Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 254 Creation of Miracles

Chapter 254 Creation of Miracles

"Meng'er..." Wentian woke up suddenly, his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

"Big Brother, you're finally awake!" There was a voice of surprise from outside the door, asking Tian to recover, but saw Ye Xue standing outside the door with a face full of surprise.

"What? Brother is awake? Let me see." There was a noise, a head stuck into the room, looking around, it was Ye Feng.

"Ah... big brother is really awake, father, big brother is awake." Seeing Wentian wake up, Ye Feng yelled, his voice was much louder than Ye Xue's.

Outside the room, some people were stunned when they heard this, and then they showed ecstasy. They became excited and rushed into the room like one over the other.

Wentian's mind was still quite confused, but when he saw Lin Yefeng rushing over, his mind was agitated, and he quickly came back to his senses. He even grabbed his third uncle's arm and said in a panic: "Third uncle, where is Menger? Menger where is she?"

Everyone who was originally excited and excited, after hearing his words, suddenly turned gray, and some even gritted their teeth, with strong hatred in their eyes.

Seeing this, Wentian had a bad premonition in his heart, he quickly set his sights on his third uncle, but Lin Yefeng sighed lightly, then shook his head.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Wentian was like a bolt from the blue, and his whole body fell into an abyss.

"Who? Who is he?" He looked ferocious and roared out loudly, with a shocking anger in his heart.

Seeing that Wentian became so vicious all of a sudden, Ye Feng and Yexue's expressions panicked, and their footsteps even went backwards, but soon they met someone, but it was their father Ye Tian.

Here, Ye Tian looked very dignified.

Lin Yefeng was about to speak, but unexpectedly, there was a panicked voice from outside the door: "The big thing is wrong... Butler Zhou... he will die..."

"What?" Wentian exclaimed, feeling a buzzing in his head, and Lin Yefeng and the others also changed their complexions suddenly, and with a whoosh, before everyone could react, Wentian rushed out of the room.

To him, Uncle Zhou is like his elder, like his relatives, now that Meng'er was taken away by someone with unknown origin, if something happened to Uncle Zhou again, if his grandfather came back one day, he really didn't know what to do explain.

Thinking of this, he hated the man who took Meng'er away even more.

"Uncle Zhou, you can't be busy..." He roared in his heart.


In a wooden house, at this time, a pale old man was lying on the bed, coughing from time to time, and there were several people waiting anxiously in front of the bed.

With a sound of "bang", Wentian directly broke into the door, and seeing Uncle Zhou with a pale complexion and a vain breath, he couldn't help but feel a burst of heartache.

"Master, you're awake!" The people in front of the bed shouted loudly when they saw that the person was asking the sky.

Uncle Zhou, who was lying on the bed, probably sensed Wentian, he suddenly opened his eyes and wanted to stand up from the bed excitedly.

"Uncle Zhou, be careful!" Wentian swayed, rushed to the bed, and helped Uncle Zhou up with his hands.

"Master, you're awake, let me take a good look." Zhou Bo smiled on his wrinkled face, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Looking at the old man who took care of him since he was a child and hurt him even more, he suddenly seemed to have aged for more than ten years, Wentian's heart felt inexplicable pain, and he held the old man's hand even more vigorously.

"Bless the old man, the young master has finally woken up, and I can go away with peace of mind. It's Menger who...cough cough..." As he spoke, Zhou Bo coughed up blood, and his eyes became lifeless.

"Uncle Zhou!" Seeing this scene, Lin Yefeng and others outside the door were shocked. Everyone felt uncomfortable, and some women even cried.

"Uncle Zhou, persevere."

"Third Uncle, quickly help me hold him." Wentian shouted loudly, as if thousands of sharp needles were pricking his heart.

Perhaps aware of Wentian's intention, Lin Yefeng's figure flickered and helped Zhou Bo up.

Wentian quickly sat cross-legged in front of Uncle Zhou, and then put his hands on Uncle Zhou's, and the energy in his body began to rush into Uncle Zhou's body frantically, trying to maintain his life.

Of course, he is using the power of water element instead of the power of fire element. After all, the power of water element is gentle and can have a healing effect.

At this time Yetian also came in, looking at what Wentian had done, he shook his head slightly and said: "He is short of energy and blood, and the meridians in his body are even damaged, no matter how much energy you pour into him, he will still be powerless Back to the days."

As soon as he said this, everyone's faces turned gray immediately, filling the room with a sense of sadness, even Ye Feng and Ye Xue began to cry.

Lin Yefeng knew what Yetian said, and Wentian knew even more, but even so, he still didn't give up. He wanted Zhou Bo to survive, even if it took his last breath.

In his previous life, he witnessed people from the Lin Mansion falling down beside him one by one. The powerlessness, unwillingness, and grief made him feel so much pain even after decades.

In this life, he had made an oath to protect Lin Fu and his family, but now, an old man who regarded him as his grandson was about to die in front of him. He hated himself for being incompetent and felt that God was unfair.

"Master, you don't need to waste any more energy. I am satisfied to see the young master for the last time before he dies..." Zhou Bo was unable to say that he had already released more energy and less energy.

"No... I'm the young master of the Lin family. Without my order, Uncle Zhou, you can't die." Wentian roared wildly, his eyes flushed with a hint of persistence.

Seeing this, everyone sighed softly, even Lin Yefeng, because they all knew that Uncle Zhou would not survive.

But at this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Wentian's mind, and his eyes brightened up. The next moment, his eyes were lightly closed, and his whole mind sank into Zhou Bo's body.

From his perception, the meridians in Zhou Bo's body not only shrank, but now there are more cracks. It seems that it was caused by injuries in the previous battle.

Looking at these shrunken and damaged meridians, he secretly shouted in his heart: "The power of returning to the beginning!"

With a "buzz", his body trembled slightly, followed by a faint fairy light, and countless fairy talismans rushed out of his body and wrapped around his hands, causing his hands to reveal a strange aura machine.

This is not the breath of gods, nor the breath of demons and demons, but a kind of fairy machine, which is an unknown fairy machine possessed by ancient immortals.

As soon as this aura came out, the expressions of all the people in the audience changed, and they suddenly felt that they were so small and humble under this aura.

Also at this moment, the turtle monster lurking in the lake suddenly trembled, and its huge pupils showed a look of horror.

"What kind of aura is this? Why does this king feel so familiar, but can't remember it?"


Wentian's mind moved, and the fairy talisman in his hand began to rush into Zhou Bo's body. He began to use the power of returning to the beginning, and the meridians in Zhou Bo's body began to circulate.

Where the power of returning to the beginning passed, Zhou Bo's damaged meridians began to repair themselves strangely. Although the repair speed was very slow, this discovery made Wentian ecstatic.

"It really works!" He secretly delighted in his heart.

Then, without reservation, he poured the power of returning to the beginning into Uncle Zhou's body. Even though his face was pale and the sweat on his forehead was as big as soybeans, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

An astonishing scene appeared.

Uncle Zhou, who was originally pale, gradually regained a trace of rosiness on his face, and the looming aura also began to gradually calm down, especially his gray eyes, which actually shone with color again.

It's nothing short of a miracle.

After everyone discovered this scene, they were all shocked and stunned, as if they couldn't believe the scene in front of them, but they knew it was real.

Soon, everyone's shocked expressions turned into excitement and excitement.

"How did he do it?" The person who was most shocked was of course Ye Tian.

Because he had already seen before that even a strong man in the divine realm might not be able to save Uncle Zhou, but now, the seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy in front of him, who is only in the spiritual realm, has done it. This is definitely a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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