Chapter 280
"Ah... I also remembered that 11 years ago, the third master of Lin Fu Lin, known as General Fengshen, was the famous General Zhendong of our Chiyue Kingdom, and he had four fierce generals under him, namely General Lei Hongfeng, General Li Feng, General Zhao Gang, and General Liu Ying."

"It's just that 11 years ago, when Lin Yefeng led elite soldiers to rescue his brother, he was unexpectedly ambushed by the enemy, and during the battle between the two sides, he was even wounded by a despicable and shameless person. As for this person, it was One of his generals, Liu Ying."

"This also led to the annihilation of his entire army. In the end, he was also planted with a deadly poison, causing his legs to be crippled. He sat in a wheelchair for ten years. His elder brother also died tragically on the battlefield, and finally he was left with no bones."

"It can be said that the misfortune of the Lin family, the disability of Lin Yefeng, and the death of Lin Yeyan, the general of the fire god, are all thanks to that Liu Ying. Palace of the God of War."

Some people gritted their teeth when they recalled it, with strong hatred in their eyes.

"Peng!" A wasteland suddenly exploded, and a figure rushed out from it. This person's face was pale, and the corner of his mouth was filled with blood. He was Ji Zhuoyang.

However, here he is no longer the Chiyuehuang who is so high and can dominate the world, but like a gangster who is in great fear.

He screamed at the old beggar: "Who the hell are you? Who is Liu Ying to you?"

Not only him, but everyone's hearts and minds here were all affected by the sudden appearance of the old beggar, because they faintly felt that something earth-shattering might happen.

"'s ridiculous, Ji Zhuoyang, you actually asked me who I am? Didn't you already guess it? Or do you say that you don't want to believe it in your heart, should be said that you can't believe it."

The old beggar suddenly laughed wildly, with tears and blood streaming from his eyes.

"No matter who you are? Today you are going to die!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, but it was neither from Ji Zhuoyang's mouth nor that Ji Zhuochen said, but from another old man.

I saw a yellow light burst out from outside the palace, and when the yellow light subsided, an old man in a yellow robe was revealed.

The appearance of this old man shocked everyone's hearts again, because there was an aura of suffocation and fear from the old man.

A strong man in the divine realm.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him is actually a strong man in the divine realm. In the past, even if there was one person, it would be enough to cause huge waves in Chiyue.

Now with the addition of the old beggar, three powerful virtual gods suddenly appeared. Of course, the old beggar cannot be called a god, he can only be called a ghost, but his cultivation base is also comparable to the virtual god.

"Have you broken through the Divine Origin Realm? What about Lin Zhentian?" Seeing the appearance of the yellow-robed old man, Ji Zhuochen's eyes flashed joy.

This yellow-robed old man is none other than the one who hunted and killed Mr. Lin. Before, he was only in the late stage of Vientiane, and his strength was comparable to that of Mr. Lin. But now, he has broken through to the Divine Origin Realm and become a False God .

Seeing Ji Zhuochen mentioning Mr. Lin, Dao Fang showed disdain at the corner of his mouth, and said with a sneer: "What is the strongest person in Chiyue? In my Dao Fang's eyes, Lin Zhentian is just an ant. He has already died under the hands of the old man."

"Wow... Marshal Lin is dead!"

"What's going on here? Didn't Marshal Lin go to Demon Dragon Valley to find out the news? Why did he die at the hands of this person again, and who is he?"

As soon as the old man in yellow robe uttered these words, he was immediately shocked, and everyone was shocked.

What's more, some veterans glared at the yellow-robed old man and gritted their teeth.

Although there have been rumors of the Lin family's treason recently, some people still don't believe it, especially at this moment, when the originally sacred palace was flooded with blood.

Suspicion began to rise in their hearts, and they longed for the truth.

"Impossible, my grandfather will never die...he won't die...!" Suddenly, a roar full of overwhelming anger came from the huge pit deep in the ground.

As soon as the roar was heard, the complexion of all the people in the audience suddenly changed, their eyes widened, full of disbelief, as if they were terrified like seeing a ghost.

boom! !The next moment, there was an astonishingly loud noise from the large crater bombed by the thunder dragon. In an instant, sand and stones were flying all over the sky, and there was a violent aura, like the violent rise of a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky.

"No matter who you are, I, Lin Wentian, want you to die, I want you to die..." The person who exploded was Wentian.

Unexpectedly, under the monstrous thunder dragon and the bloody giant palm, he still did not fall, and the aura on his body...

In the Vientiane Realm, at this moment, he is no longer in the Transforming Spirit Realm, but in the Vientiane Realm.

Wentian seemed to be falling into madness, he seemed to be laughing and crying, his face was extremely ferocious, a trace of strange lines began to spread rapidly from his left eye, and he began to emit a sinister aura.

What he'd been dreading had finally happened, but he didn't believe it, he didn't believe his grandpa was dead.

Even though there are thousands of ants gnawing at his heart, he still has the killing intent in his heart, he wants to kill, he wants to kill, kill the person in front of him.

Because he had already recognized that this yellow-robed old man was exactly the Dao Fang who wanted to attack and kill him when he broke through to Lian Yuan.

Thinking of this, his anger, hatred, and resentment seemed to erupt completely.

boom!He rushed like a rocket, and shouted even more frantically: "Broken Star!"

Chi!A purple beam of light suddenly descended from the sky. It seemed that it and the Extinguishing Sword had already broken through the clouds.

Seeing the appearance of Broken Star, everyone came back to their senses.

"Where is the Zhenguo Excalibur? Could it be that it was defeated? Lost to a mortal sword of unknown origin?" Someone exclaimed, stunned for a while.

Wentian, who was in a frenzy, didn't notice at all that there were some strange textures on Broken Star's body.

With Broken Star in his hand, the killing intent in Wentian's heart arose again, his eyes began to change, the left eye was blue, and the right eye was red.

At the same time, when his pair of special pupils appeared, the bloody water below, full of killing and ominousness, began to explode with blood, reflecting the whole land red, and there were bursts of roaring, roaring, And with a shrill scream.

The strange thing is, maybe because of Wentian's violent rise, not only he could hear this time, but even some ordinary people could clearly hear the screams of these countless remnant souls.

"The law of heaven is inhumane, the royal family is ruthless, I waited for the bloody battle, but in the end I found out that it was a joke, a huge conspiracy."

"Give back my life...give me back my soul...I want to go against the saint, enter the palace, and slaughter all the children of the Ji family's royal family..."

Remnants of souls began to appear strangely. They roared in the void, they were roaring, and their voices could be heard even in a radius of ten or hundreds of miles.

One hundred souls, one thousand souls, ten thousand souls, one hundred thousand souls, in the blink of an eye, the entire void of the capital city was filled with countless remnants of souls.

"I'm not reconciled... My son, you have to help avenge your father, kill all Ji's dogs, and give me back the blue sky of Chiyue."

"Listen, my descendants, I will always be responsible for slaughtering the members of the Ji family. This enmity is a blood enmity, from generation to generation..."

The remnant soul roared continuously, causing the entire capital to boil, and even spread rapidly to other cities.

"Father, that is the remnant soul of my father..."

"Brother, is that you? You are back..."

When everyone saw the appearance of these remnant souls, they all cried bitterly. The return of their relatives was originally an overjoyed event, but here, their eyes were blood red, and there was shocking anger in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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