Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 30: No one is left

Chapter 30 Not one left (one more)
The person who came was Uncle Zhou. Although he concealed it quickly, Wentian could still see the worry in the depths of his pupils.

Seeing this, Wentian's heart suddenly became heavy: "Uncle Zhou, has something happened recently?"

"Young master, during your one month of retreat, a lot of things happened. On the second day of your retreat, the old master received the order of the emperor and went to the Dragon Valley to investigate the blood dragon phantom, but just as the old master left Not long after the capital was established, some people disrupted our Lin family's property." Zhou Bo sighed.

"What? My grandfather went to Demon Dragon Valley?" After asking Tianwen, a turbulent wave broke out in his heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He still clearly remembers that his grandfather went to Demon Dragon Valley in his previous life, and he went there for several months, and when he returned, he was seriously injured.

It was also for this reason that the person in the imperial palace would attack the Lin family. Otherwise, with Mr. Lin's strength, how could the Lin family be destroyed so easily.

It's just that the time is wrong!Could it be that his own rebirth caused a change in time and space, causing things to happen earlier?Thinking of this, Wentian felt anxious.

"No! It's impossible to go on like this. History will only repeat itself. I don't need to hide what happened so far. If so, I will go crazy once in this life." After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Wen Tianmu showed firmness.

"Do you find out who it is?" His voice suddenly became cold.

"According to the information we have so far, it should be the work of the Black Tiger Gang." Zhou Bo said with a serious expression.

Speaking of the Black Tiger Gang, Shahu, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, has to be mentioned. He is also well-known in the capital, and he is a powerful warrior who transforms spirits.

As early as a few years ago, his cultivation had already reached the middle stage of spiritual transformation, perhaps due to the limitation of his talent, he could not go any further.

The Black Tiger Gang and the Lin family have never had any festivals. Logically speaking, they should not offend the Lin family. However, the departure of Mr. Lin may make these people want to move.

In addition to Shahu from the Black Tiger Gang, there are two other envoys, both of whom are also in the Spirit Transformation Realm. Together with the hundreds of members of the Black Tiger Gang, it really gave the Lin family a headache.

After all, since Mr. Lin ignored the court affairs, the military power in his hands has been returned to the royal family, and the Lin family has shocked the world only by virtue of his title of being the most powerful man in Chiyue.

"The Black Tiger Gang? I don't care whether he is a black tiger or a white tiger. Since they want to muddy the waters, I will make them disappear forever." Wentian couldn't help exuding a strong murderous intent.

Sensing Wentian's murderous intent, Uncle Zhou's expression changed slightly, because he suddenly discovered that his young master seemed to have completely turned into another person.

He couldn't believe that the Lin Wentian in front of him was the Lin Wentian who was rumored to be Chi Yue's first playboy.

"It's not good! Those bastards are here to make trouble again." Suddenly, a servant rushed over in a panic, yelling in surprise.

Um?Wentian's face sank, and his eyes flashed coldly.

In the Lin family, when Mr. Lin did not join the military, his eldest son Lin Yeyan died tragically on the battlefield, and his third son Lin Yefeng became disabled, there was not much royal salary available, and only some businesses under the name of the Lin family maintained everything.

However, now that these shops are being destroyed, it is like cutting off the Lin family's financial line. The enemy's intention is obvious, that is, to bring down the Lin family.

Yunxuan Street is the main street of Lin Fu's industry, where there are teahouses, fabrics, pawn shops and other businesses opened under the name of Lin Fu.

Here, in a teahouse, several sweaters suddenly slapped the table vigorously, and said arrogantly: "What kind of food? This kind of food is worth five silver coins. You think I'm a fool?"

"That's right! Your food is not clean. My uncle would get a stomachache if he ate it. If you don't give us an explanation today, you guys will tear down this dilapidated teahouse." A group of people put their hands on their hips and looked murderous.

"Gentlemen, the things here are absolutely clean, and the prices are reasonable, you can't talk nonsense." A middle-aged shopkeeper immediately came out and said.

"What? Then you mean that we came to make trouble on purpose?"

"Fuck you! Brothers, do it! Demolish this broken building and let them know what will happen if they offend us." The big man yelled.

"Bang!" Immediately, the person made a sudden move and directly overturned the dining table, causing the dishes to shatter with a crisp sound.

"Don't! Gentlemen, you have something to say, something to say!" The shopkeeper's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly wanted to stop it.

"Go away, uncle!" However, the big man had a hideous face and kicked the shopkeeper directly.

Only the shopkeeper in Tongmai Realm was kicked by a big man, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth. He was kicked several meters away, his face was pale.

Seeing this, some guests' expressions changed drastically, and they rushed to leave one after another, for fear that they would get into an innocent disaster. Seeing this, the shopkeeper couldn't help thinking about it.

"Since the restaurant is going to be demolished, the signboard of the Lin Mansion is no longer needed." With a cruel smile on his face, the big man suddenly jumped up with a big knife in his hand, and slashed at the hanging signboard.

"court death!"

Seeing that the signboard of the Lin Mansion was chopped down, a terrifying roar came from behind.

boom!A figure in the shape of a ferocious beast rushed quickly from behind, its aura was like a rainbow, and a gust of wind was brought up during the gallop.

With a flash of afterimage, the man jumped on top of the big man, raised his foot high, and slashed down with a ferocious force.

There was a loud bang, and a smear of blood was sprinkled in the air. The big man was kicked away like a cannonball, hit some wooden frames, and suddenly fell apart and collapsed.

step!When everyone saw it, their eyes widened, revealing disbelief.

Not only these people, even the guards of the Lin residence who rushed over from behind were extremely shocked, because the person who made the move just now was their young master, Lin Wentian.

"Wow! Isn't this Chiyue's number one dandy, Lin Wentian who is rumored to have all his meridians destroyed?"

"Just now, he knocked away a mid-Yuan Yuan martial artist with a single move. I read that right! Could it be that he is already a late-Yuan Yuan martial artist?" Others exclaimed.

"No! He didn't use Yuanli just now, he only used physical strength!"

One person suddenly remembered, his expression was extremely shocked, as if he didn't believe the scene in front of him at all.

Only Zhou Bo, who came with Wentian, looked quite calm, but he couldn't help being surprised, because he found that Wentian's strength seemed to be much stronger than when he was in the Colosseum.

"You... how do you have such strength?" The big man who was sent flying by the sky still didn't believe that he would be defeated by a waste whose meridians were broken.

Wentian looked cold: "You can go to the underworld to ask this question!"

The murderous intent rose violently in his heart, Wentian's figure froze, and the power of both fists surged, and under the horrified gaze of the big man, with a bang, he waved a fist violently.

A bloody hole appeared on the big man's chest, but the big man's eyes dimmed, his body lost vitality, and he fell down suddenly.


Such a violent and bloody scene was seen by some people, who immediately looked terrified and their souls shook.

"Whoever offends my Lin family will not be left behind!" Wentian's voice sounded like death from hell.

(End of this chapter)

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