master's reprimand, and looked at Wentian with even more chills.

Wentian smiled and nodded to Guanzhu Jingyin, and then his face suddenly turned cold, looking at the Qingxu King, he said coldly: "Old man, we met again, you escaped your life last time, I don't know this time , how do you plan to escape?"

(End of this chapter)

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