Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 245 The Power of Blue Flame

Chapter 245 The Power of Blue Flame
This is a ray of blue flame, not the usual red flame. In the eyes of the world, it is also called the flame of mutation. Therefore, when this ray of blue flame appears, everyone will have such a shocked look.

"Heavenly fire, this is the mutated fire in the rumors." Some of the female monks in the distance exclaimed, they couldn't believe what they saw.

Because it is rumored that the people who can possess the strange fire are all mysterious and unpredictable refiners or alchemists. In the entire Chiyue, for hundreds of years, no one has ever possessed the strange fire.

When this ray of blue flame rose from Wentian's hand, King Qingxu's expression changed again and again, deep in his pupils, there was deep fear, but soon, he calmed down in his heart.

Because the flame in Wentian's hand, although it is a blue flame, does not seem to contain a terrifying high temperature, it is more like a ray of gentle flame.

"Boy, you can play tricks all you can, do you think you can scare me like this?"

After the words fell, King Qingxu's numerous Dao clones buzzed, forming seals in their hands again, arousing the power of space, trying to seal Wentian again.

"The same method, do you think it's still useful for me?" Wentian showed disdain, and the next moment, his body twisted, and he disappeared out of thin air in King Qingxu's eyes.

With his current cultivation at the peak of spiritual transformation, coupled with his spiritual consciousness comparable to that in the middle stage of Vientiane, the space power he can use is several times stronger than before.

When he appeared, he had already appeared behind one of Qing Xu King's avatars.

"Be careful behind your back." The other Qingxu King avatars shouted, with a look of fear in their eyes.

Although last time, he already knew that Wentian could use the power of space, but the power of space that Wentian is using now is nothing compared to before.

The figure of King Qingxu turned around abruptly, and punched Wentian, but the blue light flickered, and a ray of blue flame rose up, rushing towards him.

"Don't try to scare me, kill me." King Qingxu looked furious, and even punched Lan Yan.

But he was stunned very quickly, because his punch didn't blow Lan Yan away, but passed through his body, causing Lan Yan to wrap around his arm.

"Haha! Such a gentle fire, only you, a brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, dare to use it." When he sensed that the blue flame had no warmth at all, King Qingxu laughed arrogantly, looking at Wentian's eyes , like watching an idiot.

He just asked the sky and heard the words, but he showed a strong sneer, and immediately his mind moved, and he whispered in his mouth: "Fen!"

As soon as the word "burning" came out, I saw that the blue trap wrapped around King Qingxu's body suddenly burst into flames, and seemed to turn into an ancient beast. The flames erupted like a volcano, and in the blink of an eye, King Qingxu's whole body was burned.

"Ah... What kind of flame is this... This is the flame of ghost..." King Qing Xu, who was burned by the blue flame, suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream.

But soon, his screams stopped abruptly, and only the blue flame remained in the void.

All the things happened only at that moment. When King Qingxu and those Taoist nuns saw this astonishing scene, their souls trembled instantly, and they felt a chill.

"Ghost Flame, this is definitely Ghost Flame." Among the crowd, some screamed in panic.

"Boy, what kind of flame are you?" King Qingxu had deep shock in his eyes, as if he didn't believe the scene he saw in front of him.

Although it was only his avatar that was burnt out just now, and its strength could not be compared with his main body at all, but the other party was able to destroy it with only a ray of flames, which is absolutely shocking.

"What kind of flame is not important, what is important is that it can help me kill you." Wentian said, with surprise in his expression, it seems that Lan Yan's power also surprised him.

"Extremely arrogant, this old man wants to see how you can kill this old man." King Qing Xu looked ashen, and with a bang, 99 figures rushed out again.

Regarding this, Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Although the Clone Technique can increase your combat power, it can also rapidly consume your strength. Today, I, Lin Wentian, will burn your body and destroy your real body."

With a bang, he suddenly swiped between his hands, and waves of blue flames shot up into the sky.

This time, it was no longer a gentle flame, but turned into a sky-burning flame with an astonishingly high temperature, which represented violence and destruction.

It is the symbol of death.

As soon as the blue flame came out, the entire void was distorted, as if even the space was burned by the blue flame, and even some rocks were melted by the monstrous high temperature.

"Not good!" The Master Jingyin in the distance looked shocked, and with a puff, she rolled up her sleeves again, rolled up everyone, and retreated again and again.

When she stopped, her forehead was covered with fine sweat, and she felt a shock in her heart.

"What?" Facing the violent blue flames, King Qing Xu had the illusion that he was so small in the face of the God of Flame.

"No... This can't be... I am immortal, no one in the red moon can kill me, I am the king of everything... King Qingxu." King Qingxu roared, his expression full of ferociousness.


But soon, all his clones were covered by blue flames, and there was an astonishing scream.

"Lin Wentian, you can't kill me."

boom!All of a sudden, a ray of blue light rushed out from the monstrous fire wave, and without the slightest pause, he rushed straight to the void in the distance.

This is the real body of King Qing Xu, and his many figures have been wiped out in an instant under the terrifying high temperature of the blue flame.

The reason why Lan Yan, who asked the sky, could easily burn the clone of King Qingxu was not only because of the astonishing temperature of the flame, but also because the clone of King Qingxu was no longer as good as before.

He fought against King Qingxu before, and his real purpose was to consume the power of these clones, and once the opponent's clones were destroyed, the power of King Qingxu's body would also be greatly reduced.

Seeing the famous King Qingxu, who made the whole Qingcheng fearful, run away like a stray dog. Not far away, many Ningqing Taoists saw this, their hearts were already numb for a while, and the rest were just stunned.

"Want to leave?" Wentian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, how could he let the other party escape now.

After saying that, he lifted up Longyou Taixu Step with all his strength, stepped on the phantom of Shenlong, and rushed out with a whoosh. The speed was extremely fast, and he probably belonged to the top in the middle stage of Vientiane.

"What?" King Qingxu was shocked, but when he realized it, his expression became ruthless, and with a puff, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the blood mist rose violently, surrounding him, and his escaping speed increased a bit again .

Obviously, he did not hesitate to consume his essence to cast a secret technique.

"Damn Lin Wentian, one day, this old man will crush you." He said fiercely in his heart, his eyes were full of viciousness.

He is the No. [-] person in Qingcheng, and now he has fled. Once the news spreads, he will definitely be ridiculed by the world. At that time, the king of all emptiness, King Qingxu, may instantly become a despised dog.

Thinking of this, his heart was filled with hatred, and his pupils turned blood red.

"The Great Handprint of Collapsing Earth!"

Just when he thought he had escaped, a heavy shout came from behind, and after that, his expression changed drastically, and he raised his head suddenly.

I saw a huge palm descending from the sky as if carrying the power to suppress the heavens and worlds.

With a sound of "Boom", there was an earth-shattering loud noise in the entire void. In an instant, the earth shattered, mountains and rocks collapsed, and the wind roared like a beast.

(End of this chapter)

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