Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 252 The Change in the Valley

Chapter 252 The Change in the Valley
Valley of the Valley.

During this time, shouts of anger and mourning continued to be heard from the ground. Many people were lying on the ground, showing painful expressions. The bloodstains were so conspicuous, and the whole valley was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Many ancient trees and houses in the valley were destroyed one after another. Some people looked furious and stared at a figure above with strong hatred.

This is a man about 20 years old. This person is extraordinary in appearance, even if he is not much worse than Wentian, but his face shows an arrogance, as if everyone in the Lin family is not even an ant in his eyes. Not as good.

Beside him, a graceful figure seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move for a moment, her eyes were red, and tears were spinning, she shouted: "Let me go, I won't leave, I will follow you!" next to the young master."

She was Lan Meng. At this moment, she was flustered and even more helpless. Looking at the broken earth below and the blood-stained clothes and scarred people, she felt guilty.

If it wasn't for her, Fang Leshi wouldn't be what he is now, and the people around her wouldn't have been injured or even died.

"Let go of me, otherwise, when Master Wentian comes back, he will never let you go." She shouted at the man in grief and anger, and kept struggling, trying to break the restraint on her body.

It's just that the man didn't react too much when he heard the words, he said calmly: "Miss, I was arranged by my wife to come to this wild place and take you back to the family. As for the young master you said, he is just a barbarian. That's all, what right does he have for you to be called young master."

When the man said it, his face showed even more disdain.

"Let go of her. She is from my Lin family. Even if what you said before is true, she has to decide whether she will go or stay." A cold voice came from the opposite side of the man.

The person who spoke was Wentian's third uncle, Lin Yefeng. However, his face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. It was obvious that he was injured.

With his strength, the person who can injure him must be at the Vientiane Realm, and it's not an ordinary Vientiane Realm.

"Although you are at the Vientiane Realm, in my Daoxuan's eyes, you are not even at the Spiritual Transformation Realm." The man said coldly, then stretched out his finger, and with a bang, a golden beam shot out and hit Lin Yefeng.

Although this was a random attack by the man, Lin Yefeng's expression suddenly changed. With a bang, he swiped vigorously with both hands, and a storm rushed out, rolling towards the golden beam of light.

However, when the man saw this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and with a chirping sound, the golden light beam pierced through the storm in the blink of an eye, and shot fiercely at Lin Yefeng's arm.

With a sound of "poof", Lin Yefeng staggered, his complexion pale as snow, blood gushed out rapidly from the arm pierced by the golden light beam, and in the blink of an eye, the entire sleeve was stained with blood.

"Third Lord..."

"Bastard! Who are you? Quickly let Meng'er go, or my young master will definitely make you regret it when he comes back."

Lin Yefeng was injured. Immediately, the expressions of the people below became furious. Even though he was already seriously injured, he still rushed out regardless of his own safety.

"Let go of Menger!"

Fluffy! !Many people gritted their teeth, a look of madness flashed in their eyes, and their energy surged up again, rushing towards the man.

"Meng'er, don't be afraid, you are from our Lin family, we will never hand you over to this unknown person." Shi Zhong and Zhou Bo shouted angrily, waving their hands, it was the strongest attack.

"Sister Meng..."

"You scoundrel, let go of our sister Meng'er."

Not far away, Ye Tian was protecting the two brothers and sisters, Ye Feng and Ye Xue, his eyes were full of solemnity, and the two brothers and sisters, Ye Feng and Ye Xue, shouted even louder.

Through this period of getting along, the two brothers and sisters have long regarded Meng'er as their closest person, and in their hearts, Meng'er is like their own sister.

Now, when they saw someone trying to take their sister away, the two of them were very young, but they also showed anger, and redness appeared in their eyes.

"Stubborn!" Looking at the people in front of him, even though he knew there was a huge disparity in strength, he still rushed towards him with a ferocious aura. In an instant, a cold light flashed in the man's eyes.

With a bang, a strong golden light erupted from his whole body. As soon as this golden light came out, it shone on everyone, and suddenly, as if being stabbed by thousands of blades, everyone felt a sharp pain.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" The man snorted coldly again, and with a sudden wave of his right hand, a powerful force of cultivation struck out.

Vientiane late!

The cultivation shown by this man has reached the late stage of Vientiane. Although he is in the late stage of Vientiane, he gave everyone an illusion that he is as powerful as a strong man in the divine realm.

Because of Lin Zhentian from the Lin family, Mr. Lin was originally from the late stage of Vientiane, but the aura of this person was several times stronger than that of Mr. Lin who was also in the late Vientiane stage.

When they were horrified, they had strong doubts about the identity of the man.

"Don't..." Meng'er exclaimed, and two lines of hot tears flowed down her face.

"Puff puff puff..." The blood in the air sprinkled down like a blood mist that was too thick to dissolve.

"Bang bang bang..." Under the man's powerful cultivation, all the Lin Fu and the others who had risen violently spurted blood again, their expressions extremely shocked, they fell to the ground, and there were bursts of collision sounds.

"Wow..." Uncle Zhou's throat was sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as snow, and his breath became weak.

Although Zhou Bo's cultivation is at the mid-stage of spiritual transformation, he is already old and does not have strong energy and blood. In addition to this serious injury, his body is already weak.

"Uncle Zhou..." Meng'er shouted.

From childhood to adulthood, Uncle Zhou took care of her like her grandfather and taught her many principles of life. In the scene before her, she felt that there were thousands of ants gnawing at her heart, which was a heart-piercing pain.

"Bastard! We're going to fight you." The eyes of many of Lin's secret guards were red and bloodshot like spider webs.

"Roar..." The crowd roared like crazy beasts.

Lin Yefeng's expression was furious, his whole body's aura surged, and waves of storms roared in the air, intertwined in the air, forming a wind hole, directly pressing down on the man.

"This is the land of the Lin Mansion, get out!" He yelled angrily, looking at the injuries and death of everyone in the Lin Mansion, his heart was already full of anger.

"In the middle stage of Vientiane, with your cultivation and strength, you can be regarded as a strong one in this barren land, but a barbarian is a barbarian after all." The man sneered.

With a swipe of his hand, suddenly, thousands of golden lights appeared, condensed into sword blades, and shot out in all directions with a buzzing sound.

"Not good! Go back!" Lin Yefeng's expression changed drastically, and he shouted loudly. Before everyone could react, he froze, controlled the wind point, and directly devoured those sword blades.

(End of this chapter)

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