Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 281 The Amazing Truth

Chapter 281 The Amazing Truth
(Fourth watch, stayed up all night and rushed out)
Gradually, everyone discovered an astonishing truth, that is, these hundreds of thousands of remnant souls were all soldiers of the Zhendong Army and Zhenxi Army 11 years ago, and they were the people of Chiyue.

At the same time, the old beggar laughed wildly: "Haha...the souls of hundreds of thousands of people, these are the souls of hundreds of thousands of people, it is I, Liu Ying, who is ashamed of you, it is I, Liu Ying, who is ashamed of you."

The old beggar suddenly knelt down, maybe because he was too excited, he coughed up blood, and his body was entangled with death.

"At the beginning, I, Liu Ying, shouldn't have listened to the words of despicable and shameless people. This is all my fault."

"If I hadn't been greedy for profit, if I hadn't been obsessed with the name of General Zhendong, if I hadn't mistrusted Ji Zhuoyang, if I hadn't mistrusted Zhou Wentong and Shangguan Muhua, you two treacherous ministers, all these tragedies would not have happened. "

"Brother Lin Yefeng, General Lin Yeyan, and the soldier who died tragically, I, Liu Ying, am sorry for you. I know that I have committed a serious crime, so I will come to accompany you soon, but before that, I will personally Kill the culprit of that year."

"Ji Zhuoyang, take your life!"

He shouted suddenly, wrapped in death and ghost aura, and went straight to Ji Zhuoyang.

" can't be Liu Ying, because he died 11 years ago. Who are you? Who are you?" Zhou Wentong was in a trance, thinking.

As for Shangguan Muhua, he screamed: "Liu Ying is a rebellious minister and traitor, he has already been punished, you are a ghost, don't try to confuse people with evil words."

Seeing the old beggar rushing, Ji Zhuoyang suddenly laughed wildly: "Haha... I am not wrong, I will not be wrong."

"Back then, Lin Zhentian didn't have any respect for me relying on his profound cultivation. This was a crime of disrespect. It was a crime of punishing the nine clans. I am the king of a country, and my words are the will of heaven. People can be rebellious, and Lin Zhentian is no exception."

"Originally, my lord has a lot, thinking that he has made countless contributions, so he will be lenient to him, but he just doesn't know what is good or bad, and treats me indifferently, with no one in his eyes."

"What a three generals in the Lin family, but have you ever thought about my feelings, this is my world, my country, everything belongs to me, including your lives."

"It's good for you people, to talk about Marshal Lin and shut up about General Fengshen and General Vulcan. This is an insult to me, because I am the emperor of Chiyue, and the Ji family is the royal family of Chiyue, not the Lin family."

"Especially that self-righteous Lin Fengye, who wants to marry my bloodline from the Ji family. Mu Li must never marry him...never...he is like a toad who wants to eat swan meat...haha..."

"So, all of them are going to die, all of them...including those soldiers who only listened to the words of the three generals of the Lin family, they deserve to die, they deserve death..."

"I want them to understand that I am the supreme emperor of Chiyue. If I want them to die, they have to die. If I want them to live, they dare not die."

During this time, Ji Zhuoyang's hair was disheveled, like crazy, sometimes laughing, sometimes furious, like losing his mind.

But every word he said completely shocked the people in the entire capital.

"This is fake...I don't believe it..." Someone yelled frantically.

However, more people clenched their fists, their expressions were extremely hateful, and they roared in shock: "Ji's dog, give back my son's life."

"The night of blood 11 years ago, all of this was originally a conspiracy of the Ji family's royal family. God, you have no eyes, and you let this kind of person become the emperor of our country. He is not worthy, and he deserves death."

"No... the entire Ji family is a black hand, especially that Ji Zhuochen, he is a demon, he is a demon who has lost his conscience."

"Kill! Kill them! Take revenge for our dead relatives and friends." Someone roared, with blood and tears seeping from their eyes.

At this moment, all the people in the capital were full of murderous intent, and they had the thought of rebelling against the saint, no... this is the thought of slaughtering the saint.


"Yang'er, you are right, and your uncle and I are even more right! Our Ji family is a royal family, and we have the power of life and death. In our eyes, the fate of mortals is nothing more than ants."

"Don't talk about the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, what if it is the lives of millions of people? They are just mortal lives, and we are destined to become gods, to leave this world and return to our own clan .”

Ji Zhuochen suddenly shouted loudly, the blood on his body burst into flames, he stood in front of Ji Zhuoyang, squeezed his fists, exerted the power of divine essence, and blasted at the old beggar.

"Liu Ying, failing to kill you 11 years ago was the biggest mistake of this old man, but today you can never escape from my Wuzhi Mountain." He shouted to the old beggar.

The old beggar laughed wildly: "Back then, if I hadn't broken into the ancient collar of Wan Gui, one of the three forbidden areas, I'm afraid I would have died under your hands."

"I shouldn't have believed you at the beginning. You didn't intend to let me be the general of Zhendong at all. Instead, you wanted to use my hand to eradicate Brother Lin Yefeng and General Lin Yeyan. Afterwards, you even wanted to kill me."

"Fortunately, God opened his eyes and allowed me to survive in the ancient collar of the myriad ghosts. However, do you know how much pain I have endured... Now I look like a human and a ghost, all thanks to you."

"Fortunately, God gave me a chance to make amends... It is to eradicate the Ji family, tear off the masks of you hypocrites, and let everyone know that the Ji family is just a tumor of Chi Yue."

"Kill!" He yelled wildly, and fought with Ji Zhuochen, and suddenly, the power of gods and ghosts swept the entire capital city, and there was a monstrous aftermath.

All the things happened only in that flash.

"Kill!" Wentian was full of murderous aura, perhaps infected by his killing intent, only to see that Sui Xing's original purple sword had a strange bloody glow.

In the blink of an eye, the hilt of the sword turned purple, while the body of the sword turned blood red, as if turning into a demon sword, exuding a terrifying aura.

"In the early days of Vientiane, you dared to attack this god. You were simply overwhelmed. I really don't know why Lin Zhentian has such a stupid grandson like you."

"Today, I will let you know what is a god and what is a mortal, and let you go to hell to reunite with your grandfather." Dao Fang said with disdain, and his words were even more cruel.

After saying that, he stretched out his hand, which instantly swelled up, entangled with the power of God, turned into a giant palm, and suppressed Wentian with domineering momentum.

This is the palm of God, because it contains the power of God, which is a higher level of power than Yuanli.

Shenyuan and Shenyuan refer to the yuan power in the body, which transforms into divine power, which is also the difference between gods and mortals.

However, facing the palm of God, Wen Tianxin has no fear, or, in his madness, he has forgotten what fear is. There is only one thought in his mind, and that is to kill the person in front of him, even if he is god.

The evil spirit all over his body poured into Sui Xing's body rapidly, making the blood on his body more and more intense. The next moment, it greeted Dao Fang's God's Palm with the killing intent in his heart and the anger in his heart. .

With a sound of "噗嗤", suddenly, a strange stream of blood spilled out of the void.

(End of this chapter)

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