Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 291 Contest?

Chapter 291 Contest?

With this voice, Wen Tian's complexion changed drastically, Master Gu Yun's eyes narrowed, revealing a hint of hostility, as for the old man with cold light, his complexion was gloomy and full of haze.

A beam of light descended from the sky without warning, and the beam converged, revealing a chubby old man.

The old man had a smile on his face, like a blooming chrysanthemum, his eyes were small, but they shot out strands of light, one could tell at a glance that this person was probably also an old man.

He was wearing a black robe, and on the back of the robe were embroidered with two large Chinese characters, "Knife Blade". Although the old man was smiling all over his face, Wentian still felt a sense of trepidation on his body. .

"Strong man, this person is probably also a strong man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with his master and the cold light in front of him." Soon, Wentian had a guess in his mind.

However, his brows were deeply frowned, because when the chubby old man appeared, he said that he was a disciple of the opponent's Blade Sect, but he was not at all, even the name of the Blade Sect was the first time he had heard of it.

Whether this person is an enemy or a friend, he still can't guess. If it is an enemy, then... thinking of this, his heart also feels heavy.

Perhaps because he sensed the small thoughts in his heart, the chubby old man who just appeared had his eyes narrowed, and smiled at Wentian: "You are not bad!"

Although it was just a sentence, even Ye Tian could feel the appreciation expressed.

During this time, Ye Tian was stunned, because he also recognized the identity of the chubby old man in front of him, the elder of the Blade Sect, Mo Yang.

Wentian looked stunned, but he could hear that the chubby old man in front of him didn't seem to be hostile to him, and then his heart moved, showing a cute look, and he was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, Master Gu Yun said one step ahead: "Old man Mo, if you don't stay in your Blade School well, what are you doing here blindly?"

"Also, this kid is my grandson of Guyun, don't talk nonsense here, saying he is a disciple of your Blade Sect."

Master Gu Yun said coldly, with an indifferent look of rejecting others for thousands of miles, this scene fell into Wentian's eyes, and many thoughts flashed in his mind.

After the chubby old man heard about it, he smiled and said nothing, giving the impression that he was not born to get angry.

However, Ye Tian didn't think so. Whenever he thought of the rumors about the chubby old man in front of him, he couldn't help but feel goosebumps and shudder.

"Mo Yang, what do you mean by what you said just now? This brat is so bold that he dared to slaughter my apprentice. I will never spare him. Otherwise, what face will I have?" The old man with cold light said coldly, his body exuded A powerful Qi machine.

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to the chubby old man, who was Mo Yang that Han Guang was talking about.

The chubby old man still smiled without saying a word, with a calm and unhurried look, which almost made Master Gu Yun blew his beard and opened his eyes wide and small in anger.

With a "whoosh", a figure rushed from below.

The chubby old man laughed loudly: "Here we come!"

"I've seen Grandpa Seven, I've seen all the seniors."

"Boy Lin, we meet again!"

As soon as this person came over, he saluted the chubby old man, Master Gu Yun, and the cold light old man, but in the end, he put his eyes on Wen Tian, ​​showing a meaningful smile.

Wentian felt a buzzing in his head, because the person who appeared in front of him was not someone else, but the Master Mo from the foundry who helped him when he made a big fuss in the palace last time.

It can be said that for this person, he has always been grateful.

Immediately, he clasped his hands together, and respectfully said to Master Mo: "Little Lin Wentian has met Master Mo, thank you for helping Master Mo last time, I am very grateful."

He was also surprised by Master Mo's appearance, especially when he heard with his own ears just now that Master Mo called the chubby old man Seventh Grandpa.

"This Master Mo really has a lot of background. It seems that he has an inextricable relationship with Tianyunhai." In just a moment, Wentian sorted out all the information in his head.

"This is a good seedling, you did a good job this time!" The chubby old man praised Master Mo, but it made Master Mo look flattered.

"Mo Yang, that's enough. I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore. This kid slaughtered my apprentice. I must give an explanation to me today." Suddenly, the old man with cold light shouted loudly. anger.

"Han Guang, how dare you!" Master Gu Yun was suddenly furious, blowing his beard straight, his face turned red, and he looked like he was about to fight.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the scene was tense.

It's good for Wentian, his demeanor is still calm, but Yetian's forehead has already soaked with sweat, and he feels bitter, because he didn't expect that this matter would develop to this point.

The three old men in front of them are well-known in the upper realm. They are either the elders of a clan or the elders of a clan.

"Gu Yun, this is just your soul thought. I can destroy you with only one hand. Do you really plan to fight against me and Yitianzong for the sake of a little boy?"

The old man Hanguang said coldly, with that cruel gaze, he wanted to gnaw at the bones of the sky and drink his blood.

Because he also saw that Wentian's talent was astonishing, and he must be killed in the cradle, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

Another point is that his apprentice died at the hands of the other party, there is something strange about this matter, maybe it has something to do with that ancient treasure.

Immediately, there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

"Brother Han Guang, this son is a member of my Blade Sect, please show me some kindness, make big things small, and small things into nothing." Seeing the stiff scene, which seemed to be about to explode, the chubby old man smiled again and said.

Hearing his words over and over again, the old man's face was filled with coldness, and he said coldly: "Mo Yang, this son is from the barren land, when will he become a disciple of your Blade Sect again? Is it easy for you to be fooled by me? "

However, after the chubby old man heard about it, the smile on his face remained undiminished. He smiled Mimi and asked the sky, "I don't know, little brother Lin, would you be willing to become my Blade Sect disciple?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wentian was taken aback, but he was not an ordinary person after all, so he quickly came back to his senses.

He was about to speak, but unexpectedly, Guyun Master Guyun suddenly yelled: "This old man disagrees!"

Master Guyun's face was red and his ears were red, looking at the chubby old man's eyes, it was as if he could spew fire.

His disciple in front of him is a good seedling. If he is trained properly in the future, he might be able to compete with those heaven's favored ones. He must not roll his eyes and see him being poached away.

In an instant, he was so angry that he blew out his beard and stared angrily at the chubby old man.

"Master, please listen to the disciple's words." Then, Wentian continued to transmit the voice to Master Guyun, and with the voice transmission, his Master Guyun's face became weird, and even showed shock at the end.

"Ahem!" Master Gu Yun coughed lightly twice, as if wanting to recover his mood.

Immediately said proudly: "Old man Mo Yang, this kid is my genius disciple of Guyun, you make him a disciple of your Blade Sect, it is an insult to his status, unless you give him the status of an elite disciple, otherwise, The old man will never agree."

What he said was very decisive, there was no room for negotiation.

(End of this chapter)

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