Chapter 244
With a loud bang, the ground suddenly exploded, and a blue light burst out from it, rushing out of an old man with a livid expression and eyes like rage.

King Qingxu, he didn't expect the whole Chiyue to be so famous that even the strong in the middle stage of Vientiane would be afraid of him, who was divided into seven people.

Looking at the real body of King Qingxu in front of them, the female Taoist nuns who rushed over suddenly turned pale, and their eyes were full of horror and fear.

It's just because the aura in King Qingxu's body in front of him is no longer in the early stage of Vientiane, but in the middle stage of Vientiane.

"Middle stage of Vientiane, his cultivation is actually at the middle stage of Vientiane!" Someone exclaimed, and his footsteps couldn't help but retreat, and a chill rose in his heart.

Even Guanzhu Jingyin, when she sensed the oppressive feeling from King Qingxu, her whole body was struck by thunder, and her mind went blank.

"How could he be in the middle of Vientiane?" Her eyes frightened.

Wen Tian's eyes contracted, although he had already guessed in his heart that the real body of King Qing Xu was definitely stronger than the strange clone before, but he did not expect that the real cultivation base of the other party was actually in the middle stage of Vientiane.

With such strength, Chi Yueming can at least enter the top ten. You must know that his grandfather Lin Zhentian was only in the late stage of Vientiane.

"No wonder no one has ever been able to kill you. It turns out that not only has your body been hiding under the village, but your cultivation has already broken through to the middle stage of Vientiane." Wen Tian said coldly.

"Now that I know, do you feel regretful? However, since my true identity was exposed today, all of you should not even try to escape." King Qingxu yelled.

With a bang, the strength of his cultivation erupted, and an astonishing coercion came from the air. This is the might of everything, a powerful coercion that can crush the spiritual realm at will.

This power landed on Wentian, he frowned, and then he snorted coldly, his whole body was full of golden light, and the dragon pattern flashed across his forehead, and he easily bounced off this coercion.

But those female cultivators who Ning Qing observe the Tao are not so relaxed.

Pupu, some beings at the Spirit Transformation Realm spurted blood, their eyes widened, full of fear. As for those Yuanyuan Realm chasing after them, there was a buzzing in their heads, and they lost consciousness for a moment.

"Back, back quickly!" Jingyin Guanzhu yelled, Peng, the power of her cultivation radiated and turned into a light curtain, surrounding everyone, but her expression was also full of fear.

However, she soon discovered that despite facing King Qingxu in the middle stage of Vientiane, Wentian still looked as usual. This discovery made her feel a click in her heart: "Could it be that he is still hiding his strength?"

Thinking of this possibility, she felt unbelievable for a while.

"Do you think Lin Wentian will feel regretful and terrified at the middle stage of Vientiane? You really underestimate me." Wentian disdainfully.

As soon as the words fell, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the afterglow on his body flashed, and he had already rushed towards King Qingxu.

"Looking for death!" Seeing that even though he showed his strongest cultivation, the opponent was not afraid at all and dared to take the initiative to attack, King Qingxu was extremely angry.

"The old man wants to see, what are your abilities?" He quickly made handprints with both hands, and with a buzzing sound, his body was brightly azure, and in the blink of an eye, he split into hundreds of clones.

Baidao turned out to be a clone of Baidao.

Seeing this scene, everyone was extremely shocked in their hearts. Even Wentian, his eyes showed a cautious look, and they were also surprised by King Qingxu's avatar technique.

"Such a weird avatar technique, if I can cultivate it, my strength will definitely increase a lot." A strong desire arose in his heart.

Facing hundreds of Qingxu Kings rushing towards him, Wentian waved his hands quickly, bombarding with numerous palm prints, it was the Xuanji high-grade technique, Thousand Overlapping Wave Palms.

Boom boom boom!Immediately, the air boiled completely, and the wind was surging. In the blink of an eye, Wentian and King Qingxu fought dozens of rounds.

The purple light was shining brightly, he held Broken Star in his hand, and even swung a sword, shooting out hundreds of sword qi fiercely, but King Qingxu really lived up to his reputation, and he used various techniques to resist.

"Thunderbolt sword style!" Wentian yelled loudly, holding the Broken Star fused with the Kuangba sword intent, and unleashed his strongest sword strike.

This blow is enough to kill the Vientiane Realm, and according to his estimation, it may have reached the peak of the low-grade sword skill of the earth level.

With a buzzing sound, a purple sword slashed out, carrying an unstoppable momentum, causing the entire void to shake suddenly, cutting a crack in the void, and the power of the turbulent flow was rampant.

"Swordsmanship! He is actually a swordsman, and he has also comprehended the meaning of the sword." Looking at Wentian's upright figure, everyone in the tranquil Taoist temple was shocked in their hearts.

Even King Qing Xu changed color suddenly, his eyes full of fear.

"Wind Palm!" His eyes flashed fiercely, and all the clones clapped their hands at the same time, and the palm wind roared, blowing out bursts of violent wind.

A loud "boom" was deafening, and the ground below crumbled inch by inch, and some rather large rocks were violently swept up.

Faced with such a monstrous aftermath, Master Jingyin's complexion changed drastically. She rolled up her sleeves, rolled up everyone, and retreated quickly, fearing that she would be implicated by this.

When the storm calmed down, Wentian's eyes suddenly shrank, revealing a more cautious look, because in his thunderstorm sword pose, none of King Qingxu's avatars were destroyed, but his face turned pale.

However, here, he used the thunderbolt sword pose, and his face was pale. Fortunately, he refined the Dao blood before, which made his body stronger. Otherwise, he really wouldn't dare to use this sword pose easily .

"What a Lin Wentian, you are the most outstanding son of heaven that I have seen in so many years, but today you are still going to die by my hands." The eyes of King Qingxu flashed a gloomy light.

The next moment, with a whoosh, the figures of Baidao dispersed instantly, encircling Wentian with a momentum of encirclement. Immediately afterwards, his hands quickly formed seals.

At the same time, strange lights shot out from these hundreds of figures, and in the blink of an eye, they interweaved and formed a formation, trapping Wentian at the center.

Wentian changed color, feeling waves of spatial power forcibly restraining him, making him unable to move for a moment.

"Die!" Hundreds of Qingxu kings shouted in unison, rushed out with them, clenched their fists, and punched Wentian forcefully, as if they wanted to take this opportunity to finish him with one blow.

"Be careful!" Jing Jing, who had taken everyone to hide dozens of miles away, exclaimed when she realized this scene, with deep worry in her eyes.

At this time, she regretted even more in her heart, regretting that she should have taken action in the first place, and with the strength of the two of them, they might be able to completely kill the enemy.

"Boom" a loud bang, resounding through the sky in an instant.

King Qingxu sneered: "If you want to kill me, you are a hundred years too early."

"Really?" However, just as he finished speaking, a frosty voice came from the center of the storm.

"What? You're still's impossible!" King Qingxu's expression changed drastically, and his words were filled with deep shock and disbelief.

"Huh..." Jing Shuzhu and the others not far away couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, they were shocked to the extreme by Wentian's strength in their hearts.

"Ahem!" When the storm dissipated, Wentian's slender figure was revealed, but he looked a bit embarrassed here, not only was his clothes torn, but a trace of blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Even so, his eyes were still fierce.

"It's almost there!" He muttered to himself, but no one could understand what he meant.

But the next moment, everyone gasped, their eyes filled with disbelief.

With a "poof", a ray of blue flame slowly rose from Wentian's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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