Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 31 Black Tiger Gang

Chapter 31 Black Tiger Gang (Part [-])

"Yes!" A group of guards from the Lin residence replied excitedly.

During this period of time, they were very aggrieved. If Uncle Zhou hadn't said that the old man was not at home and tried his best to be patient, they would have been unable to bear it and wanted to kill.

Especially one of the guards, who was burly and sharp-eyed, showed a ferocious expression: "Master, you don't need to do anything, just leave these miscellaneous fish to us."

Peng! ! , A powerful aura suddenly erupted from his body, yellow light flickered on his body, and when it arose, he pressed heavily against the ground.

Boom!With his pressing, the ground rushed out crazily, and in the blink of an eye, a two-foot-tall stone figure suddenly rushed out of the ground.

The stone man roared to the sky, his thick arms beat his chest angrily, causing a thunderous rumble.

Transforming spirit with Yuanli, this is the sign of Spirit Transformation Realm.

That's right!This guard is a martial artist who has reached the early stage of spiritual transformation, and he is also the leader of the guards of the Lin family, named Shi Zhong.

"Spirit Transformation Realm!" Feeling the powerful momentum of Shi Zhong, those big men turned pale in an instant, and their foreheads could not help but be filled with fine sweat.

Their cultivation is only in the early and middle stages of Lianyuan, and against warriors in the upper Hualing Realm, they are completely killing themselves with eggs hitting rocks.

Originally thought that these days, the people of the Lin Mansion were hiding in the Lin Mansion like tortoises, and they were scared out of their wits, but they didn't expect that the other party almost came out of the nest today.

"Stop! We are members of the Black Tiger Gang!"

"If you kill us today, you will live forever with my Black Tiger Gang. Now that Lin Zhentian has gone to the Dragon Valley, his life and death are uncertain. If you offend us, your Lin family will not have a good life."

Seeing that the other party was full of murderous intent, those few big men felt boundless fear in their hearts, and tried to intimidate them with the Black Tiger Gang, but they were destined to be disappointed.

"Kill me! Anyone who offends my Lin family will be killed!" Wentian roared angrily.

"Kill kill kill!"

Dozens of guards exuded an astonishing murderous intent, with ferocious eyes, like wolves rushing into a flock of sheep, they frantically fought.

Boom boom boom!bang bang bang! !

The guards of the Lin Mansion headed by Shi Zhong killed those big men in less than a few breaths, and they still seemed to be wishful thinking.

Among these guards, many of them were actually the subordinates of Mr. Lin, or Lin Yefeng and Lin Yeyan. When they fought in the battlefield, they had already killed people like hemp. Killing these big guys, they couldn't help but frown wrinkle.

"You are the shopkeeper here? How are you? Are you okay?" Wentian helped the injured shopkeeper and asked with concern.

"Ah~ Don't worry, young master Wentian, this injury is nothing!" The shopkeeper immediately looked flattered, after all, it was the first time for him to see his young master from the Lin family at such a close distance.

Wentian patted the shopkeeper's shoulder lightly and said: "If you encounter such a thing again in the future, send someone to tell me as soon as possible, and I will help you solve it."

Hearing this, the shopkeeper nodded quickly, and couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, because he could vaguely feel that in the near future, no one would dare to disturb their Lin Fu's property.

Today's battle may be Lin Fu's declaration of war against the Black Tiger Gang.

Wentian stood up, and to the crowd of onlookers, he said loudly: "Everyone, I, Lin Wentian, hereby guarantee that nothing like today will ever happen again to the shop under my Lin family name, so Don't worry, everyone, there are still guests who were disturbed because of the shock before, today I will treat you for free at the Lin Manor."


As soon as Wentian said this, there was a commotion in the crowd!
"Now that Mr. Lin is not here, this Wentian is still so calm and composed. Could it be that he has found a way to deal with the Black Tiger Gang?" someone asked.

"It's hard to say, after all, the Lin family used to be one of three generals, and maybe there is a trace of strength hidden in the dark." Another person said.

In any case, everyone knew that after this incident, the Lin family had completely confronted the Black Tiger Gang, and some people even had the idea of ​​sitting on the hill and watching the tigers fight.

After all, Marshal Lin is not here, and even now life and death are uncertain, the Black Tiger Gang has already posed a huge threat to the Lin family. Unless the court is willing to step forward, it is really unknown who will win the battle.

Lin Fu's counterattack against the Black Dragon Gang quickly spread to the ears of everyone who cared, and almost everyone in the capital was talking about it!

In the Zhou Mansion, Zhou Wentong and Zhou Zilan listened to the servant's report, and their expressions kept changing.

"Lan'er, didn't you say that Lin Wentian's meridians were all destroyed? How can he knock down a martial artist in the Yuan Lian realm?" Zhou Wentong's old face was full of doubts.

Zhou Zilan frowned, and stretched it out after a while: "Grandpa, don't be surprised! Maybe it was just exaggerated by some people, what a Lin Wentian can do."

When she said this, Zhou Zilan's face was full of confidence.

After all, she was also there when Wentian's meridians were destroyed that day. She didn't believe that a trash whose meridians were completely destroyed could turn the world upside down?
"Perhaps!" Zhou Wentong raised his head suddenly, with a worried look on his face.

"Grandpa, don't worry, now that they are fighting against the Black Tiger Gang, even if Lin Wen has great abilities, this time, he will be doomed." Zhou Zilan said calmly.

But Zhou Wentong shook his head lightly when he heard this: "Lan'er, don't underestimate the enemy at any time, especially the Lin family who used to have three generals."

Zhou Zilan didn't take it seriously when she heard this.

In Shangguan Mansion.

"What a Lin Wentian, I want to see what kind of waves you can make when Lin Zhentian is not around." Shangguan Muhua had a sinister smile on his lips.

At the same time, in the lobby of the Black Dragon Gang.

With a sound of "bang", a man wearing a black tiger skin, with a burly figure and somewhat dark skin, suddenly threw the teacup out of his hand.

At this moment, his expression was ashen, his eyes were fierce like demons, and the eyebrows were raised, showing that he was extremely angry.

"What a Lin family! What a Lin Wentian! I really want to see how much power the Lin family still has to dare to challenge our Black Tiger Gang." The man said fiercely.

This person is Shahu, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, and he is a strong man in the middle stage of transformation.

"Brother! The Lin family's attitude is suddenly so tough. Is there anything to rely on, otherwise, how dare they kill my members of the Black Tiger Gang?" A tall and slender man asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Hmph! If Lin Zhentian isn't here, the Lin Mansion won't be able to overcome any big waves. Don't forget, there are people behind us, a declining Lin Mansion. What are you afraid of, second brother?" Another short, but a bit fat The man said.

The two who just spoke are the right and left envoys of the Black Tiger Gang. They respectively have the strength of the early stage of transforming spirits, and they can be regarded as strong ones.

"The people who killed my Black Tiger Gang were making enemies of my Shahu. Pass down an order to let all the brothers get ready. The main gang will go to the Lin Manor to ask for an explanation."

"At that time, we will find another opportunity to kill Lin Wentian so as to complete the deal. In this way, even if Lin Zhentian returns from a catastrophe, we will have already left this place."

There was a cruel smile on Shahu's face.

(End of this chapter)

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