Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 253 The Light of Destruction

Chapter 253 The Light of Destruction
"Puff puff……"

Although the wind point swallowed a lot of sword blades, there were still many sword blades slashing at him, and blood shot out suddenly, and Lin Yefeng was knocked to the ground with a bang, staining the ground with blood.

"Third Master..." Everyone exclaimed, especially Meng'er, who felt heart-piercing, all this was because of her, and she felt extremely guilty.

"A mere barbarian, how dare you attack me again and again. If it weren't for Miss's sake, I, Daoxuan, could kill you with one finger." Murderous intent flashed in the man's eyes.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and immediately a roar full of hatred and murderous intent suddenly came from behind.

"Let me go!"

"Boom!" A huge handprint struck down from the sky with a majestic momentum.

Sensing the power of this handprint, the man frowned for the first time, but he didn't have the slightest intention of avoiding it. At that moment, he raised his hand and met with a huge golden handprint.

"Boom!" The loud noise shook the heavens and the earth, giving people an illusion that the valley in the valley was shaking.

The power of the two palms meeting each other is unimaginable. The entire void exploded, the wind was strong, and there was thunder and lightning.

The man was still standing in the air, his whole body was intact, except for a little mess in his hair, he turned his head suddenly, and stared at the embarrassed figure below with contemptuous eyes.

"Ahem..." The embarrassed figure coughed up blood, but at this moment, his eyes were full of rage, like the pupils of a ferocious beast, and he stared fiercely at the man above him.

He is Wentian who just came back.

"Ask God..."


When everyone saw Wentian clearly, they all exclaimed, their expressions were filled with excitement, especially Meng'er, tears kept streaming down her face.

"Let her go!" Wentian wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth. Even though his health is bad now, he still glared at the man in the air, exuding murderous intent from his body.

He didn't know what happened here after he left, but no matter what happened or who it was, anyone who dared to hurt his Lin family was Lin Wentian's enemy.

"Are you the so-called young master of these people? Hmph, you are just a barbarian, why should you let Miss be your maid?" The man said, and in an instant, he stretched out his hand to Wentian.

"Be careful!" Lin Yefeng yelled, but he was seriously injured here, and just about to stand up, he staggered.

As for the others, not to mention, they were already in pain, so they could only open their eyes wide and scream there.

With a sound of "buzz", as the man clenched his hand, the entire void twisted for a while, and a gravity as heavy as a star was added to Wentian's body, causing his body to bend downward.

His right knee was about to kneel before him, his expression was ferocious, and a look of madness flashed in his eyes, he roared, "Don't think that I, Lin Wentian, will give in."

His voice resounded through the sky, with an unyielding intention and a touch of astonishing madness. He is a man of two lifetimes. Even if he has already felt the strength of the other party, he will never give in, because it represents his dignity.

He can lose, he can be defeated, but he can't bow his head to others, because he is the inheritor of the mad way of the sword, and his way of practice is full of madness.

"In my Daoxuan's eyes, let alone a human being, even a god should bow his head." Hearing Wentian's unwilling roar, the man showed deep disdain.

In an instant, he pointed out, and a huge finger like a pillar that pierced the sky pierced towards Wentian in a condescending manner.

This is a kind of insult, a kind of insult by the strong to the weak. Since Daoxuan was born, he has been a genius among geniuses. A genius is naturally arrogant and full of disdain and contempt for the weak.

"If you are the proud son of heaven in this barbaric land, then I, Daoxuan, is the son of god here. In front of me, you are useless." The man sneered, full of contempt.

The huge finger that poked down was even more golden, as if he wanted to use the power of this finger to kill Wentian.

Because his lady was once the maid of the person in front of him, this was simply unacceptable to him. Only by killing the person in front of him could the shame on his lady be washed away.

"Don' let my young master go, I'll go with you...I'll go with you..." Sensing the astonishing power carried by the giant finger, Meng'er's face turned pale, her eyes were already blurred by tears.

She hates herself, hates that she is useless, hates that she has caused the Lin family to kill her, and now she has put her young master in a life-and-death situation. Without her, what happened today would not have happened, she is like a disaster.

As she thought about it, she blamed herself more and more. She felt that everything in front of her was her fault, that she had harmed everyone and her young master. She kept crying, trying to get the man to stop.

But the man seemed determined to put Wentian to death, not only did he not stop, but the strength of his giant fingers strengthened a bit.

"Miss is willing to go with me for his life and death. This person must die. Only after he dies will I have a chance to win Miss's heart. Miss belongs to me, Daoxuan." The man's eyes were cold, and he looked at Wentian. As if looking at a dead person.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down, and Wentian could clearly see the anger, panic, and worry on the faces of his third uncle, Shi Zhong, and everyone in the Lin family. jump.

Pupupu, his heart that absorbed the blood was continuously beating strongly, and at this moment, the blood in his body was boiling, and his complexion gradually turned red.

He raised his head suddenly, his left eye was blue and his right eye was red, which looked very strange, and at this moment, his expression became ruthless, with madness in his heart, and the crimson right eye shot out a bloody beam of light with a bang.

This beam of light is so incredible, it seems to be carrying the power of destruction. As soon as it appeared, the entire void was stained with blood, and the expression of the man who was originally cold and arrogant changed drastically in an instant.


The void seemed to be pierced, and a huge hole appeared, and Wen Tiangeng's eyes suddenly went dark, and he passed out on the ground.

He heard hissing and shouting, but at this moment, his eyelids were as heavy as tens of thousands of catties, and it was difficult to open them even a single bit, until his consciousness completely fell asleep, and the whole world became quiet.

He had a strange dream. In this dream, he was in a gray world. It seemed that there was no life in this world. All the colors were gray, and there was a strong sense of death.

But when night fell, a blood-colored moon hung in the sky. When the blood-colored moon appeared, it emitted a strange bloody light that completely enveloped the entire world.

Bloody Realm!
At this moment, the gray world turned into a bloody world, and some strange scenes appeared.

It was as if he had come to a purgatory. In this purgatory, there was only destruction and destruction. The blood-stained bridge, the blood-stained river, everything was full of killing...

In this bloody, slaughter-like world of blood, he seemed to be falling into madness, his whole body was bursting with blood, and his blood-red hair was flying. He hated everything in this world and all life.

A pair of blood-red pupils, like those gods and demons, made people shudder.

From then on, he continued to kill and destroy, and in the end, there was only one person left in this world.

No... Now he is no longer a human being, but a god of killing who represents destruction and the end.

(End of this chapter)

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