Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 264 Master 8, the domineering master

Chapter 264 Eighth Master, Domineering Master

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a tortoise as handsome, powerful, and majestic as this king?"

"I tell you, this king is the world's number one tortoise, be careful of this king's brilliance, it will blind your eyes." The turtle monster said proudly.

"Wow..." As soon as the tortoise demon said this, everyone was shocked, but what was shocked was not the tortoise demon's words, but its ability to speak human words.

"The demon of all phenomena, this bastard is also a demon of all phenomena." Someone exclaimed, looking at Wentian's eyes, he was so admiring.

Unexpectedly, their young master only went out for a while, and brought another monster of all phenomena. Could it be that their young master is not a human being, nor a ghost, but the king of all monsters?

Otherwise, how could they easily subdue these Vientiane monsters.

Some people guessed in their hearts.

Seeing such a big reaction from the crowd, the turtle demon's face became even more disdainful.

"Wow... big brother caught another bastard." Suddenly, there was a cry of surprise, and Xue'er stuck her head out from the crowd.

"No... Xue'er, you are wrong. This is not called bastard, but turtle bastard." Ye Fengyu said earnestly, quite like an elder brother.

But this fell into the ears of the turtle monster, and it screamed as if stepping on its tail, and it was about to go crazy.

Unexpectedly, Wen Tian who was at the side said calmly, "Beauty."

In an instant, the turtle monster was like a deflated balloon, gnashing its teeth in its heart and said: "When I get the beauty, I will deal with you, and then I will let you know how powerful I am."

"Oh, so it's called the tortoise bastard, why don't we give it a name and call it Xiaoba?" Xue'er's eyes lit up.

"Okay, let's decide like this, we will call it Xiaoba from now on." This time, Ye Feng didn't argue with his sister, and the two made a decision.

But the turtle demon was suddenly furious, and said loudly: "What little eight, little seven, this king doesn't like it, if you really want to give this king a name, you have to be more majestic."

"Let me think about it..."

"Ah... yes, from now on you will call me Ba Ye. The name Ba Ye is quite domineering."

The turtle demon raised his chest, feeling that he was really too smart.

Eighth Master, Eighth Master, Domineering Master, this is such an imposing name, and only it, who is the number one turtle in the world, can come up with such a perfect name.

Hearing the tortoise talking to himself, and putting on a smug look, there was a strange look on everyone's faces, some wanted to laugh, but they held back.

"Big brother, now we have a furball, a monkey, and now a tortoise in our valley. Will the next time big brother comes back, he will bring a rooster or a duck?"

Xue'er said it innocently, and even looked at Wentian expectantly.

Wentian heard that and smiled wryly.


"The young master is not well, that turtle... it jumped into the spirit pool." Suddenly, someone in Wentian's room screamed.

Wentian's expression changed, before anyone could say anything, he got sick and rushed out of the room, after a few breaths of effort, he came under the towering ancient tree.

When he saw that the divine fetus jade and the thousand-year-old medicine king were both safe and sound, he was greatly relieved, and immediately set his eyes on the pool.

No, it is more appropriate to use the spirit pool to describe it now, because of the existence of the divine fetus jade, this pool has already undergone changes.

I saw the turtle demon raised its legs, with a long grass in its mouth, humming a ditty lazily there, looking at its comfortable appearance, Wentian was very surprised.

"Master, you are here. After this guy jumped into the spirit pool, no matter how much we persuade or scold him, this guy just won't leave." Seeing Wentian rushing over, someone said quickly, with an even more apologetic expression on his face, After all, this is their fault.

However, Wentian shook his head, waved his hand, and signaled them to leave.

"Good boy, to have such a spirit pool, this is simply a paradise on earth. From today on, this place belongs to the eighth master." The turtle demon said it very exaggeratedly, like an old man.

Wentian frowned, and said, "That piece of divine embryo jade is mine."

"Fuck! What kind of beast are you as the eighth master? Eighth master, I am the number one turtle in the world, so I don't care about your things. The eighth master just sees that it is comfortable to lie down here, and the environment is good." The demon didn't bother to say it.

Wentian's eyes flickered, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, "Well, you will be responsible for guarding this place while I go out to help you find beauties."

"Don't worry! With Eighth Master here, even if a god comes, Eighth Master can throw him out." The turtle demon said disapprovingly.

time flies...

On this day, everyone was gathered early by Wentian. Looking at the people in front of him, he showed a firm expression: "Uncle Zhou, you can stay!"

In the crowd, Uncle Zhou nodded, and didn't say much. After all, the Lin family came out in full force this time, and there would always be one or two people in the Spirit Transformation Realm to guard the house.

Although there is Ba Ye, it is a monster after all, with unpredictable temperament, and Wentian is not at ease. Only by keeping Uncle Zhou behind can he feel more at ease.

"Others listen to the order and follow me to slaughter Na Ji's dog to show off the prestige of my Lin family. If they kill one of us, we will slaughter a hundred of them." Wentian roared wildly.

"Kill kill!"

"If one of us is killed, I swear to kill a hundred of them."

Immediately, the crowd was excited and their fighting spirit was high.

"Let's go!" With a wave of his sleeve, Wen Tian was the first to rush out of the valley.

This battle will be a hard one, but they have no choice, because they can't just watch their relatives and friends being executed by Ji Zhuoyang.

The capital city has already boiled over completely. In the past few days, the various city lords of Chiyue have put up execution lists everywhere, and all the people on the list are people who are related to the Lin family. crime.

There are all kinds of murder and arson, robbery, treason, and treason.

Of course, some discerning people knew that this was a crime of being forcibly pressed, but some ordinary people believed in it.

In the blink of an eye, the Lin Mansion, which once had three generals from one family and made countless contributions to Chi Yue, became a rebellious mansion that did all kinds of evil, and only did things that harmed the sky and the law. As a result, there were vicious curses from the people.

"The people of the Lin family, the laws of nature cannot tolerate it, and everyone will be punished if they get it."

"Burn them..."

"Let them be pierced by thousands of arrows and die..."

The common people were excited, as if unconsciously, they already hated the people of the Lin family, but some monks frowned, because they were not as ignorant as those ordinary people.

They raised their eyes and looked at the men who were hidden among the common people, showing sinister smiles. They could already see that these men were not ordinary people.

Soon, they vaguely guessed in their hearts that someone might be fanning the flames among those common people, which made these ignorant common people hate the people of the Lin family so much.

There was nothing they could do about these things, they could only shake their heads slightly and sigh in their hearts: "In the red moon, the Ji family covers the sky with only one hand."

(End of this chapter)

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