Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 293 Ji God's Will

Chapter 293 Ji God's Will
"Gu Yun, Mo Yang, today's matter, my cold light will not count on it. This son is a big rebel. He slaughtered the Ji family's foundation in Chiyue for many years. Wait for my revenge from Yitianzong!" The cold light came from the void. Vicious sound.

Immediately, Wentian couldn't help twitching his eyebrows, feeling a bad premonition.

"Could it be that the Ji family is still related to Tian Yunhai?"

As he thought about it, the more certain he became in his heart, so his expression became serious.

Not long after, the sky returned to calm, and the cold light disappeared. As for the body of Master Gu Yun, he became more and more illusory, as if it might dissipate at any time.

"Boy Lin, I still have something important to do, so I will go back first. When you come to Tianyun Sea, come to my Blade Sect. I believe you will never be disappointed."

Elder Mo Yang said that, at the end, he smiled meaningfully at Wentian.

But this smile made Wentian vigilant, as if unconsciously, he seemed to have stepped into the opponent's trap.

Soon, he shook his head, thinking that he was worrying too much, after that, he bid farewell to Elder Mo Yang.

Not long after, Elder Mo Yang left, but it was not only him who left, but also Master Mo. It seems that Master Mo also returned to Tianyunhai.

In the void, only Yetian, Wentian, and his illusory Master Gu Yun remained.

"Don't worry, boy, although the disaster you caused this time is indeed not small, but with the ancestor here, even if the sky falls, he will help you withstand it." Perhaps knowing the worries in Wentian's heart, Master Guyun said Come.

Immediately, Wentian's heart warmed up, and he felt that it was good to have a backer.

But it also made him think of his grandfather again, you must know that in the past, his grandfather also protected him in this way.

"Huh? Where's Lin Zhentian? Why can't he feel his aura? Isn't he in Chiyue?" Suddenly, Master Gu Yun frowned.

Wentian's expression changed, and he said immediately: "Master, disciple and grandson have a merciless request."


On the day of Chiyue, it was really a turbulent day, and the Ji family's royal family's conspiracy was exposed, which immediately attracted the anger of many people.

The reputation of the Ji family has been discredited. Some people think that after today, the Ji family will completely disappear in Chiyue. After all, the foundation of the Ji family for many years can be wiped out by Lin Wentian, the son of the dragon, under the power of the thunder calamity.

As for Ji Zhuochen who reached the Divine Origin Realm, he was also wounded by the mysterious old beggar, Liu Ying 11 years ago, and later died in the hands of Lin Yefeng, Lin Fu.

As soon as the news came out, Shi Potian was shocked immediately, and everyone was shocked again.

Therefore, many people thought that Ji's family was exhausted, and many people broke into the collapsed palace one after another and began to search for the remnants of the palace.

There were also some people who harbored great hatred for the Ji family, and began to rush into the palace madly, chasing and killing those children of the Ji family who slipped through the net.

"The sky of Chiyue has been completely overthrown." A monk of the older generation said.

But just when everyone thought that the overall situation was settled and Ji's family was completely destroyed, the whole sky suddenly darkened, and immediately, ten figures descended from the sky.

"According to Ji God's decree, Ji's family is Chi Yue's eternal royal family, and those who rebel will be killed without mercy."

Waves of powerful aura immediately enveloped the entire capital city, causing people's hearts to jump and their souls to tremble.

"Oh my god... what the hell is going on? Isn't the Ji family defeated? Where did these people come from, and where are they sacred?"

"They said it was Jishen's will, who is this Jishen? Is it the god of Ji's family?"

People were extremely shocked, and there was an uproar, especially the astonishing coercion from the ten figures standing in the void, which made them feel suffocated.

"In the late stage of Vientiane, they are all strong in the late stage of Vientiane."

"No... the first three people, they have divine light protection on their bodies, they are in the realm of gods!" Someone exclaimed.

"What? Three god-level powerhouses, seven Vientiane late-stage powerhouses... Where did these people come from?"

In an instant, the entire capital became a sensation again.

"Upper Realm, they are people from the Upper Realm." Soon, an insider said.

However, as soon as he said this, the whole Chiyue boiled, and everyone's hearts were filled with turbulent waves, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

"The Upper Realm, the God Realm, and the Sea of ​​Clouds, it turns out that there is another realm above our skytop, and our place is just the realm of mortals!" Some people said that he was stunned, as if he had fallen into a dream, Failed to wake up.

This day, I am afraid that even if a hundred years or a thousand years have passed, the people of Chiyue will not forget it.

"The Ji family is actually from the upper realm. It seems that the sky of the Chiyue is still the sky of the Ji family." Someone sighed, with a look of helplessness on their faces.

As for those who broke into the collapsed imperial palace, wanting to take advantage of it, make a windfall, or hunt down and kill those princes and princes, during this time, they all fell to the ground in panic, their souls were shocked to the extreme.

"Those who defy the season's heavenly power should be punished!"

Among the ten people who descended from the sky, one of them spoke indifferently, then raised his finger and lightly pointed in the air.

"Puff, puff, puff!!" Immediately, those people with unruly intentions all looked grim, and died violently one by one.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, people were shocked to the extreme, and couldn't help but gasp, the fire of rebellion that had just ignited in their hearts was mercilessly extinguished in an instant.

"Haha! It turns out that my Ji family has such a strong background. This prince wants to see, who will dare to oppose my Ji family from now on!"

"That's right! The blood of Jishen flows in our bodies, and we are the heirs of gods. Among the red moons, only my Ji family is the biggest."

Immediately, the children of the Ji family laughed wildly, their expressions extremely arrogant. They thought that their life was over, but in a turn of events, God also stood by their side.

Seeing the arrogance and arrogance of the children of the Ji family's royal family, everyone gritted their teeth and hated them endlessly. However, facing the ten domineering strong men in the air, they did not dare to show any resistance.

Because that is a man of God, a man of God who came down from the upper realm.

"I am the sky of Chiyue, what I say is like the will of heaven, no one can reverse it!" Suddenly, a burst of golden light burst out, but it was the emaciated and pale-faced Saint Ji Zhuoyang.

For the ten people who fell from the sky, he didn't feel a little surprised, but instead yelled at them: "I am Ji Zhuoyang, the emperor of Chiyue, why are you so late?"

Listening to what he said, people were surprised because they could hear that although those people's cultivation was stronger than Ji Zhuoyang's, Ji Zhuoyang's status seemed to be higher than them.

Hearing his words, the three leading among the ten frowned, but still said calmly: "I encountered a little obstacle on the way, I hope Emperor Ji will forgive me."

"Huh!" Ji Zhuoyang snorted coldly, and then flicked his sleeves.

"Don't talk about trash, you follow me quickly and kill that thief Lin Wentian." He said coldly again, an astonishing murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Report... the elite soldiers led by General Zhenxi met the Zhendong army outside the city gate, and they were defeated one after another..."

"Report... Yunlan City is occupied by General Zhao Gang."

"Report... Qingcheng was occupied by General Zhao Gang."

"Report...Chongyan City is occupied by General Zhao Gang."

"Report... Light Water City..."

"Pfft..." Hearing the constant news coming from the spies below, Ji Zhuoyang's throat was sweetened, and he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood, then rolled his eyes, and passed out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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