Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 242 Rolling

Chapter 242 Rolling
"Ah...what the hell is he talking about?"

"Could it be that he once fought King Qingxu and defeated him?"

As soon as Wentian's words came out, everyone was shocked, especially the people of Ningqing Taoist Temple, who looked like they had seen a ghost.

The little nun Miaoyin showed her face full of admiration, but Miaochan snorted coldly: "Playing tricks."

King Qingxu's face was extremely gloomy, as if it was about to drip water.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense."

"Kill! Kill this rebel, and take his head to the court to receive a reward."

Some monks from Qingxu Village rushed out one after another with arrogance and cruelty, trying to kill Wentian and claim credit from the court.

"Brother Lin, be careful." Little nun Miaoyin was shocked when she saw this.

Miao Chan at the side saw this scene, but the corner of her mouth showed a bit of coldness, as if she was willing to see this scene in her heart.

The temple master frowned, and turned his gaze to the Jingyin temple master, but saw that his eyes were dimmed, and he didn't have the slightest intention to make a move, so she had no choice but to stand still.

At the same time, she was also looking forward to it, wanting to see what kind of amazing abilities Lin Wentian, the rebellious person who has caused a storm all over the country recently, has superhuman powers.

Beside Wentian, there was no trace of the ball beast or the giant ape, because the little beast had left with the giant ape long before.

Wentian faintly felt that they seemed to have reached an agreement, of course, this might be the reason why the little beast was willing to take the giant ape away from the trial site.

But even though he was alone, facing the frightened Qingxu Village in Qingcheng, he still looked as usual, as if he had the momentum of Mount Tai not to collapse, he naturally exuded a strong aura.

"Even some Lian Yuanjing are trying to attack me?" There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, you are arrogant! No matter how strong you are, you are no better than the spirit-transforming realm. I don't need my village master to take action. I can kill you later." A late-stage spirit-transformation realm made a bang, raised his giant fist, and bombarded Wentian. The wind of fist roared.

However, Wentian didn't have the slightest intention to dodge, until the other party gave a bang and punched him firmly.

In an instant, the cultivator looked overjoyed and shouted arrogantly: "Die, boy! It is your blessing to die in the hands of the deputy village master, your grandpa Zhang."

"Haha! Deputy village master Zhang is doing a great job, kill this kid." Someone even shouted.

But when everyone was laughing arrogantly, King Qingxu's face changed, and he shouted: "Quick back!"

"It's late!" Wentian said coldly.

In an instant, his body was shaken violently, a powerful counter-shock force exploded from his body, and with a click, the fist of the deputy village master's fist on him suddenly shattered bones.

"Ah... my hand..." Deputy Village Master Zhang backed up and shouted in horror. The hand that punched the fist was even more bloody, and it could be seen at a glance that the meridian was broken, which was completely crippled. .

"What? This kid is so evil?" Someone turned pale.

"Don't be afraid! Let's shoot together and blast him to pieces."


Wentian's eyes flickered, the primordial force in his body that belonged to the peak of transforming spirit rose up, but it was the power of fire element, he swiped his hands, and with a bang, a raging flame burst out and burned in all directions.

The fiery red flame, the flame he cast is not the blue flame, but the ordinary fiery red flame, but even so, when he casts it with the power of his peak spirit transformation, the power of burning is no less than that of the early days of Vientiane. weak.

As soon as the blazing flames came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically, with disbelief in their eyes, not only because he possessed the power of fire, but also because his cultivation had reached the peak of transforming spirits.

Although there is only a half-line difference between the late stage of Hualing and the peak of Hualing, the peak of Hualing means that half of one foot has stepped into the Vientiane Realm, and it is possible to take another step forward at any time.

"Not good! This kid is at the pinnacle of spirit transformation!"

"Damn it, didn't those people who came out of the trial ground before say that he only had the late stage of spiritual transformation?"

Sensing Wentian's powerful aura, the confident Qingxu Village cultivators were suddenly shocked, their eyes filled with fear, and some even tried to turn around and leave.

But with Wentian's current cultivation base and his understanding of flames, can these enemies who are only cultivating Yuan and transforming spirits escape safely?
With a movement of his mind, there was a bang, and the flames spread out immediately, turning into a ring of flames, surrounding those people, and then, the flames were so bright that they seemed to burn the sky and destroy the earth.


"Master, save us!"

The screams continued to be heard from the hundreds of feet of flames, and the female cultivators who watched the Tao were horrified and horrified when they heard it.

Especially Miao Chan, who has always been disdained to ask the sky in her heart, she was like a bolt from the blue. She tried to convince herself that this was just a dream, but the heart-piercing screams in the flames made her heart shudder. Chill together.

"'s impossible. At the beginning, he was only in the cultivation realm, and he was someone I could handle easily. Even if he had the veins of ghosts, he would definitely not be able to grow to this level. I don't believe it..." She felt unwilling .

Contrary to the disbelief and reluctance in her heart, little nun Miaoyin's worship is getting stronger and stronger, almost crazy.

"I didn't expect this kid to have such strength!" Unlike other people, Jingyin Guanzhu, who owns the middle stage of Vientiane, clearly sensed that Wentian was more than capable, and hadn't exerted his full strength yet.

"Hmph! At the peak of Spirit Transformation, is this your reliance?" Suddenly, a cold snort came, and it was King Qing Xu.

In an instant, there was a sudden shock on his body, eight figures rushed out, six of them made fists and bombarded Wentian, while the other two figures tried to rescue those subordinates who were trapped in the fire.

Seeing King Qingxu make a move, Guanzhu Jingyin's expression changed. Although she felt that Wentian was still hiding her strength, she didn't dare to take the risk.

Because of the strength shown by Wentian before, she believed that as long as she joined forces with the two of them, even if she couldn't kill the opponent, she could still repel him.

As for whether she will provoke the wrath of the Holy One, she is not too worried, because of the existence of Princess Muli, she is also a member of the Ji family's royal family.

She was about to make a move, but kept going, Wentian was faster than her.

He formed seals with both hands, and with a bang, under the shocked eyes of Guanzhu Jingyin and the others, an astonishing roar came from the hundreds of feet of fire in the air. destructive gas machine.

Among the fire dragons, there was even a miserable cry, it roared, angrily rushed, and hit King Qingxu.

"What a vicious boy." King Qingxu's expression changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth.

He didn't expect that Wentian would think of this move. In this way, his previous plan would be completely defeated. Not only would he fail to save people, but if he rashly attacked Huo Jiao, he would kill his own people by mistake.

(Sorry, there are only two shifts today. I just switched from the night shift to the day shift. I haven't adapted yet. I'm too sleepy to keep my eyes open)
(End of this chapter)

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