Chapter 243
"What a Lin Wentian, with the power of his flames, he could burn those people to ashes in that moment, but he didn't do that. His purpose was only to force the other party to kill each other."

"This son is a man who kills decisively. He must not be easily provoked. He would rather be his friend than his enemy." Jingyin Guanzhu secretly said, his expression became extremely dignified.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Wentian's mouth: "I'd like to see, how would you choose?"

"Village Master, save me...I don't want to die yet."

"Village Master...quickly save me..."

I don't know if Wentian did it on purpose, but the screams from the fire dragon became louder and louder, making people feel chills.

"Don't worry, the old man will never let you die in vain." King Qingxu's eyes turned cold, and the eight figures punched hard.

"Don't..." Suddenly, a heart-piercing cry came from the fire dragon.

"See it clearly, you are your so-called village master." Wen Tian laughed, not surprised at King Qing Xu's choice.

The fire dragon rushed in anger, and blasted together with King Qingxu's fist. In an instant, the fire burst out, and was swept up by the wind of the fist and rushed to the four directions mercilessly. Some monks of Ningqing Taoist Temple suddenly looked horrified, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

Fortunately, at the last moment, their master made a move to stop the monstrous aftermath.

The Huojiao's being blasted away also meant that apart from King Qingxu, the entire Qingxu village had been wiped out, and the murderer was their village master.

Such a scene fell into the eyes of those Taoist nuns, and they immediately felt embarrassed, because the trick of asking the sky was really amazing.

"Boy, die for this old man." From the flames, King Qingxu rushed out suddenly, his fists were full of light, and he attacked Wentian's head.

With a bang, the void exploded.

However, King Qingxu didn't show joy on his face, but became gloomy, because what he bombarded was only the afterimage of Wentian.

At the same time, a mocking voice sounded in his head: "Do you really think I can't see it? A mere avatar wants to kill me too?"

"Huh? You can actually notice it?" In an instant, King Qingxu was startled, showing a look of horror.

That's right!This is not his real body, but a special clone, it can be said that it is his third.

He never thought that the Jingyin Guanzhu, who was in the middle stage of Vientiane, would not be aware of it, but would be noticed by a boy in the spirit transformation realm.

At this moment, he was extremely afraid of Wentian in his heart.

As soon as Wentian's words came out, he was really shocked. Not only those Taoist nuns, but even the master Jingyin showed an unbelievable look.

"No wonder I always feel that King Qingxu is a bit weird, so it's just his special identity." Before she knew it, she looked at Wentian with complicated eyes.

"I don't believe that I can't kill you." King Qingxu shouted angrily, and rushed out of his body again, trying to distract Wentian's attention, but with Wentian's current powerful spiritual consciousness, how could he hide it from him? perception.

The aura of his whole body soared, revealing an invincible aura, golden light burst out, strange runes were wrapped around his fists, and a huge phantom appeared faintly behind him, it roared to the sky, and there was a wave of berserk air machine.

"King Kong Fist!"

Exercising the Vajra Fist learned from the Vajra Giant Ape, the fist is as strong as a broken bamboo, as if under this punch, everything in the world will be smashed, with a domineering aura that can shock the heroes.

"Ancient treasure technique?"

As soon as the Vajra Fist was released, the golden light suddenly shone brightly, King Qingxu's expression had already changed drastically, his eyes were wide open, full of shock and disbelief.

You must know that this is not an ordinary technique, but an ancient treasure technique learned from monsters.

Even if it's just an ancient treasure technique left over from the ancient times, when a monk realizes it to the extreme, it may be comparable to some heaven-level techniques. Therefore, no matter it is King Qingxu, everyone in the audience felt turbulent waves in their hearts.

There was a loud "boom", and the burst of golden light suddenly made people lose their short-term vision, but they could faintly hear King Qingxu's unwilling roar.

"Boy, don't think it's over like this, the old man will never die with you."

This voice was not only full of anger and viciousness, but more shocking and unbelievable.

When everyone recovered their eyesight, they immediately gasped, because the entire Qingxu Wangzhai, which was so imposing and invincible, was wiped out in Wentian's flick of a finger.

At this time, everyone looked at the handsome boy in the sky, only seventeen or eighteen years old, with deep fear in his eyes, as if what they saw was not a boy, but a god.

Especially Miaochan, here her mind was like a bolt from the blue, obviously they were of the same generation, but the boy in front of her was pressing on her like an ancient mountain, giving her a feeling of suffocation, making her feel fear.

"Is he still human?"

"No...he can't be human, because even if he is a descendant of a god, it is impossible to kill an elephant with a spirit. It is so easy to kill an elephant, as if it was effortless at all." She couldn't help clenching her hands, shouting in her heart .

The little nun Miaoyin beside her had countless stars in her eyes, and her entire face was as excited as a ripe apple.

"It's true that the wave pushes the wave ahead. Mr. Lin deserves to be the well-deserved arrogance of this generation. I admire, admire, and admire." Master Miaoyin said three words of admiration in a row. One can imagine how shocked she was by her previous performance.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it. The strength of the young man in front of her was simply much stronger than the rumors. Slaying elephants with his spirit was like slaughtering ants, and he even possessed the rumored treasure.

You know, even if she is in the middle stage of Vientiane, she has only heard of ancient treasures and never had the opportunity to practice them.

Wentian raised his head and looked in a direction not far away, the corners of his mouth raised, and an inexplicable smile appeared: "Master Jingyin, this matter is not over yet..."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately frowned and were puzzled. Only Guanzhu Jingyin looked thoughtfully and asked, "What does Mr. Lin mean?"

"Cut the grass but don't remove the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows." Wen Tian said coldly, with a hint of cruelty at the corner of his mouth.

As for King Qing Xu, he had already wanted to kill him in his heart, and now is a great opportunity, how could he miss it.

Guanzhu Jingyin was shocked suddenly, looking at the young man in front of her, her eyes were full of shock, at this moment, she no longer regarded Wentian as a teenager in her teens, but an old monster who was calculating.

A firm light suddenly flashed between her eyes, as if a major decision had been made in her heart.

Wentian didn't pay attention to everyone's reaction, his body flickered, turned into a rainbow and rushed forward, not long after, he appeared in the sky above a cottage.

In an instant, his eyes flashed, his right hand suddenly pointed downwards, and he pressed hard.

"King Qingxu, aren't you and I, Lin Wentian, dying forever? Now Lin is giving you a chance to take revenge, get out of here."


As he pressed down with one hand, the strength of his cultivation rose up, turning into a giant palm, and with a domineering aura, it struck the cottage below.

"Lin Wentian, don't bully people too much!" The stronghold collapsed, and from the bottom of the mountain, there was an astonishingly angry roar.

Not far away, when the people from Ningqing Taoist Temple came and saw this scene, they were shocked and gasped.

The young man in front of him dared to uproot the entire Qingxu village, no... to be precise, he wanted to completely kill the famous Qingxu king.

(End of this chapter)

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