Chapter 265
This day was the day when Princess Muli got married, and the entire capital street was covered with red carpets, and even hung with lanterns, making her look beaming with joy.

"Pa la, pa la..." The sound of firecrackers kept coming, which excited the adults, but also frightened some children and began to cry.

The wealthy Qian family didn't make much movement, just like in the past, but I heard that the appetite of the young master of the Qian family has increased again. Before, he only slaughtered ordinary livestock, but now he has to slaughter several monsters every day.

When this news came out, it shocked the entire capital. Although most of the monsters slaughtered were only Yuanyuan Realm monsters, but several of them were slaughtered every day, which really made everyone unbelievable.

You must know that in ordinary cities, it is difficult to see monsters and beasts. Only in the Demon Dragon Valley, the three fierce places, is the place where monsters gather, and a mysterious place, such as the Lost Forest, can there be monsters. Monsters appear.

That is to say, the monsters slaughtered by the Qian Mansion were all sent to infiltrate into fierce places, or slaughtered back from mysterious places.

Of course, with the wealth of the Qian family rivaling that of an enemy country, as long as the hunting mission is announced, many monks will take action one after another to hunt on their behalf.

"The Qian family, what a prodigal son!" Someone sighed.

At the same time, the well-known foundry in the capital city has also become strange recently, because Master Mo closed his door to thank guests ten days ago, not accepting any business, let alone seeing anyone.

Everyone was puzzled by this.

If you want to say that the most excited person in the entire capital right now is Yu Shangguan Muhua, recently he is beaming with joy, looking invincible, because he has a good grandson, the son of Qilin, Shangguan Chong.

No... Now it is more appropriate to call him Daozi.

The avenue leading straight into the palace, here, the red carpet is spread on the floor, and the petals are fluttering like flying in the air. The sound of music and joy resounds throughout the palace. Some maids in colorful dresses are dancing lightly, attracting insects and butterflies.

On both sides of the avenue, banquets were set up, and the ministers and palace officials took their seats one after another. There was a lot of laughter, but under their smiles, there was a hint of worry hidden.

Just because behind them is an execution ground.

If the avenue leading to the Golden Dragon Hall is full of joy, accompanied by singing and dancing, it is a hall on earth, then on both sides of the avenue, behind the crowd, is a purgatory.

Some officials turned their heads and saw that many prisoners were tied to a wooden frame, and some were hung up in the air, while below was the creepy place of execution with countless sharp knives upside down. They felt shuddering.

These are death row prisoners who have been convicted of countless crimes by the Holy Majesty. They are treacherous and evil people. They also have another identity, that is, they are rebels who have been implicated in the Lin family.

They have already been condemned by the current sage Ji Zhuoyang to punish the nine clans. Even if they are turned into a pile of loess after death, they will bear the sinners who have been cast aside by the world through the ages.

Today, the gate of the palace was completely opened, and the Holy Majesty made an order to let the people of the whole city enter the palace to witness Princess Muli's marriage and the execution of the rebels. Therefore, the whole city was in an uproar.

"Burn them to death...they are sinners through the ages."

"Lin Wentian is a ghost. He is lawless. He beheaded the prince of our country, and even killed the Tianjiao of the allies. He wanted to destroy the alliance between Chiyue and Fengyun. He is a devil. Anyone related to him should be punished."

Looking at the prisoners in the Lin Mansion, some people were angry and screamed, and some even threw stones at the prisoners vigorously.

Soon, with No.1, there will be a second person, and everyone throws things away, and spurts to spit.

Those prisoners who were tied to a wooden frame or hung up had no strength to yell back, and they could barely open their blurry eyes.

In their pupils, all they saw was gray and despair. Occasionally, there was a strong hatred deep in someone's pupils.

It's just that his hatred didn't have the slightest effect. On the contrary, it brought more hatred from the common people.

The imperial palace was full of soldiers, and the water around the entire imperial palace was like a net, because they vaguely felt that something big might happen today.

The gate of the Golden Dragon Hall opened, and Ji Zhuoyang, who was sitting on the dragon chair, could see everything outside in his eyes.

In the main hall are all the ministers who hold great power. Of course, there are also some monks with extraordinary strength. These people are invited.

After all, Chiyue is a vast country, in which there are countless geniuses, and it is not surprising that there are some strong people who live in secluded places.

Ji Zhuoyang's eyes were light, his hands rested on the dragon chair, and he kept tapping, as if he was thinking deeply about something.

The old eunuch on the side moved his expression slightly, and whispered next to Ji Zhuoyang's ear, "My lord, the auspicious time has come."

Ji Zhuoyang suddenly opened his eyes, like a fierce lion waking up, he stood up, waved his hands vigorously with a domineering expression, and spoke majesticly.

"Chiyue and Fengyun have been good friends for generations, and they are my good allies. The Emperor Fengyun Ninth Prince is extremely talented, and he is destined to be a person who will achieve great things. It is a great blessing for Princess Muli to marry him."

"In the Lin family, since Lin Zhentian, there has been Lin Yeyan, Lin Yefeng collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, causing hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers to die in the hands of the enemy 11 years ago. Lawless, killing the children of the royal families of the two countries is an unforgivable crime."

"I want to protect my country, show off my power of the red moon, and let the rogue officials and thieves know that evil cannot prevail over good. I announce that Princess Muli is officially married, and the rogue officials and thieves will be executed Ling Chi, so as to restore peace to my country."

Ji Zhuoyang's words were upright and awe-inspiring. Through special means, the voice was transmitted to every city, and the whole country could hear it. For a while, the whole Chiyue was in an uproar.

As for the people in the palace, they became even more enraged, shouting loudly: "The Holy One is wise, execute the rebels, the evil will not overpower the righteous."

"Evil does not overwhelm righteousness, kill ghosts."

"Evil does not overwhelm righteousness, kill ghosts."

At the same time, Shangguan Muhua walked out of the Golden Dragon Hall. He spoke righteously and shouted loudly to the crowd: "The sky net is well-established, and it is not leaked. I believe that one day, Lin Wentian and other rebellious officials and thieves will subdue the law."

"Fengyun Empire, the Ninth Prince has arrived!"

There was a long drink, followed by loud drums and booming artillery battles, and a group of welcoming parties from Fengyun Kingdom walked into the palace arrogantly and in a high-profile manner.

There are only about a hundred people in this team, but some monks have their eyes narrowed, because these people have extraordinary backgrounds, each of them is an existence in the late stage of spiritual transformation, and there are many peak spiritual transformations.

The leader is Feng Yunxuan, he is wearing a wedding gown, his expression is flying, not to mention his cultivation, just his imposing manner, he is quite a bit like an emperor.

On his left and right sides, there were four old men accompanying him. Although these four looked indifferent, everyone could feel a sense of fear in them.

Vientiane Realm, these four old men are all existences of Vientiane Realm!
Many people looked dignified.

Feng Yunxuan, he turned his head to look at the prisoners on both sides, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Lin Wentian, if you dare to show up this time, this king will make it hard for you to fly."

The old eunuch saw that Fengyunxuan had entered the palace, but Princess Muli hadn't been seen yet. His eyes widened, and he approached Ji Zhuoyang and said in his ear: "My lord, Princess Muli hasn't shown up for a long time. Will there be any changes?"

"Don't worry! She will show up."

However, when Ji Zhuoyang heard the words, his expression was indifferent, without a trace of worry, as if everything was in his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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