Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 29 Inheritance

Chapter 29 Inheritance (Part [-])
The Demon Dragon Valley is a fierce place in the Tianyuan Continent. It is located in the south of the Chiyue Empire. already exists.

Legend has it that this Demon Dragon Valley was transformed by the resentment of the dead dragons. Countless monsters were born in it, and they often came out of the world, devouring human bodies and souls. Every time the moon was full, there would be ghosts crying and howling. Astonishingly yin, it makes people shudder.

But there is also another kind of legend. It is said that countless years ago, a real dragon descended from the sky and came to this world. The real dragon transforms into a demon dragon, swallowing the powerful enemy alive.

But because it couldn't digest the enemy's power, it finally died violently, and its body turned into the current Demon Dragon Valley.

Today, in the depths of the Demon Dragon Valley, an astonishing roar suddenly came out, carrying that monstrous coercion, which made the human beings thousands of miles away look shocked and shocked to the extreme.

Not only that, but following the astonishing roar, an ominous blood-red light suddenly soared into the sky.

Afterwards, the sky became densely covered with clouds, thunder rumbled, and when the blood burst out, it quickly condensed and finally turned into a huge phantom of the blood dragon, hovering over the Demon Dragon Valley.

The blood dragon hovered in the sky, exuding a heavy and oppressive aura, making this world seem to have fallen into a boundless hell, full of killing intent.

Seeing this scene, the human beings felt a boundless fear in their hearts, thinking that ominous events were about to come, and soon, the entire Scarlet Moon Empire, and even the entire Tianling Continent, would be bloody.


After receiving the Broken Star Sword from Gu Jie, Wen Tian took it directly back to the Lin Mansion.

In the secret room that belonged to him, its weather and earth spirit were still ten times that of the outside world, so he took out the Broken Star Sword and began to examine it carefully.

What Fafa encountered today was really extremely weird. Whether it was the mysterious old man or Qian Fufu's actions, he felt that these purple broken star swords were hiding secrets.

But no matter how he looked at it, the Broken Star Sword in his hand was nothing unusual except that it was heavy.

He didn't know what level the Broken Star sword was, but the only thing he could be sure of was that it was definitely a sword above the Xuan level.

A blue glow appeared in his hand, and a wave of Yuan power poured into the Broken Star, but Wentian frowned, because the Broken Star sword in his hand still reacted with a hair, as if his Yuan power was swallowed by a bottomless pit.

For such a strangeness, he couldn't help becoming cautious in his heart, he had never heard of any sword that could swallow Yuanli.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, as if thinking of something.

Immediately, he held Broken Star and cut lightly on his hand, and with a snort, a cut was made, and the bright red blood flowed down the body of Broken Star's purple sword.

With a buzzing sound, just as Wentian's blood dripped into the Broken Star, the Broken Star suddenly vibrated violently, causing bursts of buzzing sounds, and at this moment, the purple light was dazzling, making him close his eyes involuntarily.

When he opened his eyes again, he was extremely shocked because he found himself in an inexplicable place.

In a valley that seemed to be in another world, he saw a boy about seven or eight years old, holding a wooden sword, and slashing at a rock more than one meter high.

The boy gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes showed determination, as if he would not give up until he cut off the rock in front of him.

But no matter how hard he slashed, the rock in front of him still remained motionless, and even the wooden sword didn't even touch the rock.

A sparrow flew and landed on the rock, its eyes wide open, its head tilted to look at the boy, and it sang out of its mouth, as if mocking the boy's ignorance.

Sunrise and sunset, two years passed in the blink of an eye.

However, the boy still insisted on swinging the wooden sword, but on this day, it suddenly rained violently, and the rain fell obliquely, soaking the boy's clothes and making the boy's eyes hard to open.

With a bang, the sky was full of wind and clouds, and a surge of thunder suddenly hit a mountain [-] meters away from the boy.

With a loud noise, the mountain peak split into pieces in an instant, turning into dust and disappearing in the world.

However, at the next moment, the boy suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of thunder in his pupils.

At this moment, the boy shouted angrily, and a momentum suddenly surged from his body, he raised the wooden sword with both hands, and slashed out with all his strength.

The boy is still the boy, and the wooden sword is still the wooden sword, but at this moment, the sword that the boy slashed seemed to carry a violent force, and with a loud bang, the rock was split in two. Half.

Looking at the rock he had cut open, a smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth.

In the blink of an eye, the boy has grown up and turned into a handsome young man, but he still insists on swinging his sword every day, but the wooden sword is replaced by an iron sword, and the objects he swings change from rocks to the sea.

The snow fell, making the green trees turn white, and turning the boundless deep blue sea into a frozen sea. The cold air was terrifying, but the boy didn't seem to notice it, and was actually naked from the upper body, holding an iron sword.

Suddenly, the boy's closed eyes opened angrily, and there was a flash of sword light in his pupils, and a fierce aura exploded on him, as if it wanted to break through the world.

"Collect energy and focus, steady as a mountain, violent as thunder, thunderous." The boy shouted loudly.

The sword in his hand was powerful, and then he waved his hands, and suddenly cut out.

boom!There was a loud noise, as if it could resound through the sky, trying to compare with the thunder above the nine heavens.

With his astonishing slash, a sword mark hundreds of feet long was cut out of the boundless sea of ​​ice, making the whole sea of ​​ice seem to be cut in half by a human being.

Such an astonishing strike can be described as shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

The young man's black hair flew up, full of domineering intent, seeing the power of his sword, the corners of his mouth raised, forming a charming arc, and he couldn't help but feel surging in his heart.


After an unknown amount of time, Wentian suddenly felt a buzzing in his head, and then slowly opened his eyes, only to find that he was still in the secret room.

"Thunderbolt style, is this the sword style of the original owner of Broken Star?" His eyes flickered and he murmured.

However, at the next moment, he suddenly exclaimed: "What? It's been a month?"

A storm surged in his heart.

Because he suddenly discovered that a month has passed since he got the broken star, that is to say, he stayed in that illusory space for a full month.

He didn't know what kind of strong man could imprint his own sword style on the Broken Star Sword in this way.

But the only thing he can confirm is that this person's strength is much stronger than his previous life.

Gathering his mind, he left the secret room.

Since the martial artist has opened up the meridians in his body and possessed the power, he can absorb the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth and turn it into a source of power. Therefore, in this secret room where the spiritual energy is ten times that of the outside world, even if Wentian hasn't eaten for a month, his energy will still be exhausted. The spirit is still at its peak.

Walking out of the basement, he could see that the collapsed Lin Mansion had been rebuilt, and it was completely renewed, which made people's eyes shine.

But he suddenly found that no matter it was the defense of the Lin family or those servants, they were all restless and looked preoccupied.

Seeing this, a bad premonition suddenly struck him.

"Master! You have finally passed the test!" Suddenly, a surprise came into his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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