Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 292 The Inner Sect Disciple

Chapter 292 The Inner Sect Disciple
However, as soon as these words came out, the faces of Ye Tian and Master Mo suddenly changed, and their eyes were full of shock. Others may not know the identity of the elite disciples of the Blade Sect, but they know it very clearly.

The Blade Sect is a ten-thousand-year-old sect, with countless disciples, who are further divided into servant disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples, elite disciples, and a mysterious core disciple.

It is said that this core disciple has a special status, even higher than some elders.

There is also a rumor that all the masters of the Blade Sect have been selected from these core disciples, and the number of core disciples in each session has never exceeded ten.

In other words, if there are No. 11 people, one of the ten people must be eliminated. This is the best of the best.

And elite disciples are above handyman disciples, outer disciples, and inner disciples. It is conceivable how important the status of elite disciples is.

The chubby old man who was smiling all over his face froze when he heard Master Guyun's words, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Elite disciple? It's thanks to you, Guyun, that you said it. Do you know that only one elite disciple can be born among the number of disciples in our Blade Sect. That is the existence of no one in ten thousand. You are a lion."

"Let's not talk about elite disciples, even inner disciples are not good. With the old man's status in the sect, we can make an exception and let him be directly promoted from handyman disciple to outer disciple." The chubby old man's face turned livid.

" grandson's talent is extraordinary. Even if he is an elite disciple, the old man feels inferior. If you want him to join your Blade Sect, he must be an elite disciple, otherwise there is no need to talk about it." Master Guyun's attitude is tough.


The chubby old man looked angry, and immediately, he ignored Guyun, but set his sights on Wentian.

Mimi smiled again and said, "Little brother, what do you mean? You must know that our Blade Sect is a ten thousand-year-old sect with hundreds of thousands of disciples, and only one out of a thousand can become an outer disciple. But think carefully, if this opportunity is missed, I am afraid it will never be there again."

However, Wentian heard about it, but put on an obedient look: "Boy, everything is under the arrangement of the master."

The smile on the chubby old man's face froze again, but Gu Que's face showed a smug expression.

"Enough! Since he is not a disciple of your Blade Sect, this matter has nothing to do with you. Today, this kid must die!" Seeing the two sides singing and singing together, the old man Hanguang was extremely angry.

Suddenly, the divine light in his hand exploded, and he struck Wentian with his palm.

Feeling the power of this palm, Wentian was shocked, because he found that he had no way to escape under this palm, as if the opponent's palm formed a cage, completely trapping him.

At this moment, he really felt the breath of death.

"Han Guang, you are presumptuous!" Suddenly, a shout of anger came from beside him, only to see Master Gu Yun looking furious, and also struck out with his palm.

"Boom!" An earth-shattering sound erupted, causing the void to rumble completely. Although his cultivation base had increased dramatically, Wentian still felt his heart skip a beat when faced with the blow from these two people.

At the same time, a desire surged in his heart, a desire to pursue the path of the strong.

But suddenly, his eyes contracted, because he found that his master Gu Yun seemed to be gradually falling into a disadvantage, this discovery made his expression change suddenly.

Recalling what the cold light old man said before, now his master Guyun is just a soul thought, and he secretly became more anxious.

As for the chubby old man, when he saw Han Guang and Guyun fighting, his eyes narrowed, strands of light flashed, and then a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Immediately, he smiled and asked the sky: "Boy Lin, you, the ancestor, are not the opponent of the old man Hanguang. It is only a matter of time before you lose, but you don't have to be afraid, as long as you become an outer disciple of my Blade Sect, old man I will help you myself."

"This kid is a smart person. I believe he knows the current situation. It seems that the old man is better at it." Thinking of this, the chubby old man felt complacent.

"Boy Lin..." Master Mo said, with a wry smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wentian's eyes flashed, and then he arched his hands, and said respectfully: "Inner disciple Lin Wentian, see Elder Mo Yang."

"Haha! Good good good good good good good!" The chubby old man laughed loudly when he heard this, and said three good words in succession.

However, Ye Tian and Master Mo on the side opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen a ghost.

The chubby old man noticed it, and then he was stunned. The next moment, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and said angrily, "What did you just say?"

Wentian really showed doubts on his face: "Didn't Elder Mo Yang just promise the kid to become an inner disciple of the Blade Sect? Master Mo and the others heard it too!"

With a harmless expression on his face, he just looked at the ashen-faced Elder Mo Yang.

Seeing his appearance, Elder Mo Yang, who was originally furious, became discouraged in an instant.

Although he was unwilling, he did agree before and said three good words in a row. If he said something wrong, once this matter got out, he would probably be laughed at.

Thinking of this, he felt ruthless, took out a token from his pocket, flicked it with his fingers, and shot it at Wentian.

Wentian was overjoyed, and then he quickly reached out to take it, and took a look, but saw two large characters "device blade" engraved on one side of the token.

"Hurry up and recognize the Lord!" Master Mo reminded.

Wentian came back to his senses, quickly bit his finger, a drop of blood dripped on the token, and was instantly absorbed by it, and then the other side of the token flashed a burst of blood, and finally turned into three large characters "Lin Wentian"

Looking at the token in his hand, Wentian's eyes flashed with joy, and then he quickly put it away like a baby, and then put on a cute and pitiful look, looking eagerly at Elder Mo Yang.

Seeing him like that, for some reason, Elder Mo Yang felt goosebumps all over his body, and immediately, his expression suddenly became furious.

"This elder keeps his word, so you can rest assured."

As soon as the words fell, his figure froze, his divine light surged, and he struck at the old man with cold light.

"Bastard! Mo Yang, are you going to fight against Yitianzong?" In the void, the old man of cold light shouted angrily.

"Brother Hanguang, you have also seen it. This son is an inner disciple of my Sword Blade Sect. I will never sit idly by. What's more, Brother Hanguang thinks too highly of himself, right? Can you represent the entire Yitian Sect?" Elder Mo Yang spoke with disdain.

At the same time, Master Gu Yun's voice also came: "Old Hanguang, with this old man here, you don't want to touch a hair of my grandson."

Boom boom boom! !

When the three of them fought, the overwhelming prestige was simply earth-shattering. If Master Gu Yun and Elder Mo Yang hadn't dispersed the remaining prestige, Wentian and the others would have been wiped out under the shocking prestige.

With a grunt from Yetian, he swallowed a mouthful of foam with difficulty, and looked at Wentian with a little more admiration.

"Internal and external disciples! I don't know how many talented disciples fought to become the inner disciples of the Blade Sect, but the young master took away the position of an inner disciple in a few words. Blade Sect, I'm afraid there will be another storm."

He sighed, and suddenly felt that life is impermanent, and only shamelessness can lead to greatness. If others don't understand his young master, doesn't it mean he doesn't understand?

Thinking of this, he secretly raised a big thumb for Wentian.

(End of this chapter)

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